The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1944 Chapter 1944 of the Prince of Tennis

"Don't talk nonsense! Go back!" The night's wind shouted at a few people in the frontfinder, and he was also very fast and back, and the fall of football came to chase.

After Barcelona's half, the Red Army striker Rerez jumped, and the football was easily unloaded with the chest, followed by breakthrough.

"I want to go in the past!" The first block in Torres in Torres.

Tournah is a little depressed today, and other teammates have played a super level, and he has not found a state.

This time, the juvenile tried to overtake the outside, at this time, Landios, who is being fired. Torres is so mad, directly a big move, put Torres with the ball to take the ball.

Dang! Torres is heavy, and the referee whistle sounds immediately.

Hipe! The Anfield Stadium has a deafening buzz.

"You! Pay attention to your movements, then, I will have a card!" The referee ran to Langdi's oral warning.

Langdi nodded, just he was also hot, in fact, Torres's outerway overtaking is not so much threat, and Randy can slipping stepping.

"Not a wonderful, Barcelona players seem to have been anxious. If you are punished, Barcelona will be very unfavorable!" He said in his eyes.

On the field, Red Army Liverpool received a free kick that had just been arcted in the middle of the field, which is generally not directly shot from a free kick out of the 50 meters of the ball.

This time, it is not Gerard, which is holding the football to the referee, but is behind the guard.

The Risi said Norwegian heavy gunner, he is the most proud of its long-term ability.

In fact, Liverpool's players have a lot of power, Garcia, Gerard, Risse, etc., they can say that he is heavy.

So the Red Army Liverpool is called a long shot by many fans, enough to see Liverpool's long-range ability.

This kind of team does restrain Barcelona in the style, because the door of Barcelona will be limited, and the probability that the exquisite and long-range is not high.

However, it is said that the most powerful players in the remote team are not Gerard, but risse.

Requi is called by Chinese fans, and its shooting power is absolutely not to be underestimated, so the Red Army exceeds the free kick of more than forty meters, almost all from Risse.

"This guy is intended to shoot directly!" Li Wal and Liverpool have played a few times, so it is very familiar with Risse's style.

Li Wal is standing in front of Risse, starting a wall, when Landi is running over, Li War waved, indicating that he will do it alone.

Langdi did not think more, researched back to prevent other Liverpool players.

--Fam, with a whistle of the referee, the heavy guns put the football down and then retired nearly ten meters.

Gerard stood next to the football and instantly dialing the football.

bass! Lilhell began to start, he rushed to football, preparing to destroy the free kick of Liverpool.

However, the speed of completely accelerated Ricbeille is much faster, he rushed to football, the whole person completely, in the moment of the right foot, the whole person even flew.

Bang! The football explosion in the litter is flying, and the truth is the belly of Lili War.

A dull voice immediately resounded through the entire Anfield Stadium, all players stayed, Li War was vigorously swayed in the air by Richard, and the heavy fell on the ground, half a day Did not get up.

"Ah! Lis Waller players fall, it seems that the situation is very good!" He Wei was surprised.

On the field, the Pkarang stopped to play the football falling in the air, kicked out the boundary.

"Lis Well!" Barcelona was all governed to the ground.

PS: Today, a new copy of the world, a book friend is not tired to the volleyball teenager, interested book friends can go, or old rules, I will not pay some self, I am interested, I can help I propagated it better, hehe. .

2033 chapter, long shot is stronger (first more)

Barcelona half a field, Li Wal still did not climb up, Jisser's blaction is just on his abdomen. Π π ÷ π

In order to slow down the abdominal pressure, the speed bending of the Raw Wall body can react, which is originally a physical self-protection.

However, Risse's shooting power is too big, which makes the Warm waist turn too fast, which directly leads to the recurrence of Lee Wall Waist.

The back and waist is a concentrated pain, and it will not be moving at all.

"Worse!" Parlary and Landius leaned over to Hual, watching Li War's painful expression is helpless.

The night long routing is also looking down and carefully watching the expression of the War, knowing that he can't hold it, even though Li Wal Iron Han is, hard is not called.

But seeing the expression, I know that Li War is very serious.

Risse's effort to take advantage of the fire, let Lili War's old injury, thereby visible to the Sports of God.

"Team Doctor!" The night long wind turned and rushed to the Barcelona, ​​and his hands kept waving, and the stretcher was ramped.

Barcelona two team doctors immediately looked at the pharmaceutical bag and two staff members rushed into the stadium and started to check the situation in the ground.

At this time, I can't lift the stretcher, and the team doctor also confirmed that Li Wal is to be raised by the stretcher.

Li Wal is painful at this time, and finally lifted the stretcher, and brought an oxygen hood and injured.

"Night!" When the staff lifted the stretcher, Li Wal's hand pulled the right arm of the night.

Although I can't talk with an oxygen hood, I read what he wanted to say in the eyes of the vision of the lord.

"Do not worry, the next thing is handed over to us! The spirit of Barcelona will not fall in Anfield!" The hot flame burned in the eyes of the night.

On the Barcelika, there is no completely warm-up in Ine, replacing the old injuries that cannot continue the match.

"Ah, Faisal coach was forced to make people adjustment, it seems that Li War is really unable to stick! Barcelona's current situation is getting wonderful, Li Wal's injury is not only caused by Barcelona The selection of ends will be reduced, which will also lead to a bigger loopholes on the defense ~ "!" He Wei is a bit worried that Barcelona may suddenly crash in the road.

On the court, after the young man was played, he shouted a few words in Barcelona.

The coach of the coach is the meaning of continuing attack and cannot stop.

Ine is refreshed, it is clear that it is necessary to strengthen offense, and all the cost will be re-recruited.

The circle of the ball, the Red Army player Alonso has a lot of sports to reappear the border ball to Barcelona players.

Barcelona re-got the ball.

At this time, the time from the end of the first half is only less than five minutes. Because the Warm injury delayed a lot of time, the fourth judgment official of the field gives a three-minute first half.

A total of eight minutes or so, at least one attack at least eight minutes, at least one attack should be completed.

On the field, after the Pkaro stopped the football, he passed the football to the night.

After night long wind, I was immediately upset by the Red Army's two major midrange players Bog and Garcia.

Night-hard winds under the Red Army two midfielders, still easily with the ball with the ball, regardless of the two Red Army opponents.

"Good strong control! The crisis moment, did God have to take over the competition?" He is highlighting.

Yeah, although Barcelona is unfavorable, but in the previous game, the more it is even more unfavorable, the more stimulating the night's wind out of the amazing potential.

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