The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1977 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Ine gently pushed the football and sent it to the loud feet.

"There is still a good time, there is nothing to keep! The other party began to put the big bar, don't blame me to open!" The fire in the eyes of the night.

The king invincible!

In the first moment, the night length of breath is completely changed. He took the initiative to open the innovation skills of the king, all attributes all attributes sharply, and the entire person's physical fitness also returned to the top. Peak status.

The duration of the king has changed from the previous five minutes, that is, the night's wind is in the last ten minutes, and can have no scruples.

On the court, the night is suddenly moving forward.

"Ah, is there a mistake? This football is a bit big!" He Wei said the sound.

The night and the right foot suddenly slammed, the whole person is like the profile, the first step in the night is the first step.

At this time, the king is invincible, and the night-long wind is so fast that Juventus's players are almost contrary.

The night long body is tight, and in the case where the other player is not prepared, it is forcibly killed into the bus from Juventus.

"The arrogant guy, don't look at us!" Cabrini just gave a shovel to the night long-lasting shovel.

The outer number of Cabrini is a knife guard. When you are young, it is also the world's most top guard. It is feature that it is defensive. As a guard, it often has more than ten goals in a season in the league.

At this time, there is a person before and after the night, and it is completely trapped in the Juventus's Turtle.

Without any helves, it will not pass the ball. At this time, the movements of all people surrounded by Juventus have slowed down.

bass! When the night length of the wind starts the football at the foot of the foot, the body is beginning to suddenly.

Shuguang goddess shackles!

At the moment surrounded by Juventus, the night's long wind suddenly differentiated the nine residuals, and each residual movement is very realistic, the action is different, but it will be dazzled.

"Nima! War gods!" Chinese fans in front of TV can't see anything from the picture of the TV, but a few big players in Juventi at the same time.

And when they returned to God, the night-long wind has broken through the first line of defense of Juventi bus.

"How did he do it?" Juventus ranked his eyes.

"Give me a blocked him! I don't have all the price! Fast!" Carlon Tidi is anxious.

At this time, although the night-catching wind broke through the first line of defense, in front of him, Montero, Balzali, Karvaro and Jentelet's four backgappers were quickly completed.

This is the benefit of the bus, and the defensive space is extremely compressed, and the defense becomes easy.

"Leave a football!" In Juventio ban. Online, Karnavaro and Jeniti are simultaneously split, Barzali and Montero are protected behind him, to prevent the night long wind again. Amazing skills.

However, the night-hard wind game has been used twice that the dawn goddess is the account, especially the second night, the hard work has played his physical quality, the ankle's endurance is to the limit, and it is impossible to make it again. Quality of the dawn goddess of the goddess.

At the crucial moment, the night's long wind suddenly changed two consecutive times, and the two of Juventus two defenders were flashed by the gorgeous god level with Ice.

"Overhab, it is incredible! He is simply the lightning in the world, no one can stop!" Barcelona's local explanation is in the main solution, crazy shouting.

Norcamp's 300,000 Barcelona's fans are standing together, gathering their attention on the back of the zero jersey. .....

The eyes of the world gathers at this moment!

Night winds under the eyes of Barzali and Montero, suddenly take a football.

No one thought that the night is suddenly stopped, Juventus Gate has attacked Buffon, preparing to directly rush to the football in the night.

"What!" The next embarrassment, the three behind the night length is stupid.

Night wind did not choose to force breakthrough, but the back came out of him this season, perhaps the most important passed.

Snapped! When the night length is attracted to all the attention, while the back, use the left foot to follow the football horizontally.

The game is poor, and the Kresbo's inexplicable is hit by a football.

In the case of Kresbo, there is no active awareness, he actually uses big. Leg knees put football into Juventus's empty door.

2-1! The goal of Cresbo's goal is Barcelona, ​​which may be the easiest, and the most inexplicable goal in his career.

"This is also?" The audience in front of the TV, the fans on the scene, the players on the court, including Kresbo that just won the ball stayed.

"Beautifully doing beautiful, Kre! Haha!" The night grew is back, laughing, rushing to Kre, put the Kresbo on the ground.

"Yea! We are leading!"


"Victory is still our!" The whole 5.7 Noukamp suddenly boiled, and the fans broke out the cheers of unheard.

The field Faul coach is running, and it is jumping again!

On the other hand, Carlon Tid is a wooden chicken, and the night-catching wind is too unexpected.

On the football field, there is a saying that helping the strikers to force the goal with personal abilities. This ability is called making cakes.

The night's feet have just been in the feet after the feet, it is simply forced to give Cresbo feeding cake.

Let the fans in front of the TV are amazing again and feel funny!

From this Chinese fans also created a new title, cake king.

This Cresbo unexpectedly in the knee's goal, called the Chinese fans, and feed the public to eat cake! 'Allusions of'.

PS: Nemaar is also a heart-hearted madness yesterday, forcing Messi to feed cake for 30 minutes. .

2079 chapter, red card penalty (first more)

"Unbelievable goal! In front of the personal attack of the God of War, even the best defensive team in the world is also unable to stop his footsteps. Ψ Magazine ψ I have not made a few people, he It is the greatest player on this planet, no one! "He Wei took the night's long-lasting.

"Hey! Yes, this summer's World Cup, I see. The Chinese team has a play!" Zhang Yu is also laughing on the side.

In the cheers of the Barcelona's fans and boiling, the score on the score will become 2 to 1, Barcelona's home leader, and the time of the game is also officially entered the stage of three minutes.

"Attack! Forward!" The arrival of the gods from the gods, and the game has not been shouted, and there is not much left.

For Juventus, the score of the passenger is not unacceptable, but Carlon Temina is already ignoring ingredients, and he let Juventus's player press, including them The world's first strongest rear line.

The Noukang Couple 15 is circled, and Xidan quickly filed the football to Sanyi.

San Shi Expressway breaks through the ball to Barcelona, ​​Juventus's player is the first time, and everyone flocks to the half of Barcelona.

At this time, Barcelona's defensive felt an unprecedented pressure, Juventus put a big bar for 30 minutes, the player's physical strength has a lot of physical strength, and this time is like a group of horses, the momentum is full.

However, when I wanted to pass on the three, when I gave the football to Ximei, a lightning figure flashed from behind him, gently and right, turned out the football in front of the three.

"What!" Sanqi's eyes suddenly contracted, he did not feel someone behind him just now.

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