The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1972 of the Chapter 1972 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, the football that was boomed in the air was accepted, just over the top of the three people, returned to the loud feet.

The back of the ball is divided into the ball.

Chain defense The most stubborn iron chain is forced to break through, strength and technology.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! His people broke through our defense!" Italy's commences widened.

"Fast, give me a blocked him!" Karo Montidi is full of red, roaring, and roaring throughout the Noukamu Stadium.

"Single knife ball! Champions League's best shooter and direct conversation of the world's first god!" He Wei is also growing.

"There is me!" Buffon bouncing, lightning.

In the past major competition, Buffon once rushed out of the other-knife ball in countless times. In his door, it is full of techniques, selection and saving, so he has a strong ability to be a single-handed ball.

· ···· Ask for flowers ··· ······

"What is the strongest defense line in the world? How is the best door in the world? I just want to go!" No matter who is in front of you, there is no hesitation in the eyes of the night.

! At this moment, the night long wind suddenly in small ban. District front, left foot to football to the lower left of the goal.

bass! The reflection of Buffe von is immediate, and the whole person is flying.

However, in this moment, the night long-lasting feet returned the football back, followed by an oversized Marseille cyclone.

Take the ball!

The last person of Juventus, the world's first person, the first door of the world, Mr. Bron.


Although Buffon reacted, I wanted to use my feet to hit the football in front of the night.

But his speed is completely impossible to keep up, he has not stretched your feet, and the night's wind has passed from him.

! At the moment, the night long-lasting feet gently pushed the football into the empty door.

1-1! Night long-lived Champions League 23rd ball, although it is some late, but it is very thirst!

"My God! One, two ... this is a few people? The world's shield, the world's best goalkeeper can't stop the horsepower Barcelona god, God of War is unpublished! 1 to 1, Barcelona "" He Wei is excited.

On the side of the Zhang, I saw it stunned, and I couldn't say a word.

"GoallllllLL! Night! Night! Night! The strongest shooter in the Champions League, for him, there is nothing is impossible! People, breakthrough, goal, it is so simple! This is Barcelona!" Barcelona solution said in the main solution Crazy yelling.

"Ye!" The entire Nou Camp exploded in an instant, and the scene completely became a blue-violet ocean.

The performance of the personal heroism like the night, is like the top of the top Hollywood.

The Norcamp Stadium night sky sounds the deafening songs, belonging to the nightly style of one person's Barcelona song.

"He ... is invincible! He ... it is omnipotent! He ... is the most shining star in Novamp!"

Night long wind, a man with BGM! .

2073 chapter, Juventi counterattack (third more)

Juventoumen front door will look at the Buffon to the back of the arms to the corner ball, and he flutters countless single-knife ball, but no one can achieve the frequency of the action of the night. ∠ ∠ ± ± ± ± ∠

It is important to know that the night growth is from the midfield, and then the movement of the Marseille swirling after it is half a game all the way.

You have to sigh the long-distance attack of the night, and the psychological quality at the critical moment.

Such a key player is generally called a big heart, and the night is obviously the leader.

"Bastard!" The scene of Carlont, the side of the slap in the plastic baffle, Juventus has not been adjusted, and the night's strength has broken through the power. Tucas whole line.

If it is in front of the game, Carlon Tid is absolutely not "four nine three" letter night, and you can break through Juventus to lead the world's shield.

However, the score of 1 to 1 in the scoreboard, as well as the scene of Noukam boiling to the explosion, so that he had to believe in everything that happened in front of him.

"Changfeng kid, you are too big!"

"Changfeng, great!" Barcelona, ​​Barcelona, ​​Qi Qiqi, and everyone's face is full of surprises.

In the case where the team can't open the situation, the night cost is still standing again.

At this moment, the red arms have been engraved to the night-catching winds of the corner. The right hand is attached, attached to the ear, and then surround the audience, like the king is listening to his people.

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" Noukamu live 100,000 Barcelona disappears breathed the cheers of the tsunami to overturn the whole ball, the earth is like vibration.

"It's a semi-final of the Champions League, the scene is too shocking!" Chinese fans in front of TV sets were blindled.

The competition in the first half is slightly dull, especially for the fans of Barcelona, ​​and it is not a torment.

However, the next half has just begun less than five minutes, and the night's wind is completely ignited. Love, dragging the game back to the normal rhythm of Barcelona.

At this time, the day stood in the middle of the midfielder, Lang Wei, burning, watching Barcelona celebrated in the corner of the corner.

This game, the day, I didn't know the tired running, contributing to Juventus.

At the first half, West Dan can have a lot of relationships with the day to pull the classic one and the day to pull Barcelona.

But this is not enough, the day wants to go to the ball, he wants to catch up with the night, prove that he must rely on his own strength.

Just like a night, the team is pulled back to the situation, such a player is the true core of the team, the real super player!

The neutral in the Noukamu Stadium, the day, Xiaolang and Xidan station after the football.

The cheers of the scene have continued for a few minutes, and the Barcelona fans on the stage are still waving towels and flags in their hands.

- With the referee whistle, the game continues.

On the day, I brought the football to Xidan, Juventus's middle courtman began to surging Barcelona.

Just now, the lost scorpion has affected the emotions of Juventus, and they pressed faster and more aggressive.

Xidan broke through the half of Barcelona, ​​and the three sides of Juventus rushed to the two bottom lines in the left side of the two roads.

At this time, the night length shielded on the route breakthrough in Xidan.

The night-cost game rarely participated in the defense, he put all the attention into the attack, and he had a lot of strength to score a ball, and he had to say that Juventus's defensive ability is really strong.

After the goal, the night-catching wind will go back to the defense. He hopes that it can also give Juventus more pressure to Juventus, so that Juventus does not dare to easily press.

"Night!" Xidan's left foot stopped, his eyesight regarded his opponent, Barcelona's ace, currently stepped on the super genius of various records at the foot.

I once thought that Li War, who had the same era, was the only enemy of his life, but when the long wind was blocked in front of him, Xidan felt the suffocation of the suffocation.

The defense of night long winds is not defensive technology, but completely relied on the body, not stopping the opponent, non-stopping the ball and interference.

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