The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1998 Chapter 1998 Chapter 1998

"Team doctor, you will help him handle it!" Night wind did not say much, waving the team's teamwork to help Miller to handle the wound of the chest.

At this time, Miller's chest is still red, even a little purple, or his chest muscles, just now, Miller is really likely to be bombarded to stand up.

For a little weight, the muscles are not so developed, such as Barcelona will be a column card, which is definitely impossible to block the super flame of the German emperor Schneider 10 meters from the German emperor.

After the first half, the night lengthy wind is very clear, and although the best of the Bayern, Bayern's overall strength is obvious on Barcelona.

This is not just a night growing, as long as it is the Barcelona player on the game.

2102 chapter, the next half of the final (fourth)

Bayern locker room. ㄨ ㄨ ≦ ≦ ㄨ ㄨ

Bayern Zhongji once a dress, greeted them, the coach Field is a roar.

Field is a Jianjun, which is rarely seen, and even bursting.

In the first half, Field is not very satisfying with the performance of your disciples, especially the strongest striker lines in the world.

"Schneider, how many times, don't be attracted to personal wins! Football is the movement of the team, no championship, you can't use one hundred balls!" Field pointed to the German emperor's face, Spit stars fly.

Schneider has no expression, but the hands of your hands are going to pinch, this is his expression of his anger to the extreme.

One of the final time of the last half of the last half caused Bayern missing a moment, but also let Barcelona will attack a goal, one, this is two goals, these are directly related to Schneider.

Although the teammates did not blame themselves, the character of Schneider did not tolerate the idiot of myself in the first half.

"Everyone!" Field did not say more about the eyes of Schneider, turned to the worship of the people to call the tactical board, "the first half competition, our state is actually good, don't forget, this season has not yet A team can steal the victory from us! "

"Our overall strength is on Barcelona, ​​as long as calm, don't panic, more passing! You can break Barcelona's temporary big bar, the second half, we have to strengthen offensive!" Field in the eyes of the Field, " A wave of flowers away from Barcelona! "

Also, the Barcelona locker room.

In the dressing room, Barcelona began to replace their own jersey, and their jersey were frozen.

The first half of the competition will consume very large, especially before the bus, the super fast-paced competition is completely exceeded by Barcelona.

Barcelona will rebuild his mind, and it is necessary to prevent Bayern tidal offensive and super front front lines.

So Barcelona temporarily puts a big bar, not only to let Bayern kick will directly engage the attack, but also let Barcelona players get a break, no longer run.

From the results of the first half, the effect of the big bus is very good. If this tactics, Barcelona is likely to be dragged with the rhythm of Bayern by Bayern in the last half.

The goal in the first half of the second stage is even more powerful in the first half.

Before the end of the first half, leading Bayern Munich, there was no European club in this season, and Barcelona did it.

At this time, Barcelona coach Fahar made the team's special masseur relaxed for the main players, and he was very satisfied with the performance of everyone in Barcelona.

However, Fahal is still a little uneasy, the first half competition, Barcelona is almost a good thing, but the second half of the Bayern's strong lineup will change the tactics, Barcelona will face more crazy attacks.

Specially now, from the team doctor's reaction, the most excellent door is not very good, the doctor's situation is not very good, the team doctor suggests that the second half of Fa'er is best to change the steel gardens, but by Miller.

"I will come here to challenge myself. If you can't play this important game, what do I still do here?" Miller changed a new jersey early, patted his chest, indicating that he had no problem at all.

"Miller!" The night's wind sweeps a bit of Miller, he can feel the momentum of Miller, but the body is definitely a problem, look at his face, you know that the Miller is absolutely or qi.

However, the night grows does not say much, the body injury does not become an excuse of retreat.

As basketball god Jordan said, "I can accept failure, but I can't accept it!"

In that year, the Joe Gang was still more than 50 points in the finals of the finals, and the vomiting is still more than 50 points. Smiling Assassin blocked the Joe Gang in the same year, in the finals of the finals, holding a leg, still cut 43 points, won the piston champion.

The injury is definitely not the excuse of failure and abandonment, and the great player will stand on the court, not sitting in the field.

"Good! The second half competition, we must further compress the defense line, hold Bayern's anti!" Fats began to explain the tactical changes in the second half, mainly some subtle adjustments.

After fifteen minutes, the noisy old Traford stadium was boiled again.

The two team players poured from the player channel, and returned to the court again.

"Out! The second half is now going to start, we can see that the two teams do not change, still the main lineup of the first half." He Wei took hoarse voice.

The first half of the contest is too powerful, and his golden scorpion is inevitably dumb.

However, the fans in front of the TV have not cared, and they are more concerned about how the two European topballs will show.

Bayern will not rebound strongly, Barcelona will not play big and fragments, who will stand in Europe, this is all the fans who are looking forward to.

The old Trafford Stadium once again sounded the theme songs of the Champions League. All the games were Bayern or Barcelona's fans began to sing in aloud of the melody.

In a wave of singular singular, the atmosphere at the scene has reached a climax.

At this time, the night long wind and Pkarlang stationed after the football of the circle of the stadium, the night-length wind swept a favorite, their expression has changed, a fierce gods to eat people.

"These guys are desperate!" The cold light in the eyes of the night.

---- At this time, the referee blew the whistle started in the game, and the night-long wind made the football to the Pkarang, and the Pkarang did not stop the football to pass the football to Take Ka Li.

I haven't waited for Calley to stop the ball, and the midfielder of Bayern rushed up.

The midfield is instantly organized, and Bayern does not hesitate to press the Barcelona!

"These guys!" Take Calley is going to pass football, and two people who look at Bayern and Robben are surrounded by two people faster. Some panic.

Take Calley is a top forward in Europe, but his characteristics are strong points and the opportunity to grasp the goal in front of the door, this control of the ball is very general.

A sound, Take Caeli to pass the football to Ine on the side, but by Xiaofeum Robben looks at it, it is directly flashing.

"One is a break, Bayern is very good!" He Wei called.

"I ri!" Night wind just wanted to start to Bayern's half, and he lost his back, he had to go back to prevent it.

At this time, Barcelona's defensive formation has not yet formed, have not come to the big bar, Robben's breakball is fatal!

2103 chapter, mad dog is forcing (first more)

Snapped! After Robben's break, there is no habitual breakthrough with the ball, but the football is directly out of. Π π ξ ξ π π

This is also the requirements of Bayern's coach Field in half, strengthen cooperation, passing the ball is always faster than the breakthrough, Bayern wants to form a defensive stamp before Barcelona, ​​breaking through Barcelona's defensive power.

! The football wipes the grass to fly at the foot of the pre-inserted supermariogee.

Gence and Robben have been made a little depressed by the night. In the first half of the first half, I will vent it, and I will stop the ball, and the left foot is turned around. I have a moment of relying. Landyos.

On the left and right two roads in Barcelona, ​​Schneider, Li Yun also has Muller's three Bayern's peps.

At this point, the night long wind is fast, but it is forth to pass the ball of Bayern players.

The gerice vision is open, and the passing the ball will be drilled. After he turned to the twist, the left foot coherent directly put the football, it is the arc long pass!

The squatting, the ball is quite clever, just bypass the head of the Omei Takah who is going to spend the head.

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