The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1915 Chapter 1915 of Wangzhao System, Prince of Tennis

Dangdang, the final Barcelon door fails to stop the column of Nati's half, the football is like a shell, which is generally drilled into the Rattle of Barceloni!

2-1! Trown Ni Simmunity Super Arc Ball is a score for Real Madrid!

"What!" Barcelona's players were stunned, and Natini scored this violence with the night long-style scorpion. All Barcelona players were shocked.

"Good!" And the royal sonds in the field were happy.

"Tan Ni, your efforts have finally got a return!" The venue can coach Vegaras smile, this goal has a credit.

"Too ... too powerful! Through the direct goal of more than 40 meters, start from Karazas to the midfielder of Tamini, Real Madrid's anti-ratiographic scores only have ten seconds! This is the Galaxy warruily Is true power? "He Wei is also surprised.

"BRA..VO!" The top floor on the Bernabah, even the mysterious wearing a hatsman applauded, Bra..vo's meaning in Spanish is perfect, wonderful.

Indeed, just now Mid-range shooting of Thareni has an angle speed and strength, a shadow of a few nights with a long wind.

"Good!" After the goal, Tamney is quite excited, he is crazy to run to his teammates.

The difference between the law and Carolshi will hold the Zi Ni Zi Zi, the whole Bernaba is boiling, and the victory of Real Madrid echoes the night sky in Madrid.

"It's amazing! This game, God of War is too lonely, teammates have no way to give him more help, and Real Madrid's superstars have a very good!" Many Chinese Barcelona fans are somewhat nervous. Screen of the TV.

At this time, the picture of the TV is just a long shot of the long and near, and the night grows in the lens is not an urgent face, but laughs.

That's right, Barcelona laughed, this said that the smile of unknown smile made all the spectators before the TV thought it was wrong.

"I have seen this, and Real Madrid excited the fighting spirit of the long winds!" Far in Munich in Munich in Munich, Germany.

"Yeah! I really look forward to how to kick the long wind!" Ju Linyuan, the three eyes, look forward to the picture of the TV.

On the field, Real Madrid coach secretly sighful, just that the ball was shocked.

"Indeed, Tamini is a difficult player in my system. Many times he will chaos the team's cooperation, and the treatment of the ball is not mature enough. Many balls are quite unreasonable. However, because he has super Personal ability, there is also the ability to create a miracle at a critical moment, so I put him on the court! "Dilabas was burning to watch Trown Ni, who is celebrating.

Original Dilabas is a very rigorous coach. He can use players such as Thali as the core of the team, can only explain a little.

It is the talent of Thareni to surpass the scope of the team's tactical system!

"The strength of the boy has indeed raised a lot!" In fact, from the opening of Tani and night long wind, the night's strength felt that the power of Tamney is better than before.

But the night-long wind did not put it in your heart, because it was simple, this is too easy to say that the night is still too easy.

Maybe Trodini is in hard work during this time, and the world's world is going to practice the quality of the body every day, the intensity is getting bigger and bigger.

Wind and rain!

Therefore, the power gap between the two has never shrunk, but it is launch!

Back to the National Derby Battle, the night grows and the Pkiro stand in the middle of the court.

· ····· Flowers ··· ········

"Real Madrid! Go forward! Real Madrid! The strongest!"

"Galaxy Warriol! The invincible!" After the retrieval of the Real Madrid, the entire Berna's Real Madrid fans kept helping the home team.

At this moment, the players on the Barcelona finally felt the oppression of the world's top coupling.

"Tailang, give me the ball!" The night cost is in the middle, and the sound of the Youth said.

"Good!" Pugang nodded, he can feel that the night's long wind is different.

If the player's state is divided into several grades, the night grows like the two files directly from the second file to the four files.

Snapped! With the whistle of the referee, Parlary brought football to night long.


"What!" Just when Real Madrid players wanted to rush, when the momentum of the rain was completely locked in the game, the night grew the football, and suddenly launched the body.

"It's coming! The God of War is still in his way, he puts out the shooting of the shot in the middle of the midfield!" He Wei specifically guessed that the night length must have actions.

At this time, the night-length wind is in the eyes of the audience and the player, the left leg is lifted backwards, and the whole person is like a big bow of the string.

"First ... the ball ... into ... soul!" Big drink in the night, at this time, the muscles of his left leg were all rumed, and the blue dilute was revealed.

Booming a loud noise, the night long is completely ignorant all the Real Madrus stars in front of the eyes, and directly left the football shot in front of the football.

More than just a distance from Nancei, the left foot of the night, and the left foot of the night is soaken!

boom! boom! boom! The football of the night is whistling, and the royal superstars have not seen the ball, only the continuous sound bursts produced by air and football dramatic MO in the air.

Before the Real Madrid, the door god Karashas swear ourselves from this speed.

Even super dynamic vision that Bearais is surpassed, he can only see a stage of white sharp-like sound barriers, flashing in front of you.

Karahas wanted to save the football to the left, but he found that he couldn't move. The ball speed has exceeded the category of his body to react. .

2000 chapter, double male competition (fourth more)

"My God!" Bernaishu's fans on the Crown of Real Madrid hugged his head, and his face was frightened. ♀ ♀ ♀

In front of Real Madrid, Karahas is not moving, because he can't move at all.

The football in the night long has no trace, but at this time, the top left corner of Real Madrid's ball door has a big hole, on the cement wall on the table outside the court, even more A ball-type pothole.

The ball is so hiped, the power is so horrible!

2-2! Barcelonan War I use the forty goal of the league to announce even in Berna, he is still the omnipotent war!

"It's too incredible!" The EFA Gobi Master Vegasi Pi Shares sat on the tension.

If Trotini's halfway's shot is 5, the night long is at least 10 or more, and the power level is completely on a grade.

And the night "seven or seven zero" long wind just now has an amazing angle, this is the result of improving his toner tips after winning the ball after gaining the wings.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! How is this goal? I can't believe my eyes, are I dream?" Barcelona's local media explained an incredible expression.

"Enter! Enter! Enter! In the third half, after Trown Ni, after the Middle Field World Wave, God's Night is a two-fold power to return to the opponent! This is the style of God of War! "He Wei used to have a variety of long battles in the night, but the shot made He Wei still have not returned to God for a long time.

At this moment, the entire Bernaba is getting a dead, and the Real Madrid fans from the joy. The peak falls into the trough, and the night is in a moment of changing the situation in the field.

"Let's take a look at the shot of the shot!" He Wei felt that the shot just could create new speed records.

When the score on the subgroup becomes 2 to 2, everyone can't wait to see the numbers next to the night-faced names, theoretically show the speed of the stone breaks the stone shock shot at night.

However, all people have not thought about it is that they should be displayed on the area of ​​the numbers.

"It is a garbled. Is it possible to estimate its speed?" He Wei is thoroughly speechless.

Such things have never been seen in the top competition in La La.

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