The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1948

Football fell to the unmanned area of ​​Barcelona, ​​and Omei's body.

At this time, Owen and Torres have a chaotic line in Barcelona, ​​and I don't know who should be guarded.

At this moment, the chasing a boy has started, and the wind dances on him, almost in the blink of an eye, and the speed is forcibly surpassing Omei.

"Avorful boy!" Oimi Taked to turn around Barcelona is the fastest, but it is still unable to catch up with Owen.

Owen's long-term ball in Alonso is a border, with the left foot to hook the football back, follow, the slash is high-speed to Barcelona.

" ! ! Michael!" Liverpool explained and fans saw ahead of hope.

Owen is getting faster and faster, he is like a red horse with a pentium on the grassland.

Afield Stadium 60,000 Red Army fans can not be 5.6 from the autonomous stand, and the eyes are all gathered to Owen.

However, in the European literary speed, the ball is brought into Barcelona. The district is there, a golden book should not appear in this position.

"God of War! The night long player actually returned to his own big ban. In the area, he just is still in the middle of the field?" He Wei exclaimed.

At this moment, Owen that has been completely upset has no matter who is in front of him, only Barcelona's goal is left in his eyes.

However, when the night is in front of the front step, the body and opinion contact, Owen directly flew out.

Just like a fast horse hit a steel tank, directly rebounded, heavy, on the side of the right side.

And the very important football, it was stepped on the left foot of the night! .

2037 chapter, beast roaring (first more)

"Ikeaks! Michael Owen is hit out, the ball is returned to Barcelona!" He Wei is surprised. ± miscellaneous

"For a foul! This is definitely a foul!" Liverpool screamed.

Anfield Stadium everyone is a glimpse, then the eyes turn to the referee behind the night length.

"Referee, click on the ball!" The red army coach Rogers roared in an angry lion.

The main referee is in the night, and I seems very clear. The night's wind does not have any extractions. The two are only normal reasonable collisions, but the physical quality and body gap are too large.

There is no representation of the referee of both hands, indicating that the game continues.

"Black whistle!"

"Blending referee!" Afield Stadium buzzing four.

After the night is broken, it is ignored that the scene is like to turn over the entire venue, he is dial, and the right foot is directly forward.

God-level round moon bending knife out!

Football immediately flew up and scratched an arc throughout the audience in the air.

"The beautiful arc passes the ball, it is too subtle!" He Wei couldn't hire.

The night long wind passed the whole game. The passage of the whole game was accurately found. Liverpool coiled. Take Kali, the frontier of the district, took the left foot of the football with the football in the air, and he couldn't believe it.

"Blocking him!" Liverpool door shouted Rena shouted in some teammates.

The first reaction in Kalag came over, and he stepped forward and immediately attached the ball to take the ball.

The two were banned in the Red Army. The front of the district is relatively strong, the muscles collide with the ear.

As a king of the king of the ball, the general did not give the Karag any opportunity, and he saved the ball under the foot for arsenal to kill the big prohibition of Liverpool.

"Opportunity! Is Barcelona to reverse the competition in the first half of the first half?" He Wei stared his eyes.

At this time, Liverpool door chose Rena to attack in advance.

Trodini is suddenly pins when the ball is strong, and suddenly does not look at the ball door, and it is expected to extract.

The giant rang, the three-game British gold gloved winner, Rena made a world-class save. He used the right hand to take the Calley's shoot in the scope of the door frame.

"Magical savings! I can't believe that I have seen, Rena, and a good !" Liverpool explained the vibration arms.

Afield Stadium is a jubilant, from the night long-term wind to the pass, and then forced to take the Calley to break through, the rhythm of the game is getting faster and faster.

The atmosphere of the scene is stressful!

"Damn!" Take Calley looked at the football that was taken out of the bottom line, and the hated took his hand, and his face was annoyed.

"Kao!" Countless Chinese fans come out, "Today, Reina Meima Chao!"

"The good door will, Liverpool can lead to the beginning, he is really good!" Xiao Junguang, who is watching the ball in Munich, is admired.

On the side of the three pairs of three pairs of eyes, this Champions League quarter finals, the two teams will be too big.

If Lin has seen the technology that can be used in Rena, it is more expensive to react faster than other leaguemen, and the leader of the Premier League will often react faster and will not hesitate.

! On the field, the referee whistle sounded, Barcelona won the second corner.

The first goal of Barcelona was initiated by the corner, so Lena did not relax after the shot of Calley was extremely threatened.

"Starfish him!"

"Don't let him jump!" Rena shouted himself back to the big ban. The teammates in the district, the Red Army Liverpool united, this is the most terrible weapon of the Red Army.

At this moment, the night-length wind and Pkarang and Ig came to the frontcourt. Three people negotiated some, and finally, the corner, the Barcelona gods, the night.

"Ah, walking toward the corner, the night long player, Barcelona can take a lot of players in the corner, this is also an uncertain factor for the enemy players!" He Wei sat up his body.

The second half has just begun, the two teams have entered the white thermal stage in advance, and each second on the court is very tight.

Which team is pine in this kind of juncture, it is likely to collapse directly!

Saisa players such as Dried Sharis, Fangas are ambush in Liverpool.

For a while, Liverpool coincides with the people in the district, crowded with the players, all compete in each other.

The only good news to Liverpool is that there is no night-long, and the defensive pressure of Liverpool has decreased a lot.

Liverpool's players have been high, the average height is very amazing, as long as it is not mistaken, the first point of the header can often be topped.

! ! ! The night long is just wanted to start, a penalty of the corner.

The whistle of the referee sounded, and he kept non-stop.

"You don't twist together, you can't tear the other party!" The referee ran into the ban. The two team players warned.

". is too fierce, the two team players are banned. The position in the district is not awkward!" He Wei said the sound.

The night long wind looked up and saw a big ban. District, then directly left football to launch the football.

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