The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1946 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

It is the beginning of the Norwegian heavy guns, just let the old injuries of Lili Wall.

"Risse!" Libea has grown his eyes.

Risse welcomes football falling in the air, unwelling football, and fires directly outside the forty m..

Super Allow!

Requi is still completely, and after the whole person, it jumps up.

Boom, the football in the wrongly in the quarter is like a bomb explosion, and the football has a whistling voice, and the air is dramatically Mo, and the moment is amazing.

This time, there is no benefits on the Rati shoot route.

The goalkeeper in front of Barcelona has predicted that the football flying is revealed, step by step, struggling to save.

He believes that he has the opportunity to block this, but let the column not think that Riche is a heavy fire, actually falls in advance before the door.

The football is just in front of the column card, followed by a faster speed from the column card, and drilling into Barcelona.

4-3! Great God of God, the name of the Red Army is revealed!

In the last time in the first half, Red Army Liverpool has retraffyed leading!

"Wow!" The Afield Stadium was a quiet look that a sudden boiling in an instant.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Scorpio, isn't I witnessed the greatest game in the history of the Champions League?" Libeo-procurement has been excited.

"It's too powerful. Is this the spirit of the Red Army to kill? They have a more powerful spiritual power than any opponent encountered before Barcelona!" He Wei couldn't help but admire the Red Army.

After the goal, the Red Army of the field was jubilant, and the coach Rogers ran more than ten meters. After jumping, the arms were shocked, as if they won the Champions League.

"It's too exciting, this game is like Hollywood-like movie plots! Liverpool is kicking!" Chinese fans who watched the ball at this time at this time, staring at the picture of the TV, has not been sleeping.

It can be determined that they will refuse this game all day, they can't sleep at all.

Going a big god and captain Gerald two tipes, Qi Qi runs to the corner.

The red army's two great powers of the Red Army made the Red Army in the first half of the first half of the sweat work.

"Okay! Why can't you fade!" Barcelon door squatted in front of the column, and the hands were killed, and the opponents faced by Barcelona became more and more powerful. The game became more and more fierce, he became more and more Feel your own strength.

Barcelona needs a good door, and it is the world-class door of Karacus and Van Dessa! .

2035 chapter, you are upright (third more)

- In the crazy celebration of Liverpool fans and players, the main referee blows the whistle that ends the end of the competition. Miscellaneous

Liverpool and Barcelona two team players have different ways to go to the player channel, return to the locker room.

"It's a trick. Love is the game, leading, backward, reappearing, once again lead, today's first half is the most intense in this season, I believe that the fans are like me. Looking forward to the second half of the game! "He Yizhen. Love is said.

With the process of competition, this Champions League's quarter-final ratio is getting higher and higher, especially CCTV Sports, and the ratings have gradually exceeded the country of Barcelona and Real Madrid.

Back to the locker room, Liverpool coach Rogers first praised the presence of the Red Army player in the first half, and then made a trip. The speech of love, hoping that the players can play better.

Although Liverpool has led a ball, the Champions League is the two rounds of the main road before the final, and Barcelona is kicked into three away goals to Liverpool is a very bad news.

Rogers hopes that their players can continue to make persistent efforts to expand their leading advantages.

Barcelona, ​​the coach is frightened by the coach, and the tenacity of the Liverpool this game is very unexpected.

Different from the country Derby, the game is full of night, and today, today, Barcelona is ready, the status of the players are also good.

However, the situation on the field is indeed not very beneficial to Barcelona, ​​and the injury of Lili Wald, Barcelona is defense and will be revived by Liverpool.

Barcelona has encountered an unprecedented crisis in the Anfield Stadium.

"After this game, we must strengthen our latter defense lineup!" Faisal is determined to make the team high-level bleeding, must dig more stronger defensive players, especially the location of the goalkeeper. .

But all this is to wait until Ting's difficulties in front of you, if you are overwhelming by the Red Army, Barcelona will be broken this season.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Barcelona locker room is tense, and a speech of Faisal has not jumped the mood of the player.

"Changfeng, what should I do now?" Yaro glang wiped the sweat with a towel, turned to ask the night long wind.

"Come over!" The night shot took the shoulders of the goddaughter, and then called Barcelona players together and enclosed a circle.

"Changfeng kid, do you have any way to reverse the situation?" Dried Sharis is very urgent, the upper half of this game, the upper half of the game is very wronged, and the Liverpool Forest team is banned. Foreign shot, can't prevent it with the speed of Dried Sharis, so it is very depressed.

"Changfeng, do you want to replace more defensive players, then you should kick the front position!" The Brain turned quickly, he remembered the front of the night before playing forward, the attack power, he has so far memorable.

"Don't worry! You don't forget, our hard strength is strong than Liverpool!" The night's wind sweeps a bit of Barcelona, ​​"Don't let them overworhest in the main scene, our Barcelon kicks his own football, re-control the rhythm It's okay! "

"I don't want to change people, I will not kick the striker!" The golden light in the eyes of the eyes, "because there is no need!"

"Changfeng ..."

"Honestly, I didn't put Liverpool at all, and the current Liverpool is not the Liverpool of the British Dynasty!" The night's voice is resolute.

"Oh ... this guy is still so mad!" Barcelona lifted a thought in the heart of the people, and there was a smile.

"The second half competition, we will kick!" Night long face, solemnly.

"Yes, I am running!" Barcelona is bright, and the Falar listened frequently.

"This little child is more majestic than my coach!" Fatsel shook his head helplessly.

Fifteen minutes of rest time turned over, the two team players returned from the Afield Stadium from the player channel.

Liverpool players high, each player is full of fighting, excited to write their league.

Barcelona, ​​the players did not have an impatient in the second half of the last half, more calm.

It is necessary to know that Barcelona is unbearable this season. They have no reason to fear any opponent, and the king should have the king's temperament.

Even if you lead the first half, people who will eventually win on the court can only be me!

"Liverpool, then enter one ball!"

"Beat Barcelona!" Afield Stadium stands on the table to shout the sky.

· ···· Flowers ····· ···

The competition in the first half is turned back to the intestine to let the Red Army some old fans seem to have returned to the truth of the dynasty. Saying years.

- The referee blows the whistle that started in the middle of the game.

The medium-long winds of the middle circles directly allocated to Trieli next to him.

Take the generals, don't stop the ball, directly dialed the football again, yourself, you are in the half of Barcelona to Liverpool.

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