The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1936

Before the Barcelona door, the door will have a large foot to open the football to the midfield.

The midfield, Gerard and Poland two people jumped together to fight for the top ball.

Gerard is a high one meter, eight six, the body is strong, the body is too losing, and Jerra is easy to grab the head.

Gerald back the top of the football to his teammate!

However, a golden lightning suddenly passed, and the football of Bofeng was dial!

It's a night!

"This little child!" Gerard was surprised in the speed of the night, and Owen was already his fastest player, but it felt faster than Owen after the lifetime was started.

It is necessary to know that the night grows, it is a big one, which can achieve such a speed is juggling.

"Blocking him, can't let him break through!" The Red Army is anxious, he knows the power of the night-catching breakthrough, but the whole line of the Real Madrid will regardless breakthroughs, once make night long wind kick out The status, that is really not good.

"Give it to me!" Alonso took the initiative to defend the night.

"So fast and defense and defense, this game is too fast, can players can play this speed for 90 minutes?" He Wei is worried that Barcelona will play in the ditch by Liverpool in this rhythm.

However, on the field, facing Alonso crazy dog-style defensive, and the night's long-standing foot dial, did not rush to forced breakthroughs.

Alonso is an offensive player, but his defensive is not weak, very selling, he is also the first player of the Premier League.

But it can't say that Alonso is a defensive expert, his greatest weakness is slow, and the frequency of action is also slow.

The long-standing winds of the night, the ball has been starking Alonso!

Watching the time, the night long is a left foot dial, the right foot is tight with the simply simple and fast, and the movement has passed the Alonso, breaking through the first midfield line of Liverpool.

Then, the night-catching wind does not ride a single ride like the Real Madrid competition, but the football directly from the right way of the stadium.

One is the moon bend sword!

The football spinning, just fell to the unmanned area of ​​Liverpool, and the Kresbo inserted in the right road was catching up with football.

"Beautiful blends!" He Wei couldn't help but exclaimed.

The front said that Barcelona's defense is not good. In fact, the defense of the Red Army is also strong. This game may be destined to be an offensive battle.

Kres Waves unloaded the football in high air, and the ball was squatted to the bottom line.

At this time, Liverpool's guard Fen South sticked, although the body of Finnan is not strong, he defensive, firmly staring at Kresbo, and does not let Cresbo have a chance to pinpoot.

· ···· Flowers · ····

However, Cresbo is still on Finnan defensive, dials to the side, in an instant, and Cresbo forced foot transmission.

! Football rolls up and floods directly to the Liverpool.

In the case of action awlings, Kresbo is not very good.

Directly passing Liverpool, the top of the Liverpool players in the district, did not find the latch Calley.

However, when Liverpool enrichs Kalag, it is highly bustful. When the football is directly acted. When he suddenly felt that there was a black shadow behind him, and the light in front of him was dark.

"What is!" Kalag's twisted in the air, followed by both eyes.

From the Middle Field All the way to the big ban. The night lengthy wind in the area jumped after Kalag, but his ball speed and bounce made the night long pressing two heads of the Karag.

....... .........

"How can he jump high!" The defender of Liverpool is full, and the night is growing, it is like a root basket.

! There is not much preparation action, after the night is rumped, welcome the football in the air, it is directly bombing, and the football will go down with the head.

"The battle of the gods is lighter." He Wei is extremely magnetically sounds all the Barcelona fans in front of the TV.

Dangdang, the football in the top of the night-long wind is like the shells of the shells, before the Liverpool gate, then replaced high.

It is a rebound ball, and the night grows is deliberately jeopardizing such a ball, because this kind of ball, the door will be the most difficult.

At this moment, Liverpool Gate God is completely stunned. He is the largest door will continue to be lost in the history of Liverpool.

But in the face of this power and speed, Rena can only look at the ball.

! However, the next instant, the whole fan was exciting.

After the football bounces, it is actually playing on the beam of Liverpool, then flying out the bottom line!

Another door column! Barcelona returned to Liverpool a door column.

The game has just opened five minutes, and the two teams have a door post, and the tension at the court has increased a grade. .

2024 chapter, fought Liverpool (fourth more)

"Good insurance, is this guy really just a offensive midfield?" Liverpool door made a cold sweat, or if it could not be controlled, he could not react it at all. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

"This kid is a striker, but also a strong point!" Hai Piao looked at the night-catching backs of the left. He finally knew why the noctuous seventeen goals broke through the record.

This attack and strong point is much more than what super striker.

"The competition has only five minutes, and the two teams have given a very threatened attack. Is this competition becomes a goal battle?" He Wei is very excited, such a game looks good, explain Also brought hard.

Before the Liverpool door, the door put Rener directly to the defender of the defender, is a ground rolling.

After Risse brought the ball, he ran a few steps directly before "two or three", and then handed the football to Gerard.

Gerald passed the football to Alonso, the entire Liverpool's leading ball is very smooth, and the teammates are not short together, and the tacit understanding is high.

The speed is fast, which is also one of the advantages of Liverpool offensive.

"Defense!" This time, the night cost is also involved in the defense. Barcelona's defense starts to shrink, which is to try to make Liverpool can't pass the back.

"Can be evil! Do you make a defensive adjustment so soon?" Liverpool coach Lugez turned his head and looked at Faisal sitting on the coach.

In fact, this is really a presence of Faisal, he has already expected this situation before the game, and Barcelona is not ready, and they also drill a lot of attack and defense tactics.

The rhythm of the game has become slow and slow.

Once the rhythm is slow, the weaknesses of the British team technology have been exposed, and the Red Army cannot exceed

Alonso received the passage of teammates, I want to suddenly accelerate the defensive defense of Harva in the midfield, but Larvar is very good to maintain defensive position.

Randius brought the ball and shoveled the ball of Alonso.

Barcelona's counterattack!

"Changfeng!" After the break of Lamudio, in the case of falling ground, the football gave the football to the night.

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