The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1791 of the Chapter 1791 of Tennis Prince

But still slow, while Le Wal turned, the left foot will send football to the right.

Then Li Wal came to the left. After an instant, I was returned to the football at the moment.

"It is the perfect experience! It seems that the king of Barcelona has not been affected by the injury!" He Wei can't hurt.

"Okay! Li War!"

"Rushing, Li Well!" Nou Camp sounded familiar invoicing.

After leaving Yunli, Lilhou is a neutral, and the night's wind took defeat, which made Li Wal's advancement more calm.

However, when the Walthan high-speed is promoted to Real Madrid. When the front of the district

He also knows that Li War now has a waist injury, and it is old. Now Li War is already difficult to pick the ball, so Caroli directly fell to the speed of the Wall slippery.

"Carolshi is a small child!" Looking at the speed of the speed flying in the eyes, the golden light is flashing, and it is necessary to bring the ball.

"Give me the ball!" The shout of the night's wind sounded on the side of the rival.

Li Wal does not look at it, directly left and left one dial.

! Football is banned in Real Madrid. The area is rolling in front of the area, and eventually stopped by the long-lasting foot of the night.

At this time, the night-catching air stopped on the left side of Real Madrid. Before the area, Faravio was completely rely on behind him.

Faravio really wants to defense before, but there is no way to overwhelmed the night, it is better than yourself, but the force is bigger than yourself, this is the most speechless place for Faravio. .

Chapter 1851, Golden Eagle (third more)

Snapped! The night long-lasting foot stopped, the whole person forcibly turned the ball, between the night, the night, the fare, the Faravio, the body, Mars splash. ♀ ♀

"I can evil!" Faravio wanted to turn around with night, the shoulders of the hit the night grew the balance, but he still did not hit the night, "This kid is robot ?"

Although Faravio did not hit the night, he still delayed the timing of the night's breakthrough.

After the night is completely turned, Real Madrid captain Bru Road and defensive experts Falavio one left one left and right face serious dead staring at night long wind and his foot.

At this time, the night length of the night glanced at the position of Calley and Li Walt, took the Calley too much before, and Li War was a re-standing Caroli dead.

"Enclose! The Chinese War is banned in Real Madrid. It is a heavy surrounding in front. This is to return to Lamudio to reorganize?" He Wei is worried about the night long.

Back to the ball?

That is not the style of the night!

Under the two major horses big superstar, many people who have a lot of viewers in the evening can't see, and they are all on white.

At this time, the night is moving, and his left foot dial forward, and the speed is started immediately, or the first step in this world starts.

And the two superstars of Real Madrid seem to be prepared, they followed the night's long wind, or the death of the night-catching, but did not dare to easily.

The two major superstars have experienced the experience of overnight, no one dares to reveal the flaws, and the mistakes in an instant will regret life.

"So conserved?" The golden light in the eyes of the night, "Then I only have to break through!"

At this time, the night long wind suddenly started to surround the football that rolled in front of him, double. The legs are like a wind.

It is a single-wheeled step, and it is still a bicycle step in the highest frequency that nights can support.

At this time, the night long is not stopped, the blue red socks of his left leg and the white bandage of the right leg are surrounded by two major superstars in Real Madrid, so that they have become two cross different colors. aperture.

"I" Faravio simply wanted to be ignorant, he had to be looked down by the night, and the experienced Bru Road is fine.

So fast bicycle step, the two will not dare to stretch.

"I kao! He is taking medicine?" At this moment, there are countless Chinese fans who are watching the ball are stupid.

"It's too beautiful, the feet of Chinese War is like a magician's hands are as flexible. He played the Tianstrong superstar of Real Madrid like a bullfighter to Toy Bull!" He Wei excited big god shouting.

At this moment, Real Madrid is banned. In the area, the door will attract the attention of Karazhas and all guards.

Just thinking that when the night cost is directly flashing, the night is actually passed away!

And the left foot suddenly gently slashed the ball, and the football runs through the last back defense line of Real Madrid at an instant, roll back to Carol Shi's body.

"Carolshi, your defensive person is me!" Li War stepped into Carolshi step by step, then stopped the deadlock of the night long wind.

Following Li War not to hesitate, the left foot will lift the foot, then it is directly to shoot directly!

"The shot is! Lili Wal's shooting, is he just being replaced by the game, is it to succeed?" He Wei crowdened the rivers and lakes.

Lis War is full of feet, football is instant into a golden eagle, whizzle rushed to Real Madrid.

It is a bruised god eagle!

The speed is extremely fast, and it is very drilled.

"Ox!" At this time, the karazharp in the troll is at this time, and it will save it in another direction in the goal.

However, he was attracted too much attention by the night, and when the Karazhas reaction came over, he tried to stand. The right hand from the right hand is at least half a meter distance.

boom! However, when the Noukam fans are preparing to cheer, a huge collision will make the fans and players in the scene.

Li Wal's shooting is actually playing on the door column, and the entire goal is trembled because of the violent collision.

"Ah, Li Wal's shooting ball actually hit on the door column! It's a pity!" He Wei sighed, and the entire Nou Camp also sounded at the same time.

"Good danger!" The pupil of Karahas contracted in front of Real Madrid, gradually returned to normal, even the shooting of the shot was not necessarily to be a shot of the galvanner.

Because the Raw Wal is too close to the goal, the angle of Golden Eagle is also very violent, even if there is a great Karazis, it is not necessarily to be able to hold.

"This guy is the injured look, the shooting is more fierce than before, like a stomach!" Caroli couldn't help it.

"Oh, it is the top 10 of the Brazilian national team. It is worthy of my idol!" Tongreni looked at the back of Barceloni 10 jersey, wiped the sweat of the forehead.

"It's hard to do! Although Li Wal is a midfield, his attack ability is completely not inferior to the super striker, and the night's wind and his cooperation look very tacit understanding, the injury of Lili War has always been a smoke bomb. He is the last big trick for Faisal to me? "Real Madrid coach Dilabas brow wrinkled.

Although it is just a simple cooperation, two people who have also appeared in Real Madrid at the same time. The district is too big.

The rear line of the Real Madrid is completely at all, the power of the dual-core is here.

"It's already the case, defense is definitely can't stand it, only offense! Only full of attack is the hope of turning over!" Dilabas rushed on the right hand at Huang Madrus, and raised three fingers.

"Dear! Offense! Take out the true strength of our Royal Madrid!"

"Good! One breath is a winning and negative, no time to play slowly!" Bru Road in the back of Real Madrid saw the hand of the coach nodded, and then directly opened the ball door to the front field.

Real Madrid's offense!

Unlike just now, Real Madrid abandoned the contest of the midfield and Barcelona, ​​but directly started, the whole team turned into the style of the British team and became fast and efficient.

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