The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1922 of the Chapter 1922 of the Prince of Tennis

3-3! The Brazilian heavy gun hand caroli successfully settled the score for Real Madrid in the second half.

"A good shot!"

"I finally equalized!"

"The shot of the good overbear!" Bernaish is a moment that is a moment of Caroli goals.

Carolshi's violent shot is like a large gate of more than 70,000 Real Madrid fans in the scene. The whole site has become a boiling white tsunami, and the moment is amazing.

"Well-smooth cooperation, horrainated leakball, good violent shooting, is this the true strength of the Galaxy Warship?" He Wei was surprised.

Real Madrid showed completely different from the first half in the first half.

"Goallllllll! Robert Caroli, Brazilian heavy gunner gold left foot, incredible arc goal!" Madrid's local media explained high Chao.

"Very good! That's the case, this is the attack I want!" The exterior of Real Madrid Dilabas shouted.

Just now, Real Madrid is the equation of his expected. Previously, Real Madrid's attack was very jealous because of Tamney's drag, once the Galaxy ship is running, its power is enough to make the world any club fear.

"Finally go to the ball!" After the goal, Carol Shi is quite excited. He is crazy to rush to Tami, and the Huanghua Zhongji is also rushing to two.

Real Madrid's championship sounds again in the night sky in the Berna Blackball.

"This kid is finally open?" The night is getting angry and looking at Tamini.

Only a single-dry Trune Ni is a dish of a dish, but when Tamney knows how to trial, how to play the potential of other teammates, the Galaxy Warriol will truly set sail.

To know that Real Madrid's stars are all the sky, they are undoubtedly one of the strongest players in each position.

Such a luxurious lineup, if you don't have a night-catching, the other team doesn't have to play.

"Okay! It was caught by them!" Dried Sharis is very uncomfortable to shoot his legs.

"Everyone is calm, now it is just a flat game!" Li War calls teammates, "But we really need to work hard, long wind needs more support!"

"Yes!" Barcelona nodded.

Berna midstream, night length and Pkiro stand after football.

In this game, the Yaro's performance has a little loss, the body's fatigue is too much influence on the technical player of Yaro, which makes the Pkarang's first half.

"If you don't do this, you will definitely, the counterattack of Real Madrid is too sharp!" Yaro said that he must give me more help in the offense.

"Tailang!" On the court, the night grew fashion brought football to Pkarang.

Snapped! Pastelang's left foot stopped, and the right foot was all dial and started to break through the half of Real Madrid.

However, there is no such thing as a few steps, and the midfielder Ray and Maryz will block the front of the pole.

"Nothing opportunity?" Taro tried to get rid of two people with exquisite feet, but the two people were very good, and the Yaro did not find the opportunity.

"Real Madrid's next half defense is very in place, the players' seats are perfect!" He Wei overlooks the half of the Bernard of Burguna.

"Tailang, give me the ball!" Night Changfeng also found that Real Madrid's next half defense was significantly better than the upper half, the cooperation between the players was more close, and he had to retrace the ball.

! Yaro passed the football to the night growing.

When the night is growing, the defensive focus of Real Madrid immediately shifts, and the superstars are nervous.

"Nothing opportunity? Then create a chance!" The night is shining, the left foot is turned directly, and the envelopes in the middle of the recreation of Real Madrid.

"Is it necessary to start personal attack? Whether the God of War continues in the next half of the sky!" He Wei stretched his neck, and his eyes looked at the nozzle of the row of routine.

At this moment, when the night long-term winds have no scruples, the burdles of Rail and Marian, the two major royal siers are obviously anger.

"You really think that you are invincible. Here is Bernard, not Noukam!" Malian was shot directly, Rally was protected behind him, and did not let night long winds.

However, at this time, a wind blows, just a burst of exclamation, the exclamation of the Real Madrid fans.

The wind turns around!

Night winds use their unique turning skills, the two retrieval superstars have been plundered, and even the traces of the night grow.

"It's so far!" However, when the night is long, the two major royal forwards, Portuguese. The high lightning stretchable stretch in the Night Lights in the Night is in front of the football in front of the night.

Real Madrid's filling speed is completely unlike the first half, the law is almost dial off the football in front of the night length.

"Did you break the ball?" He Wei was surprised.

"It's fast!" The night is cold in the eyes. The first half of his burst is that he almost forgot that he faced the strongest player in the football.

These people are climbing from countless genius, but they can be easily solved.

"Sorry, the king of Barcelon! Victory belongs to our Real Madrid!" A moment of the ball and pulled the ball behind him.

"This traitor!" Countless Barcelona fans in front of the TV.

"It's not so easy!" At this time, the left foot of the night was going across, the whole person and the law were directly dialogue.

A dull muscle collision sounded in the stadium.

"It's evil!" The method immediately felt like a truck hit, the body was booked to the air.

As long as the body is a strong anti-the advantage of the night, it will be very obvious! .

Chapter 2008, with an enemy (fourth more)

The method of being populated with the air is controlled to control his body, while stretching the football to give the teammates to Tammy.

! However, the speed of the night length is faster than the magic, the left foot is in front, the football continues to roll forward, at the same time, the night long is a biggest crossover.

"Come back! The God of War re-controls the ball. It seems that Real Madrid still can find the way to prevent the God of God's forcibness, his physical state is still good!" He said in the eyes of the eye.

"Want to think about it? Not that is easy!" Real Madrid defensive expert Faravio took a moment in the night, and the position before the night was long, the defensive position was just right.

At the beginning of Real Madrid, the enthusiasm of these superstar players was significantly better than that of the upper half.

"Yes?" When the night is cold, I saw Faravio, and then suddenly the right foot was dial, the body turned into the moment, and it was no longer a straight line, but the slope.

"What!" Faravio did not think that it would always be ahead of an unfair, depending on the retrieval of the imperialism, an endless, a sudden change to break the route.

! Faravio has changed, and if you want to slide to keep up with night wind, but people don't think that he stepped on his feet, the speed and the speed of change, Faravio is too high, The almost fell to the ground.

bass! Waiting for Faravio to stabilize the body, the night cost has taken the ball beyond him.

"Blocking him, can't let him enter the big ban. District!" The door god Karacus in front of the Real Madrid shouted.

Karacus this game is really depressed, obviously he feels its own state, but it is still not Barcelona to enter three goals, which is unacceptable to Karahas who wants to zero Barcelona.

On the field, the night-lived wind is already a big ban on Real Madrid. District, it has reached the highest efficiency position, but this time, the position of the night is almost left, and there is almost no teammate support.

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