The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1938 of the Chapter 1938 of the Prince of Tennis

With the whistle of the referee, Owen filed the football directly to the Alonso behind.

The , Alonso stopped the football, the Red Army's player began to flock to the half of Barcelona like a red tide.

After a while, the Red Army's momentum is more than before!

bass! When Take the Calley to force the Alonso, Alonso showed a precise passage skill, he left the football directly.

! The football draws a flat and fast arc in the air, this time it came to the foot of the Red Army of the Stadium.

As a Czech country, Borg is the most sharp horse horse in Eastern Europe, the speed is fast, the physical strength is good, and there is a strong left foot shot.

His shot and gold left foot caroli are somewhat different, strong rotation, angle, very threat.

"Can't let him cut!" The offers of Barcelona is shouting in Lantio.

The Randi just served is still in excitement. He actively runs actively, and blocks the road forwarded in Borg, and does not let Bar have breakthrough to Barcelona. District frontier direct shot opportunities.

Landios maintains a good defensive distance, Barn has not gains a good opportunity, but he is still inverse to bring the ball in the lateral line without choosing the back bottom line.

In this game, the red army two wings did not seem to have the meaning of the bottom, and he wanted to break through Barcelona's defense from the front.

"Langdi is very good, the goal of the goal and this blocked the rapid attack of the opponent, today Barcelona is more than just night long, all players are good, it seems that they are ready for this Champions League Competition! "He Wei analyzes the situation on the field.

However, at this time, a fire red lightning figure suddenly plugged into Barcelona. The front along the five meters.

Is the Red Army, Gerard!

In the case where the team can't open the situation, the captain Gerard's forward plugging often can make it unable to make it unpredictable.

"Captain!" Bogu defeated football with strong body, and 963 finally passed directly to Gerard inserted.

Snapped! Gerard stretched his feet before going back to the anti-Pkarang, taking the ball to the left, and the whole person flashed a space in an instant, immediately taking the ball!

"Accelerated! Special Jerard's forgive breakthrough!" He Wei is a little surprised, because Gerard rarely breaks this, in the impression of fans, Gerard chooses far away. More than the case of shooting.

"I want to have to go!" At this time, Fang Gas rushed out from the big ban. District, prepared to copy the football at the foot of the Arrald.

In Fangas, Although Gerard is fast, but technology is rough, as long as you use the snake to stare, Gerard is only a bundle.

Snapped! However, let Fangas have not thought that Gerard suddenly quickly score the football to the left, and made a quick and small two-game combination on the side of Fangas. It immediately killed Barcelona. Big ban.

"Go in! Gerard!" Liverpool's local explanation is excited.

At this moment, Barcelona is banned. Dried Sharis and Omei in the area are around forces, preparing to clamp the football in front of Gerard.

! But all players and fans did not think that Gerard suddenly showed extremely else delicate actions.

His left foot will send football forward, football passes through the middle of the middle of the two people. .

2026 chapter, the ball is to people (second more)

The Red Army's sudden acceleration is far beyond the expectations of Barcelona, ​​he is like a red sword of the sheath, plugged directly. I entered the abdomen of Barcelona. ω ● ● Ω

"Blocking him!" Dried Sharis returned to the door and smashed the column card.

Barcelona will take the column to attack, and one on Gerard.

"It's unbelievable, actually in a flash! Gerard passed through Barcelona's defense!" He Wei was surprised.

"Wow!" Gerald has not yet goes to go, and the full Red Army fans have stood up.

! As Gerald is gently pushing, football passes from the column card. The legs are passed through, followed by drilling into Barcelona's goal.

1-1! Gerard single ride is equal to the Red Army Liverpool.

"Yea !!!" The whole Anfield Stadium instantly boiled, the Red Army fans raised their hands, and they jumped, and the Premier League was originally close to the stadium. The red ocean of the fans made into a waves of a waves. move.

The scene of the scene is not more than 100,000 Barcelona fans, even still there!

"Unbelievable goals, this is a impossible goal, but Gerard turns it, we chase the score! How did he do?" Liverpool's local explanation is surprised.

The Red Army captain after the goal, unfolding hands, in the shouts of the audience, Gerald ran to the most look at the fans, pointing at the Red Army team emblem in his chest!

Gerald's goal is not necessarily exciting, but it is too difficult, but it is an immersion, typical Gerard goal, showing the Red Army captain, always energetic and unbearable determination !

"The score is equal, how wonderful one works with attack, is the Red Army wants to open the reverse mode?" He Wei felt the Red Army player as a rainfall.

The Anfield Stadium is not the largest course, nor is the most flying stadium, but it is likely to be the most difficult to capture a court.

"I am evil! I actually let him go in." Dried Sharis is very uncomfortable to wave the fist. Just now, the double-ghost close to Oimi is half-shot, which was captured by Gerard.

This game, Dried Sharis really feels very uncomfortable, whether it is Owen or Torres is too fast than him, and there is a feeling that even Jerrar is impacted.

"Don't care! Continue to attack!" The night's wind called Barcelona teammates, with Barcelona current defensive lineup, anti-can't help, only offense, as long as the opponent can get more balls to win the game.

The circle of the stadium, the night grows and the Pkiro stand after the football.

At this time, the opposite Red Army is waiting, and the momentum is more enough than before.

Liverpool is such a magical team. The hard strength of their surface is not much, or they will not be in the ranks of the British super, but Liverpool will play in many times in the spiritual strength. This makes the opponent's headache.

Snapped! On the field, the night-long winds allocated football to Yarota, Barcelona's prestige players flocked to Liverpool halfway, and still attacked.

The midfielder, Shirou Lang took the ball, did not hurry to pass, but the left foot stopped, and looked up and screamed the Liverpool player who came to enclose. He is reading Liverpool's defense.

! In Owen speed, I want to steal the moment of Pkaho's foot, and the Pkarang's left foot is retraffled, and then the football is allocated to the side of the side.

! Lis War does not stop the ball, and the left foot will meet the football forward.

The football pushed the football with a speed of the Liverpool, which was accurately rolled to the night length.

"Beautiful pass!" He Wei said that the admiration was not falling.

Night live wind does not stop, and two players in Alonso and Borg want to package him, the left foot will pass the football horizontally.

! The football came to the foot of Barcelona, ​​the foot of Barcelona, ​​and continuously transmit the ball.

The gorgeous cooperation of Barcelona shines at the Afield Stadium, and the Red Army is waiting for the defense to break through.

At this moment, the Calley who stopped football is already the big ban. District frontier, and the middle guards of the Red Army in front of the Red Army did not think that Barcelona passed so fast, there is so tacit understanding, there has been no commencement .

There is no one in front of the karli, there is no one in front of it.

"I have to shoot!" He Wei drunk.

Take Kali left football, there is no adjustment, and the right foot is suddenly exhibited, and a slap in the booth.

"Danger!" Liverpool replaces everyone anxious.

At this time, a red figure fell from the card, and immediately took the ball to take the ball to the ground.

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