The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1952, Chapter 1952, Chapter 1952 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, Alonso received the pass of Gerard, he came to Barcelona halfway.

At this moment, countless red figure on the field rushed into Barcelona. In the area, the most conspicuous, of course, of course, two meters height. Crawch.

Crawich is almost standing there, can't move, is a huge threat to Barcelona's goal.

"You dare to move, I will hit you!" Dried Sharis died and attached to Crawche, standing his next dish, and did not let Clack easily jumped.

Barcelona's defenders are very clear that Liverpool coach Lugers is so 1.2 a striker, which is to strengthen the big ban. The ability of the headballs in the district, so that Liverpool can compete for the first point.

And the night is far more, he probably guesses Rogers to take Crawch to not only for the ban. The offense in the district is also to let Clais attract Barcelona's defensive power, so that Liverpool is far away. The master is overproduced. A more exciting opportunities in front of the frontier.

! Suddenly, Alonso came into the foot of the court, but his pass was judged by Landudo.

bass! Alonso response is still very fast, the instant of football is back, he uses the right foot to remove the football, the left foot continues to pass.

This time, Landius did not block the pass of Alonso.

The football spinned and fludts over the top of the Landyos, and in Barcelona. The sky is over ...

Extremely fall! .

2041 chapter, crazy anti (first more)

"Blocking the bamboo raft!" Before the Barcelon door, the column card shouted. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Gao Jumi Cracch attracted Barcelona to ban. All players in the area, because he is too high, the height of the two meters jumped, you don't pay attention is impossible.

"Remote shot!" At this time, Jediss and Fangas were on the previous one after the first time, I got a jump in the same time, and I used the body to catch Crawch, let him lose balance in the air.

However, all of Barcelona did not think that the Barbeca passed the ball at all, not to find a front of Crawch, but the neutrality of the post.

"Wow! Alonso passed the ball to the empty file!" He Yizhen. The explanation of love.

At this moment, a red body in Claiscia is a lightning. It entered the ban. District, caching the football falling in the air, in the case of unmanned defense, the fish is directly impulsive.

"Gerard! Gerard!" Libeako explained high Chao!

Dangdang, Gerald's full-scale fishing top, dive the bomb!

Football was imported from Gerald to the lower right corner of Barcelona, ​​Barcelona gathered the column of the column, half squatting on the ground, want to block the football with his left hand.

But the football is still crossed by the five guidelines of the column, and the weight of the ball is over!

5-6! The Red Army captain also completed the hat trick of this game. He used the goal to prove that he and the Red Army were still the owner of the Afield Stadium.

"OH! Hell! He did it! The Red Army captain sent football into our goal, incredible!" Barcelona's commentary

"Steven! Steven! Steven!" The whole Anfield Stadium once again boiled, the Red Army fans stood all, the audience was spent.

"Come / ON! Boys! We also have the opportunity to take out our strength!" After the goal, Gerald launched, waving, encouraging the morale of his teammates.

"Hey. ~!" The Red Army is coming back again, and they ran in the midfield in the middle of the ball.

"It's a unpredictable game, it's too exciting! No matter how the game is the result, this game has no loser!" He Wei has been surprised to forget to explain, and now I have come back.

Going, moving goals, two offensive super teams for the fans of the scene, the fans around the world have given a unparalleled offensive feast.

However, all this has not ended yet.

There is still less than 15 minutes from the end of the game, no one knows what it will happen more than ten minutes.

It is the Red Army Liverpool to play today, or the Barcelona king is invincible, and eventually take away from the Anfield Stadium.

Nobody knows!

"This world is not impossible! The young people, continue to advance! Beat Barcelona!" Liverpool's explanation crazy shouting.

The middle circle of Anfield Stadium and the two teams re-appeared.

Fatshar coach shouted outside the scene, he didn't stop giving the night long style, so that the night is soaked.

Use Barcelona to consume the game of the game with Barcelona, ​​keep the leading advantage to the finals of the game.

"What jokes! This is the long-awaited competition, the old man actually called me not to attack!" The flame of the fighting spirit in the eyes of the night is getting hot.

"Attack! Shang!" Night-length wind ignored the French's leading command, waving the middle frontal player full line.

Barcelona is more than just victory, but also wins beautiful.

Use an offensive to attack the opponent, this is the style of the Blue Zi Legion!

Snapped! With the whistle of the referee, the night-long winds allocated football to Pkairo.

The midfield position, the Red Army player who has just turned back to a ball, they have forgotten the fatigue of the body, the mad dog style pocked the ball of Barcelona.

Barcelona players are not flustered to pass football. It is not easy to go from Barcelona players.

Night long wind, Pkarang, including the small arms Ine is a one-class controller master.

The Red Army's defensive looks like a rainy, as if to treat Barcelona's players to eat, but the effect is not very good.

Under the cooperation of Night Wind and Parlary and Ine's home new trident, Liverpool's midfield is quickly broken.

"Can't let him go in the past half!" Captain Geralda went to the night before the wind, Boghuang learned, he followed the second half of the Gerard, preventing the night long-term power to overrun.

However, the night-long wind did not choose a positive breakthrough, but transferred football to the leftmost space of the stadium.

The right foot stopped the football is Barcelona player Langdio!

Before the ground passed the ball, now changed back to the edge attack, Barcelona's offensive means changed, and how to deal with the night, how to deal with football, organize attacks, and the general team will force the style of doing like this.

"Is this under the bottom of the bottom?" He Wei said the sound.

One breath with the ball to break through the bottom of the bottom line directly below the feet.

Liverpool is bigger. In the area, the middle and back must be dead to take the La Lihe and Kresbo, the front door God Rarena sees the line of football flight, directly attack.

At this time, the night-long wind is forcibly crushed into the big ban on Liverpool.

The two of Gerard and Borg can't hate directly on the night, but it is still unable to stop the footsteps of the night.

In the noble state, it is almost impossible to use strength to live in Barcelona.

"Is it forced to jump? Night wind players!" He Wei crowded.

The Red Army door jumped with Rena, and he didn't receive the football to his arms.

The passage of this feet in Landius is not high, too close to the door.

"Ah! It will be confiscated by the door! Unfortunately ..." He Wei said that he did not fall.

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