The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1970 of the Chapter 1970 of the Prince of Tennis

After the lightning is two, the two will be brought to Barcelona with faster speed after Si Dan. District.

"Sudden speeding, Juventus's offensive core Xidan players high-speed with the ball.!" He Wei and Zhang Hao and the audience of the audience are nervous.

"Blocking him!" The offers of Barcelona, ​​Marshal, is screaming.

Barcelona is banned. Dried sands in the district and Fangas include the three guards of Oki to check the West Dan, including the defense!

Here, it is seen that the gap between the rear lines of Barcelona and Juventus, the overall defensive ability is completely no longer a grade.

At this time, it is necessary to fall into the San San Sanzi's three people surrounded by Xidan, suddenly stepping on the ball back.

Its light footsteps and picturesque movements are simply a pair of art paintings, and elegant.

"What!" Dried Sharis glanced at West Dan to turn around himself and turned around, the speed and the operating frequency were completely could not.

"Killing in, Juventus's good opportunity!" He Wei is surprised.

"Xidan! Xidan! West Dan!" Italy explained that crazy called the name of Xidan.

"Remote!" Randius from the middle of the middle rush to prevent the shovel from the West Dan from the critical moment.

Before the Barcelona door, the steel door god Miller panel opened, completely prepared to play the ball, his huge body is like a steel city wall in front of the West Dan.

Snapped! Snapped! However, Xidan has already stopped at this time. He continued to stroke the ball in the lower left, and the angle of the shooting was smaller after flashing.

step! Two steps!

Suddenly, in the moment of all people expected, the West Dan got a left foot and scared!

The action of the shot is small, but the power is full!

Football is like an explosion, and the next instant is directly inserted into the left corner of Barcelona.

The steel door is already fast enough, but it is still slightly slow, and the shot of Xidan is too close, and the angle is extremely drilled, and the timing of shooting is good!

1-0! Juventus first opens a record, the goal is not the zebra prince Piero, nor the tiger day, but the core of the midfield!

The Noukamu Stadium is silent, and hundreds of thousands of Barcelona's fans have been staying.

This goal is too sudden, and Xidan did not sound on the court. He didn't speak. He didn't have the arrogance of the night's wind, and there was no longitude to Xiaolang's momentum.

However, he uses the art-like action and superb ball skills on the court to conquer Barcelona's goal!

"It's a good goal, seeing him kicking is a kind of enjoyment!" Although He Wei hopes that Barcelon can win, but seeing Xidan's performance couldn't help but admire.

"Yes! Speaking of the governing of playing, Xidan is definitely the top ranks in the world. If he is in Juventus, this defensive team, his rays will be more dazzling!" Zhang Yu's attached, He is still a more than this player of Xidan.

". ! Very good!" The offers Carlon Tidiff hooked up with both hands, and the lead in Nou Camp is not a thing that is easy.

"How did he go in?" Many fans in front of the TV were still in a daze.

"Great West Dan! He is the poet on the green field. He knows that it is banned. The shortcuts in the dish are invisible! Sorry, Barcelona, ​​we lead!" Italian solution is proud.

The media understanding of the local media of Barcelona is silent. There is no doubt that the first half of this semi-final is that Barcelona is playing the most wrongful and the most uncomfortable half.

On the field, Xidan after the goal, expanded the arms fly freely in the Noukamu Stadium.

Piero is very excited to run over and celebrate the celebration, Xidan smiled slightly, hug Piero and gently patted Piero's back.

Xidan is not too excited, as if this ball (Li's) is just the same as a general career in his career.

Cellar, atmosphere!

If you have to find a word to describe Xidan, it can only be a master style.

It is not the name of the master of the masters who have been rotted with a rotation, but the real stadium master.

"Damn!" Steel Gamed Miller Boundless looks at Juventus, who is celebrating, this game, he is planning to be zero.

In the first half, Miller has made a magical saving many times, but in the first half of the last time, the last time is not a loss, this will not let Miller are indignant.

The first door of Miller and Buffon will be unfair, Juventus has the world's best guard line, and Barcelona's rear guard line is full, and the age is also too large.

But there is nothing unfair on football field, Barcelona also has the world's most horrible middle courtesy.

Just this half, laughing to the last is the Zebra Legion. .

2071 chapter, positive breakthrough (first more)

- The referee blows the whistle of the end of the first half, and the first half score is 1-0, Juventus is a ball leader. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

On the field, the two team players went to the player channel and returned to the locker room.

Juventus is talking about laughter, it is clear that it is very satisfied with the score of the first half.

And the other side of Barcelona is the brow, especially the coach Fahal, the first half competition is in the last time by the opponent, it is too big.

Juventus locker room.

The coach Carolumonti first praised the offense of Juventus, especially the perfect goal of Xidan.

Following the latter line of Juventi, Karo Monti seems to be unsatisfactory, in the first half, Barcelona does create a lot of goal opportunities, and there is an empty door.

In the second half, Carlon Tid did not want to give Pararon any opportunity to pull the score, if you can take the victory in Joukam, this round of the semi-final, Juventus will be very advantageous, you can say that it is half foot to step into it. finals.

So the next half competition, Carlon Tid also wants to strengthen the defense, anyway, it has been ahead, as long as the advantage of this goal is, victory belongs to Juventus.

Barcelona locker room.

In the first half, a madness has not been bombed but did not get the ball, and the other party will grab the other party to seize a chance to have, and the atmosphere in the locker room is somewhat dignified.

Barcelona has also experienced this situation in the past, in the old Travu Stadium, half of the two balls behind the Men joint.

But at that time, it was only a group of Champions League, the importance of importance and today's semi-finals could not be compared.

And Barcelona is still a home battle. If you lose the game in Nou Camp, Barcelona will be broken, and the goal of the club's double crown may become bubbles.

This is something that cannot be accepted from Barcelona.

"You must strengthen offense ... But the second half of the other party will strengthen the defense. If the necklace is dispatched, Juventus's counterattack skills, our latter defense line will be very dangerous." The coach Fahar is very contradictory.

Let the world who have the best defensive capabilities in the world get the goal, and the situation will indeed become difficult to handle.

"Changfeng, what should we do?" The Night Changshi, who turned to the head, asked when his team met, Yaro is accustomed to first and night longloads.

"Tailang, how can you not open today! Don't let the Japanese and the three people look joke, don't forget the soul of our South Ge!" Night long-faced horns slightly, and the whole body took a hot gas.

"Changfeng ..." Yaro said some happened. He hasn't seen the expression of the expression for a long time.

"This is called the real game, there is no relationship, and we can play no problem in the first half. We need to go!" The fire in the eyes of the wind, "Do you forget ... As long as I am Which side, victory belongs to the party! "

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