The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1989 Chapter 1989 of the Prince of Tennis

On the field, Xiao Junguang walked the football to the midfield, and the core of Bayern midfielder is very relaxed to unload the football.

At this time, Barcelona's midfield is very empty, including Landud Os, half of Bayern.

After Xie Shi Tower unloaded the football, he turned it away. He didn't choose to take the ball directly, because he has just seen Barcelona players chasing it.

Especially the speed of the night, the speed is amazing, with more than ten meters, and Zie Taga can feel the powerful oppression behind.

For night-long wind, She Si Tower is a bit fear. In the past confrontation, Zie Shi is aligned with the night long, it is abused, and the shaded area of ​​the heart can be very large.

The , She Si Tower directly pins, the big foot will pass football to the front field.

Passing is always more efficient than breakthrough, the topic is precise.

The long biography of Sheisa is quite good, and the football is directly in the front of Barcelona.

At this time, the German emperor Schneider has rushed to Barcelona's big ban, and he welcomed the football falling in the high altitude, jumped high.

Dried sandlis on the side did not react, was robbed to the first point by Schneider.

Schneider gave the football to Muller, Schneider has changed a lot during the World Youth Invitational Tournament, and he no longer be independent.

The one-year top professional competition experience allows Schneider to learn how to handle the ball most reasonable.

And he trusts his partner Muller, Muller grows so fast, and has a big relationship with Schneider's trust.

"Not good!" Dried Sharis looks back, football has been easily unloaded by Muller.

Muller landscape the football at the foot, and suddenly opens the space.

"Let the kid shoot!" Miller, Barcelon, roared.

Omei investigated the awareness of the pretext, but Muller's anesthes were all dialped with football.

Then, it is a sudden start, and the football will kick the football to the lower left corner of the Barcelona.

"Press the cold arrow!" He Wei called.

The steel door godmille is a cross, and the right hand is lightning.

The sound of Muller's shooting speed is extremely fast, there is a change in the ground, but it is finally a little bit, and wipe the door column out of the bottom line.

Miller also judged that it is not enough to go out of the world!

"Oh!" The fans of Bayern on the stage exclaimed.

"Beautiful shooting, unfortunately biased!" He Wei was shocked.

Bayern's striker line is too horrible. Everyone has the ability to change the situation. This makes Barcelona will not be too strong.

On the field, Muller who did not get the goal was very annoyed and shaken.

In his other side, in fact, the little flying man has ran over, and Muller can push the ball to Robben.

Of course, the young player is inevitably handling the ball, which is normal.

Muller streshed to Robben, said that he did not see him, some sorry.

Then, Muller raised his hands and took a few times, expressed appreciation of the ball and Schneider's heads of Schneider.

2092 chapter, night long-term rules (fourth more)

"Barcelona's latter line is very powerful, then playing so, lose the ball is late and morning. Is habits or opponents to fight against the attack, as long as I can kick out gorgeous attacks, Barcelona will not fear any opponent! "He Wei analyzed the situation on the field.

Barcelona's ball door.

Steel Games god Miller opened football to the midfield, football flying quickly and flat.

At this time, I returned to the night length of the midfield position, tall and high, and still easily gave the football to the Barlang next to the football.

Strive to fight the head, the night's long-term advantages are too obvious.

Its body confrontation is BUG-like, plus the bounce and bumper speed, at least in today's football, no players can fight in the ball in the battle.

On the field, the left foot of the Pkarang pulled the football, and the football was unloaded, and he directly launched the half breakthrough to Bayern.

Pkarang knew that the game of the night must be taken care of, he must make more threats, so that Bayern's defense against the night will be loose.

On the basketball court, in the face of the omnipotent flying man, Jordan, the bad child's Legion Piston came up with a way, the name is Yordan rule.

It is a strategy to use a variety of methods to die, and the anti-Jordan, which is the defense of the piston, simply describe it.

But if you can't resist the metamorphosis, the piston will be removed from Jordan, then die to prevent other four people, even if Jordan is more, the other four have a low, the bull will live.

Relying on this Jordan law, the piston eliminated the bull three times in the playoffs.

Now Bayern's way to pay the night, you can say that Bayern coach Field is a special-long-style rule that is specially customized for the night.

Don't let the night grow through, don't let the night grow up, even try to block the ball of night long wind.

Anyway, it is not to make the night grow up comfortably, and relatively removed others. Your other Barcelona players can defeat me, I can wear the ten guidance of Linyuan three, I will recognize it.

The ball is very high, and I have already perceived Bayern's tactics.

Field is also no way, the nightly wind goals are too horrible, let him kick out, even if Juventus is not able to stop his footsteps.

Therefore, Field thought this night's gas law, its most critical point is Xiao Junguo.

This game, Xiao Junshuo does not leave the night long wind, dead and falls on the night length side.

The two national teams are intimate teammates, you will be polite in the club.

Xiao Junguang is extremely good, even if the night grows wants to get rid of him, it will cost a good job, which makes the night feel feeling uncomfortable.

Xiao Junguo understood him too well, the habit of playing the ball and the position of running on the court were very familiar.

Plus Bayern Middle Field Gencence and Sheisa's wraps, the night long wind is indeed a little uncomfortable, there is no semi-final, there is no feeling of the world.

Of course, Bayern is so dead, and the poker is gains a lot of space on the court.

High-speed Ball forward, Pkarang, a foot followed by a foot, the air sphere, gorgeous, there is a small flying man. Roben.

"Beautiful people!" He Wei said.

For all, Barcelona's flash point gathers on a person in the night. Most people ignore the Yaro and also a world-class midfielder.

After he had a little bit of Robben, he was able to push the football to the Bayern Castle, Ine.

Ine Head gods, standing in the same place, put football into the inside.

At this time, Bayern Cast, Take Calley and Crespozyi launched two side guards.

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