The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1964

This is a good tactical corner before the two people!

At this time, the night-catching wind that has been completed is suddenly disappeared in the corner field!

When Juventus returns, the night-long wind has been inserted from the bottom line. It entered the most core position of Juventus, and Jusu Jane, who is close to Juventus close to the goal.

"Good opportunity!" He Yao's eyes blunt, Barcelona's tactical corner tactics is very successful, and the night's wind runs an opportunity with increasing speed.

Even the best rear defense lines in the world can also have such fast response speeds.

"Changfeng!" Juventio banned. District frontier, Pkairo welcomes the passage of night, completely unequal football, direct right foot, one lifted to big ban. Pump in the area! .

2064 chapter, continuous positioning ball (second more)

"Pretty!" He Yizhen couldn't help but yell in the explanation. @ @ @ @

Pagitaro passed the ball just right, and there was no such football to land, because if the football landed, with Juventus's resettlement speed, the Pkaho did not have a chance.

! The football has drawn a perfect arc in the air, brushed the strongest line of Juventus four iron sans, in Juventus's small ban. The air drop in the area.

"Blocking him, can't let him shoot!" Juventus coach Carlumonti was straight to the field.

Juventus's latter defense line is only a great opportunity to make a great opportunity by Barcelona.

At this moment, the first goblin showed his world's top response speed. He was originally facing the goal, a back-oriented moment, deploying a long arm exhibition, and blocked wildly. Night wind in the frontier of the district.

Buff Von has done the limit he can do, if it is changed to other gates, then Juventus's goal is empty.

! At this time, the golden light of the night 15 is flashing. He knows if it is directly selected, it is possible to be thrown out by Buffon.

Because the angle is too small, Buffon's playback ability is strong.

Therefore, the night length selection is also the same, the left foot bow is taking the ball!

"What!" Buffan glared in his eyes, and he glared in his eyes to fly from his head, and the night-long's most unexpected way to send football to the lower right corner of Juventus.

Football with strong fall and cyclone, and the speed is extremely fast, and the night-length wind has played the foot of the right foot to the extreme.

The first door of the world will only look at the ball!

"Perfect cooperation! Barcelona ..." He Wei has stood up.

The 100,000 Barcelona fans in Norcamp is also unsupported, and the Barceloni is eager to cut.

Can Barcelona have finally ushered in our first goal in the first half of the first half?

Do not! the answer is negative!

At the time of the crisis, a bald head fell to the ground in Juventi, using an extremely awkward shovel, will have arrived out the bottom line before the football before the door.

Is Kanovo!

He actually predicted the thoughts of the night, and saved the Zebra Legion in front of the gate.

"Unbelievable twisted balls, Kanaro! He must be the best defender of the world!" Juventi-local media explanation instantly high CHAO.

The Barcelona fans on the Nou Camp is an unbelievable look. Even this kind of ball can be held, this is really more than a fans.

"Ah!" Kanovo, which blocked the night, the ball, the ball, the ball, is also quite excited. He stood up is the roaring roaring.

At this time, Buffon et al. Also surrounded, excited to use hands to do Carnaro back and chest.

Attack can improve the momentum, the same wonderful defense, especially the defensive team of Juventus.

"Hey ..." At this time, there are some disappointing coaches, and Barcelona is already a tacit understanding, and the night-long wind gates can make any other club desperate.

In addition to today's Zebra Legion!

"Hey ... It is 20 minutes in the first half, Barcelona is only two shots, this is too rare. Juventus today's defensive is really open!" He Wei has some disappointment, no Don't sigh Juventus defensive ability.

It is other Champions League team. It has just made a sudden effort in Barcelona, ​​and the score may be three goals.

At this time, the score on the field is still to make Barcelona somewhat zero.

"See the ghost! That kid turned and really fast!" Night lives looked at the Carnavar vision.

In an instant of the night long, he has observed all the position of the defender in the district.

Canavaro is clearly back to the goal, and there is still two meters from the goal, but he can turn around, and the reaction is so fast.

Only one may, Kanovaro has predicted the night long wind idea in advance.

This is not a scope of hard work, this is the natural talent of the player.

Karnavaro is undoubtedly the best defender players in the Today, if the career is not seriously injured, the world's first guard should have not ran.

On the field, the referee blew the whistle again, Barcelona continued to obtain the third positioning ball, the corner on the right side of the court.

At this time, Juventus, Juventus, Caloron, said, it seems that it is still very dissatisfied to the team's defense.

This time, Juventi simply mobilized the West Dan and San Shizhen of the midfielder and participated in the defense. Only the day of Xiao Lang alone in the front field.

"It's too heart-hearted, Juventus, just to strengthen this defensive strength! Today is a zero-sealing Barcelona!" Many Chinese fans in front of TV can't complain.

They want to see the Mars splashing to the battle, not the fight against the fight.

At this moment, Barcelona can't attack, and the players on the field are too rare.

In particular, the backfields, he wants to participate before the attack, but the coach is lawful, and the death command has been killed, and it is not possible to rank.

After all, Juventus's defensive counterattack is called, and the speed is not covered.

The Noukamu Stadium, Juventio Half-Board. District frontier, night long wind and Pkaylang together, after discussing some, the Yaro ran to the corner.

"Well, it seems that this round of the corner should be criticized! It seems that Pakistan 847 Sa is to play the attack power of the God of War, and forcibly open the situation!" He Wei analyzed in the narrator.

"Staring at the little child!" Juventimen god Bron shouted and made his teammates to death at night.

The two attacks just now, although I didn't get the ball, but Buffon had been highly vigilant to the night, because in the eyes of Buffon, the night cost is really dangerous.

It is obviously a midfielder, but it is more horrible than the two strikers in Barcelona.

At this time, Barcelona had ambushed to Juventus's big ban.

Among them, the night's long-term winds have been taken care of, Juventi's middle-and-defending Montelo and Janende are clamped at night.

Montelo said in Serie A. the striker killer, defense is very fierce, and the action is often destroyed, often makes the other party's striker, it is a person.

Janendila is not a good person. In the football, he is famous for his fierce and personal defense, and he has not stopped using rude fouls in various important competitions, successfully frozen a number of world-class superstars.

Juvents make these two ,

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