The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1987 of the Chapter 1987 of the Prince of Tennis

"The main referee ran over, will he give Bayern?" He Wei is very nervous to look at the main referee that is running from the side line after the comment.

The eyes of the whole world have gathered to the referee, and his sentence will likely affect the trend of the game, or even the owner of the King of Europe this season.

"Competition continues!" The main referee took the pressure, his hands held high, and there was no expression.

There is no penalty, there is neither a ball, and there is no red card.

"There is no foul! The referee sentenced to defense!" He Yulong has a breath.

"Black whistle!"

"The damn referee, the money is charged!" I saw the ball of Bayern on the stage.

"Yeah! Defense!"

"It is a steel door, Germany's little ladies are hit!" Barcelona fans are doing with Bayern fans, starting to cheer.

"The referee, have you made a mistake, isn't it a foul!?" Bayern's frontcourt players were angry, and never surrounded the referee.

At this time, the night growth ran to the frontier of the big restricted area, directly rushed to Miller waving.

"It's coming!" Miller passed the Bayern people, and a football hand on the night.

The night is going to turn the ball immediately and started a big step.

"Come back!" Xiao Jun shouted his front field.

The perfect Bayern remained in the original opening is more confusing.

And this is a good opportunity to wait for the night lengthy.

If the ball is in advance, the game will be a lot, and the pressure of the people in Barcelona will decrease.

"I have to think in the past!" The first blocked on the road in front of the road is a little flying man.

Bayern is not as good as the Hehe night, so I have to hinder the tissue attack in the night long along the way.

At night, I looked at Robben soon, I didn't want to talk to him at all, and a big step was forced from Luo himself.

"Ah!" Robben's consciousness called, he also couldn't do it. Mercure him can barely follow the night, but the body is a confrontation.

Unexpectedly, there is a good quality of Luo Ben's physical fitness, and the balance is excellent.

On the field, the night-lived winds have passed a half-game, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

The roar of the outer super Mario suddenly appears on the road forwarded in the night, and the German native players of germathels, and the general german local players.

His height is only one meter, a baby face, and there is still a baby fat, it seems that human animals are harmless.

However, no one dares to look at the gerice, and this little guy is very hard, and it is full of murderous.

And his foot is delicate, a bit like a Brazilian player.

However, such a guy who kicked the ball and kicked the ball. It was also suffering from the night.

Night live wind is more murderous than him, the physical quality is better than him, and the foot technology is completely crushed.

Gregory wants to stretch the feet, but the right foot pull ball is turned off directly from the night-to-face wind.

"Marseille returns! Beautiful! Barcelona will start to start, have two people! Do you have to stage a single ride? Do you have a magical performance of a team?" He Wei said.

Bayern defensive core China Dragon God is there, and the night is not chosen to choose hard, but the football is divided.

Pastelang welcomed football on the night long body side and passed the football to the front line of Ine.

Ine does not stop the ball, do the football back, and drive the night with a speed of Xiao Junguang.

Barcelona frontfield trime kicks a roll-up continuous biopsy.

"Beautiful cooperation, this is the attack of Barcelona!" He Wei couldn't help.

On the stage and the Barcelona fans in front of TV were cheered, the passive defensive Barcelona was not their favorite, and Barcelona that only kicked out gorgeous offense was the real Barcelona.

"Don't panic! Don't let him enter the banquet, let him go!" Before the Bayernmen, Roen Yuan shouted.

In addition to the big ban, there are only one night, one person can wear five guidelines for Linyuan three.

However, now, if Lin has absolute confidence, you can block any shot of the long wind in the bigby area.

In the big restricted area, Ju Lin has no absolute confidence, so Bayern can't make the night length of the wind.

"Source three, is so confident?" The cold eyes were in the eyes, and the Arab and Boaten were retreats after he was, and it took a space directly, and the night greetings were shot.

"In this case, I will be welcome!" The night's wind is not afraid of any challenge, during the high-speed travel, the night is suddenly launched.

Bending bow archery!

PS: The chapter is wrong, and now I will pass the first chapter of tomorrow.

2090 chapter, world-class ten minutes (second more)

"Left" ... shooting! "He Wei rang in thousands of people in China. ? Miscellaneous?

In the case of almost no one's defense, the night length is almost unfamiliar, and it is straightforward to force the arc shot.

A punch!

Football is turned into a white shine in a flash, and the fast-moving high-speed camera in the field has no way to capture.

However, in a moment of the night long-term wind, Johindo before Bayern moved, he was just a horizontal step, and the whole body was directly standing.

The right hand has been extended, and if Lin is quite stretched in the aerial motion attitude.

Then, it is a loud noise, if Lin's stretchable right hand suddenly clears into punches, and the other people will directly hit the top left corner of Bayern.

"Unbelievable! This is all blocked!" He Wei shouted, and the fans in Barcelona were constantly exciting.

Whether in the Champions League or in the game of La Liga, the night cost is now incentive to play a lot of such goals.

This time, Johinde looks very easy to block, and steadily landing, it seems to have a good force.

"Changfeng!" At this time, if Lin looked up, he looked at the night's live wind to the corner.

Only he knows, in a moment, Johinden is planning to use one hand to directly grasp the shooting of the night.

Because this year, if Lin multi-tie training strengthens its own hands.

Boxing special training, single-handed high-speed baseball, and weightlifting exercises, etc., Johindin has used various methods to exercise their own grip and wrist power.

Under Ultra High Strength Training, Johinde has already experienced a pair of steel iron bones, and since it thinks that all violent shooters, including Schneider's flames.

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