The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1789 of the Ultimate System of Tennis Prince

This time, Barcelona's midfielders have prepatched, and when I saw Tamini, Xue Wen was in the air to fight, and the football falling in the air was given to Lamudio.

After Langdio brought the ball, looked up and stared at the dead, and some hesitated for a while.

"Landy, don't take him, give me the ball!" At this time, the night grew is in front of the midfield, and suddenly the back will take Faravio to the body.

Although Faravio is flexible in the high, the height of the one-year height can make a meal of six players, but the real reaction and flexibility are still full of night growth, and there is no attention to night. The long wind is completely blocked.

"Changfeng!" Landios a straight, passed the ball to the night growing, and he was a big ban on Real Madrid.

Just in the night, you have to catch football, everyone includes Faravio believes that night long wind will definitely turn around.

Snapped! Let Faravio didn't think of him to prevent the night's turn and the back and legs, but did not go to the night of the night.

The night long wind welcomes the group, and the left foot is reluctant.

! The football is rotated with speed, Faravio, rolls to the front field!

"I will stop these guys!" At this time, Real Madrid's defensive general started, ready to go to the night of the night, or at least block the footsteps of Ig.

But I didn't expect that Ine did not stop the ball, but smashed the football and ignored his left front direction.

"Not good!" Pictured with football with his back, I was bad in the heart of Yunji, and when he turned back, he hated the extreme figure.

It is night long.

Extremely raised night-hearted winds at all, the football in the air, the left foot is stretched. Take the football in the air to the right.

Bulus Road and Carolshi, who were originally planned to play the night, suddenly dumbfounded, no one thought that the night length is actually unequal football, nor unloading football, just go straight to football pass.

"Perfect pass!"

The fans in Nor Camp can't help but stand up, and at this time, there is no one in the district. There are no one in the district, and then the body is flip the body in the air, and force the right foot.

Is it hung hook!

The bombard, Take Calley has no waste of the third great opportunity, and the football in his embarrass is like a meteor. The emperor goal door of Karazha Handle.

53! The priest of Calley's plum will pull up to two goals.

Night wind is also the tenth assists in the La Ora League, and the Night Double Board is already the data of two pairs, and it is far ahead of the second place.

It is simply that it is a good dream opening of opening a prostitute!

After getting the ball, Take Calley is very excited, he climbs up is the Barcelona fans who rushed to Nou Camp.

The entire Noukam is boiled, some fans are even excited, and there is joyful tears.

"It's too gorgeous. Is this the real offense of Barcelona? It's unbelievable!" Explain He Yizhen light.

"Water gink diarrhea-like offensive model is simply exactly the same year!" Far in the dormitory of Ray Jianer, Italy, and looked at the goal screen repeatedly played back in TV. South Ge's confrontation picture.

At that time, the night's long-lasting wind showed the prototype of future attack commands.

Silver diarrhea, the mood of the wind, the attack is the personal style of the night grows.

On the field, Kaili took the audience and shouted in the audience, and the night-long wind that came to the card lesi, jumped directly on the back of Kabley.

This is still not finished, when Take Calley put the night lengthy wind, Take Calley faces the night length of the night, and then pointing to the other legs to laugh in the night.

"My kao! You will really play in the city!" The night did not hurt my heart, or put the feet on the legs of Thali.

Following Take Calley in close-up, the celebration action for the night length air shoe shine is performed.

To the Assistant shoe, this is a very classic celebration action on the football field, often expressing the goal of the game thanks and respect the assistance team.

In just five minutes, under the leadership of the night, Barcelona's momentum is coming back.

"Damn!" The offers of Real Madrid coach Dilabas took a shield of the plastic ceiling above the tension.

At this time, the world is not only Chinese fans, but also the fans of many countries were conquered by the gorgeous offense of Barcelona. They were deeply fascinated with this gorgeous to the extreme offensive feast.

China War God, Norcamp New King's hardcore fans began to grow crazy around the world, with wild grass behind the rain.

"There is still potential, he still needs a teammate!" Faisier turned his head to look at Law, who was carefully warm.

Fassier suddenly realized that he had committed a mistake, a stupid thing.

Who said that a team's core player offensive midfield can only have one, dual-core tactics say that it can explode more powerful power.

If La Lib will let the night growers and Lili Wall drills before starting the game, it is not necessary to kick it here. The two have already formed this planet, even the greatest midfielder combination in football history. .

1849, unexpected people (first more)

"It's too suitable for the long wind. He is born in this position in the middle of the game!" Xiao Junguang in the VIP room looked excitedly, as if returned to the World Youth Invitational Tournament. ∠ ∠ ± ± ± ± ∠

Xiao Junguo will feel that two people seem to work together for more than ten years.

The Noukamu Stadium is middle circle, Real Madrid's Trodi and Rally after the football in the center of the center.

The two hits of this game Real Madrid did not lose their fighting spirit, especially Tamini, and met the strong enemy, which was so unprecedented, and the Nati's body was more and more excited.

With the whistle of the referee, Rally pushed the football to Tamini.

Tongreni won the ball, it was directly broken to Barcelona. At the same time, the Galaxy warship was once again launched again, and almost all people flooded to Barcelona.

This has a glorious history and countless world-wide world Best Club to let go in the Noukamu Stadium.

Either this reversal, or completely lost this game, behind the La Oil League, behind the death enemy Barcelona.

Barcelona half a field, the Huang Madrus began to transfer football at the foot of the foot, and the competition arrived at this stage. These superstars put down their own superstars, and they began to invest in the game.

The oppressiveness of the entire Galaxy waver is immediately different, and the general team cannot withstand the oppressive power of Real Madrid, which is suffocating the oppression, and has made countless European ridiculous power.

But now this Barcelona is completely unsuitable, Barcelona's defensive midfielder, Landyos, is unmatched in an orderly, the default of Barcelona.

Despite this, Real Madrid relies on the very spiritual breakthrough of Tamney, or step by step to advance the front of Barcelona.

At this time, Oimi and Fangas have a left right to stop in front of Tamney, and do not give him a chance to pinp.

"Kid, you will see any benefits from me here again!" Oimi cheering cold and looked at Thameni, which did not stop returning to the ball in front of him, this game, Omigi and Tamini this Brazilian fellow Not dealt with.

"I am going!" Between the side of the Fangas stepped forward, preparing to attach to Tamney, making his best at the best.

Although the snake is staring in the upper half, it has proven that Nikini, but Fangas did not plan to break back at all, but only would like to make Trust Nikou or easily manufactured threatening the ball.

However, Barcelona is banned. All defensive players in the district have not thought of Trodi's sudden right foot to the right side of the football, and then the whole person turned away from Omei to Fangs.

"What!" Oki and Fangas were surprised. They hurried to the right, but they were already slow.

After Tu Denne flashed a small angle, the fire in the eyes suddenly exploded, at the same time, Totti Niki raised the right foot, the foot bow is directly.

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