The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2004, Chapter 2004, Chapter 2004

The stage of the Champions League finals is replaced by this, and the fight against Ig is still relatively large.

"Changfeng, Tailang!" Li War quickly ran in the field, ending danger, screaming the night long wind and Pkarang to the midfield position, three people turned over.

"After 45 days, Li War finally debuted again. Barcelona gold trident is completed, Barcelona is going to fight!" Barcelona's local commentary is highly hoped.

"Hey! Unsempact struggle!" Bayern chief of the offers, Siyerd, sitting back and replaced, seems to dismiss for Fats.

In front of the game, he got the news. Li Wal injuries have not healed it yet, still treating treatment every day.

It is now temporarily replaced with a field. From the side, Fatsale has been embarrassed.

Old Traffeard Stadium, night long wind and Lili Wall station after football.

Bayern Three giants At this time, he looked at the Warr, and the three were the first time to face this famous football.

At this time, Le Wal is calm, you can't see his anxiety, but in the depths of the Warn's eyes are the fire in the tumbling.

He is too eager to be a stadium, he is too eager to go to the European final stage.

Life has a lot of honors in life, and his honor hall has a lot of trophy, but only a trophy of a European Champion Cup.

This season, Barcelona was in the case of the law, and the strength was reduced.

If Li Wal is sitting on the troops and watching Barcelona and the Champions League champion, it is estimated that he is more uncomfortable.

At this moment, the night length rushing to the main point.

Le War's appearance, night length is not unexpected, there is no super substitute in the Barcelona, ​​Fassier is unlicensed.

Night costumes don't know that Li War has recovered a few efforts, but he has not cared so much now.

He is ready to kick the situation of the most peaks, Bayern's defenders on the night, the defense of the night, can be said that Barcelona requires the second super attack point.

In the second half, Barcelona is not enough time.

The most important thing now is to pull back a ball and stabilize the military.

! With the whistle of the referee, the night length will all give football to Li Wal.

Snapped! Listed War left foot, at this time, Barcelona's front field began to surging the Bayern's half.

Barcelona continues to attack!

This moment has no way to think about defense. Attack is the best defense, the most important thing is the success rate, and you can't give Bayern to easily counterattack opportunities.

Le Warn just took a ball, the Bayern crazy dog's forced scales started again.

Zhe Shi Tag and Robben two left one left one left right, Bayern two domeals obviously did not put lord that did not hurt in the eyes.

However, in this moment, Lee Wal left the left foot dial to the right, one of the right side, while at the same time, turned around.

It is Li Wal to turn!

"What!" Zhe Shi Tower and Robben are a glimpse, and the War is light, and the gorgeous is directly brushing from the two.

2109 chapter, source three gods! (Third more)

"Beautiful experience!" He Wei is excited in the explanation. ℡ ℡ V-Zhi Veter

Li Walv's movement is light and easy, so that the death of Barcelona fans seems to have returned to the time of the year.

Like War at that time, like a night, it is not enough!

"Lili Wal! Lis Well! Lis War !!" The old Trafford Stadium stands, Barcelona's fans began to cheer, they have not given up hope.

"Blocking him!" Bayern's fans felt the threat of Li War and yelled.

On the field, Super Mario Gagbi flew, and he blockped on the route of the Warrior breakthrough.

Geote technology is outstanding, like a Brazilian player, more than a German player, he is not good at paying the best player of this body of the night, but is very good at defending the South American ball.

This time, however, when Xiao Jun is dead, neither the front of the night, does not let the night grow up.

Lis War, who has broken, seems to have no passing the meaning, facing the defensive defense, he instantly, then picking football, the body is turning around the gesture.

! The football is crossed from the roof of the Gence, at the same time, Li Wal will also make the gesture behind it, and then turn the left foot and remove the air drop in the air.

It is from Xin Tan!

After three big Bayern stars, Li War made a very good state, all moves were all, as if returned to his peak.

"Is this not a movement of the Valencia's king card? Too beautiful, the good opportunity for Barcelona!" He Wei is constantly called.

Lee Walt immediately catalyzed the attack of Barcelona, ​​at this time, Xiao Junguo in the midfield did not drop the night's long wind to make up.

Bayern is too taboo, the coach Field is particularly emphasized, even if the players who make Barcelon do not let the night grow against personal abilities to defeat Bayern.

At this time, Bayern's three defender Allaba, and Ram only followed two of Barcenger's forward in Bayern's banned area, and the middle and defending Boateng was rushing, directly fell to the Bayern's big banquet. A big movement of a big move!

Boasten's murderous beast, the shovel is obviously the body of Lili War.

The general player faces such a fierce shovel, and there is a hurt in his body, you will not dare to do action.

Although Li War obviously didn't put Boateng in the eyes, he left a ball, sent football to the air, and he was the back, and the whole person fell in the air.

"Good action! Le War is going to hook the golden hook!" He Wei was very surprised because he knew that the most serious part of the injury of lord is the waist.

And the hook of the hook is also the top of the body's strength. It is also a waist, and the actions of Lie Wah will have a lot of pressure on the waist.

Rotate the golden hook!

Lis Walfa used a super superstar in front of Bayern's restricted area, and the left foot is on the air football.

"Source three!" Xiao Jun shouted in Ruin.

"Give it to me!" Johinde drunk, the left foot took a step forward.

At this time, the football burst flying in the Ri Walfen flew to the lower right corner of Bayern's goal, Li War dared to Boateng in the air, the movements were very in place, and it was not like hurt. Look.

He is excellent in power and speed, and the angle is also almost dead angle. It is very overbearing to a stark.

However, Ji Linyuan, just stepped out of the door, immediately responded, he traveled, and used his fist to hit the range of Bayern's frame with the fist.

"Good power!" If Lin hits the moment of football, feel the huge power on football.

This ball is still fast, and it will be impossible to block it at all.

! Despite this, Ju Lin is only slightly changed in the direction of football flights, and football is turned over to the door column, and the speed pops up the leftmost space in the disabled zone.

"Door column! It is a door column! Scorpio, Barcelona is really missing!" He Wei is somewhat speechless.

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