The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1975 Chapter 1975 of Wangzhao System, Prince of Tennis

This adjustment has quickly received the effect, and the three-range feet of the Sanhuo shifts the football. After being smashed, the PTA is talled, and the head is broken.

In the second half, the ball returned to the hands of Barcelona.

"Damn!" Carlontai is in a hurry, he wants to change people, but it is afraid that the players just played can not adapt to the rhythm of Barcelona.

"If this (Zhao's) is like, I can't stand!" Carlon Pi-faces sink, "We have already won a passenger goal, as long as you can hold the order, it is not an acceptable result! No Method, only this! "

The second half is 23 minutes, Jiando blocked the border of Ine near the midfield.

The fourth judgment official in the field immediately raised the brand, Juventus made a removal adjustment.

This game is flattened, Pieno, is replaced, and the Carlon Tidy is madly and madly sent a guard Cabrini.

"Ah, Juventus coach is actually at this time, replaced the old Cabrini, he is to completely give up the attack, continue to strengthen the defense?" He Wei was a little surprised to adjust the replacement of Carlon Tid.

"Hey! Very likely! Do you don't know how Juventi's defense will change after joining a defender?" Zhang Hao, I also agreed to nod. .

2076 chapter, putting big bar (second more)

After Cabrini came, immediately shouted with Juventus players, told the tactical adjustment of Carlon Tidy to Juventus. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

After listening to Kabrini, Juventus has heard of the words of Kabrini, and his face is shocked, followed by neither.

The tactics of the coach must be implemented, and Carlon Tid is very authoritative in the Juventus team.

On the field, as Landius threw the border play to the Poland, the poker left the left foot and looked up and looked at the front game, then stopped.

In addition to the day, Juventus, all players have retraced to the big ban like a defensive corner. Near the front, completely abandoned the defense of the midfield.

"Damn, Carlon Tidy This ghost is to stay in the order!" The field Faier is very disdainful.

Carlon Tid did not pay attention to Fassier, but continued to command the adjustment of Juventus's defense.

"Scorpio, what is Juwen guy what is going to do?" A Chinese fans who were watching the ball before watching the TV.

"So obvious, you can't see it? Juventus seems to have to hold a single!" Another fan explained.

"Sure enough, Juventus has changed the defensive strategy. They now only leave only one offensive striker in the frontcourt. The day to Xiaolang. All the players have retired from the backfield, the formation turns into 91!" He Wei's appeal.

"I really thought that Juventus's giants will also put big bar. It seems that even chain defensive can't solve Barcelona to make people suffocating attack power!" Zhang Yu added.

The so-called word of the big Pakistan is from Portuguese. The famous coach of Past, and he has described the other's turtle defense for them to stop the bus in front of the goal!

Words to the big powers are known from this world!

In today's football, the leader is Juventus, because they have a good defensive player.

And the big bar can be said to be a chain defensive evolution, pursue more unpublished defensive formations.

If the chain defense is dynamic, the number of large powers is static, and the defensive zone is compressed to the ultimate, relying on a local high-purpose strand to block the opposition of the other party.

And the big bang is not full of attack power, Juventus still has a very fast day to Xiaolang, when pressed in Barcelona, ​​and may play a counterattack at any time.

Of course, it is not one who can put it, first of all your players should have basic defensive capabilities, then you have to have a positive defensive player and defensive tacit cooperation.

If the team of today's football is best suited to the big bar, that is not Juventus!

After the Noukamu Stadium, Juventus changed its strategy, it immediately received the effect.

Barcelona players participated in the attack, but the space of the ball was compressed by Juventus players.

Juventus is no longer used by two or more people to cover up the night, but use the overall defense to organize the night's easy organizational attack.

Barcelona's previously accurate passes began to have a mistake, and it has never been able to break through Juventus's defense.

Barcelona's physical fitness is consumed because they want to take a position to pull off the offensive space, but Juventus players do not pay attention to their own one acre three-degree defense, because running less, physical energy is constantly recovering.

This is one of the benefits of the bus, the physical fitness and energy of the player can be buffered.

On the field, I just looked at the game to be hot, I suddenly became dull than the first half.

Barcelona is in front of the bus, only in the midfield, the ball is up, the success rate of attack is constantly declining.

Hipe! The 100,000 Barcelona fans on the Nou Camp began to beer Juventus, and the snoring can almost turn over the entire goal.

Such a big gab to the football is simply devastating, you imagine, nearly 20 players crowded in a small area on the court, what is the scene, just like the bus that is overloaded overloaded Car, that feels very uncomfortable.

"My Cao! Juventus's coach is wrong, the Champions League semi-finals are so kick, too TM ugly!" China's domestic countless Barcelona fans broke.

Some of Juventus's death fans have some can't see it. ! "

However, all this is a virtual, and Carlon Tid is completely ignored the deafening buzz.

"Very good! That's it! I don't do anything well, I want to advance the next round!" Carlon Tidy has even begun to make a big grain at home.

It seems that Barcelona players have no good way to this tactics, and the effect of the big bus is immediately pleasing.

"Damn, what is the giant!" Omi checked the night-catching night long-lived night-to-the-courts that were previously played by the bottom line, hateful roaring.

The second half has been processed by thirty-five minutes, Juventus puts a twenty-minute bus, and the two teams did not shoot in these twenty minutes.

Don't say Oimi check, no way to break through the Juventus of Juventus.

The other side's guards are the world's top, so narrow offensive space, even Barcelona is also a headache, can't find any way in a short time.

"Changfeng, what should I do now, if I go, the game is over 1 to 1!" The pool of sweaty boots began to worry.

"The positioning ball is a good opportunity! To attack their tactics, we must go to the ball!" The night's eyes are full of anger.

Night wind has always advocated attack, just like Barcelona's style, not only to win, but also won beautiful.

If Barcelona will leave the big bar in order to the championship, the night is willing to leave this championship.

The big bar is not only to kill or appreciate, and the development of football is also unfavorable.

However, the night's wind does not feel that the other party uses the tactics of the big bar, and the tactics on the football stadium is thousands. As long as useful tactics have its meaning.

Many years later, the fans will not remember that Juventus is big in front of the door, and they will only remember who has achieved victory, which team promoted to the next round.

Victory is justice, the truth is unchanged.

I have no effect, since the opponent is playing the big bar, then this bus is booming! .

2077 chapter, anger bus (third more)

Barcelona once again got a frontcourt, the chance of positioning the ball was more important to Barcelona at this time. If you can enter a ball, Juventus is tactical, the tactics of Juventus will not break. Π π ÷ π

Juventus halfway is the right corner field, and the player who takes this corner is still a poker.

Pugan took the football from the field staff, and gently wen a football, and then put the football in the corner point.

At this moment, Juventus's door looked at the Buffearo, and the 3s shot ball just gave him a deep impression.

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