The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2006, Chapter 2006, Chapter 2006

If Barcelona is found before the transfer period is deadline, it is still not necessarily them on the final stage.

Bayern is reluctant to solve the European football with the overall strength of the team and the attack and defense, and Barcelona really does not solve only one people.

However, if the night-hard wind, the final can use the invincible performance to prove that he is the strongest world, maybe there will be an answer after twenty-five minutes.

The circle of the stadium, Schneider and Muller station after football.

At this time, the venue Bayern is the mainstry of Field let multiple substitute players began to warm up, and it seems to be a change.

On the other hand, the Faier coach discovered this. He looked back and looked at his replacement, sighed, depth in the bench, Barcelona was built.

Barcelona's substitute is not too young, that is, the year old colors, there is nothing to take, or not to take risks to fortune.

I have to say that after the giving of the War, it released a lot of pressure on the night.

He has passed, his shoot, his running attracted Bayern's defensive attention.

The corner of the night long has just broken the door, and the rock of the Walt is also a small credit.

! On the field, with the whistle of the referee, the game continued.

After recovery of the suspense, the European finals once again affect the world of fans around the world.

On the field, after the governing, Barcelona's defensive formation has also changed.

Lis War is sitting in the middle of the town, the night long-standing defense position, playing is a position of the back waist, so that the two can protect the two lines of defense in Barcelona and echo each other.

After Bayern kick, quickly transferred football to the foot of the midfielder Zeista.

Ze Shi Tower and Gee should have done a two-year-old cooperation, and the Pkarang and Take Calley are easily over.

Then, the vast style of the vast field came out of a post, found to come to the small flying man of the left road to the court.

Robben started, starting to chase the ball, he still can't control the football, Li Warn appears after Robben, followed by Li Wal disappeared.

His body instantly sinks, making the iconic diving boat defense!

Robben was taken directly with the ball in the moment of the ball.

"Beautiful steal! Le War Yi has a positive contribution to Barcelona's attack and defense!" He Wei praised the role of Warr.

Barcelona blows a counterattack!

Chapter 2111, the power of one person (first more)

On the standstight of the old Trafford Stadium, Barcelona's fans were excited, and the king of Li Wal came back to let all Barcenans people. ∠ ∠ ± ± ± ± ∠

On the field, I used the submarine to defend the football, I would like to stand up, I will grab it before the Bayern player, I will give the football to the front of the pole.

Pugulan welcomed the Pass of Lili War, a pull ball turned and started, and started to break through the half of Bayern.

"Barcelona's fast attack counterattack, they have not played so fast to attack!" He Wei's explanation is getting higher and higher.

After Bayern lost the ball, the midfielder did not panic. She Si Ta quickly attached the Pkarang and hit the Baro with the body.

Xie Si Tower is in the Bayern array, the quality of the body is not on the same, but after all, it is a European, much better than the pole.

However, the technology is delicate and stable, and the football is turned back and left, nor does She Si Tower steals success.

"Tailang!" And at this time, Li War, who plays up, has been inserted to Bayern's half.

Pugan didn't hesitate to pass the football to plug in Law, in the case of Xiao Junguang, who was stared at Xiao Jun, showed it out, he gave a home in Barcelona. Attack.

"Ah, the Brazilian Eagle!" The frenzy of the fans of Barcelona on the stage.

"The old guy, your era has passed!" White Night Knight Stephen Li Yun first participated in the defensive, he recited from the front game, suddenly flashed behind the rival, ready directly from behind, Football.

However, if the War is like a brain, the ball is in the past, and the ball is picked up. The whole person jumps in the air and flashing the Yun Yun and fierce.

And in the air, the football is obliquely!

! The football has been run through Bayern's defense, and the back of the night is relying on Xiao Junguang, forciting.

At this time, the night-catching weather is comparable to a super station pile center.

"Changfeng!" China Dragon God Shang Junguo has been considered by many people to be the strongest defensive midfielder in the world, but after being relying on the night, he has no way to go around.

The strength of the night is too big, Xiao Junguo looks similar to the high body shape of the night length, but absolute power is completely in the wind.

In fact, there is no after the current position, there is no one to limit the night's wind. Real Madrid's Faravio failed, and the Red Devil's Ferry, Luoji, who has failed, including the Zebra Legion, there is no real restriction. The play of the night long wind.

Xiao Junguo has been doing very well. If it is not a view that Xiao Jun is unlocked, Barcelona's attack will not be so embarrassed.

But now the situation is different, the upper place of Larvar, releases the partial pressure of the night long wind.

He rely on Xiao Junguang in front of Bayern's banquet, and then he thought that he had to force himself, and the night's wind suddenly borders football.

"Beautiful organization offense! Bayern right defense is empty!" He Wei called.

Oimi, in the backport of Barcelona, ​​took the ball of the night, and it was a big step, killing the bottom line of Bayern half.

"Pay attention to the midst of the ball!" Before the Bayern gate, if Lin Yuan, he reminded Bayern three defenders.

At this time, all the offensive players in Barcelona included the night's wind into the penalty area of ​​Bayern. For a while, Bayern's banned area, Barcelona actually had the advantage of the number, this is a great opportunity for goals.

bass! At this time, Bayern has given up the passed path of the Omitei, but all retreats to the big ban, Omi is not polite, in the case of unattended defense, relaxed foot, football rotation Start, a arc is drawn in the air, flies over the bigby area of ​​Bayern.

"Don't let the long wind ball!" Xiao Junguo made the strength of the milk, and he died with night long wind and kept the balance in the fierce body in the two.

The general player has been hit by the night, and Xiao Junguo can be a defense. It is not easy.

But this obviously didn't have any eggs. When the night is standing, Xiao Junguo finally realized how painful in defending nights in the penalty area.

His speed is too counter-sky, Xiao Junguo has not responded yet, and the night's wind has already jumped, which is just a lion gathering.

"The head of the God of War ... The door !!!" He Wei shouted.

The night-long wind bombards, from the top to bottom to the top of the Bayern's door, and deliberately the top of a rebound.

! However, there is no such football to fall into the limit, and the old team leader in Bayern is actually blocked with the head of the night.

After a big sound, Ram fell directly, and football rebounded back.

"Danger!" If the Lin is blocked by Ram, it can't see the position of the football rebound.

"Ah! The shot of the God of War is blocked by Ram! It is too thrilling ..." He Wei said that he did not fall.

Bayern, the defender Boateng is about to put the air in the air out of the air, and at this time, the left foot of the air is stretched, and the air in the air is hooked.

"What!" The murderous beast is kicked, watching the sudden night, the eyes are as big as the copper bell.

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