The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2014

"Barcelona! Barcelona! Barcelona!" 100,000 Barcelona's death fans shouted enthusiastically compared with the first half.

On the table, there are more fans who have a large number of different colors, form the English letters of the Barcelona champion, look very spectacular.

"We can see the Barcelona fans on the stage have already played Barcelona, ​​the brand of Barcelon, it seems that Barcelona's fans are still full of confidence today!" He Wei is amazed in the studio.

The on-site for Barcelona players is deafening, and the cheers echoed in the Iberian peninsula, as if the entire Barcelona city is fueling for their home team.

"Have you heard shouting?" The night's wind swept a surprised Barcelona, ​​and his mouth was slightly lifted.

"There is no big victory, how can I get these enthusiasm of Barcelona? We are!" Night wind turns down the jersey, tall throws to the sky.

"Let the opponent intoxicated under our Barcelona gorgeous attack!" The night is very popular, leading the people of Barcelona, ​​who finishes the expression, walked into the Campus Central Stadium.

"Oh!" At this moment, Barcelona's main people should drink, just like a sleeping lion wake up.

The center of the Noukamu Stadium, the night long-lived feet, the football is allocated to the Barlang next to him.

Pugan did not stop the ball, and took the ball to Granada breakthrough. At the same time, all the offensive players in Barcelona flocked to the half of Granada, and the Barcelona will start the attack.

"Barcelona is dispatched, it seems that they have to take a wave of righteousness!" He Wei sat up his body, in his opinion, the real heel began now.

"I don't know if Granada's iron bucket can't hold Barcelona's madness?" He Wei said the sound.

On the court, Granada's players were serious, and their eyes were still persistent.

"We can't lose!"

"Have this ball! The Champions League is nothing for!" Granada's players are very powerful. In order to keep their dignity, these Tieline Tutong players are also fighting.

Snapped! Snapped! However, when Granada's players make a dense defensive formation, they find that they can't stop the Parcels' sizzling rock.

Night wind and Pkarang and the teens of Ine three are also a perfect feet in a small space.

Continuous inverted triangles, the easiest tactics in football tactics, which are used out by three Barcelona.

Granada has been broken through the first half of the world!


"It's evil! This is a completely different team!" Granada players widened their eyes, and watched the night's face to the sidewalk.

The Barcelona captain, Barcelona, ​​who was pulled in the side, was easily connected to the football and continued to bring the bottom line of Granada.

Barcelona's offensive rhythm has a few grades in the first half, and Granada's players are very uncomfortable. The defensive vulnerability is very obvious. The gap on talents is very obvious.

"Back to prevent! Don't let them enter the big restricted area!" Granada's goalkeeper madness.

However, his screams did not have a little effect, and the two major demands in Barcelona showed the whole half, and the second half was finally awakened.

Take Calley and Kresbo suddenly accelerate, and then immediately opened their defensive people.

The two middle guards of Granada are stupid. In the first half, I still sleep in the first half, as if the body is hollowed out, I suddenly like a tiger, they can't keep up with the rhythm of the two.

After all, one is a deth name, one is the team of La Liga, Barcelona truly seriously, how Granada's players may follow the rhythm.

! All the way to the bottom line of Landy is easy to pass to the bottom of the bottom.

"Directly pass!" He Wei called.

The football flew up, and suddenly dropped in Granada, it was a front point.

Langdie's ball has a quality, but completely open the defenders, the Calley is directly dried, and then he is good at crossing the horizontally bombing.

Dangdang! Take the card to use the forehead, on football, the air movement is very beautiful.

The slab, football is like launching shells, generally crossing the ten guidance of Granada door, which has grown into Granada's goal.

10! Take the general of the ball!

Barcelona opened the situation less than a minute!

"Beautiful headband to attack the door! Horizontal knife, only I am tied to the general! Power!" He Wei was a little excited.

"Good!" After the goal, Kali immediately climbed up, and the arm shouted, this ball was very dissolved.

Barcelona opened, continuous passes, the offense was smooth, from the offense to the final end, Granna didn't say the ball, even people can't pull it.

The perfect team cooperates, this is the attack level of Barcelona.

"Being beautiful, old!" Night wind and other Barcelona, ​​everyone also ran over and took Calley to celebrate.

"Is this the real strength of the Champions League champion?" The first half established a confident Granada player, and he wins in the heart.

However, this is just a beginning, in Granada, the line of line, have to come out, and their rear vulnerabilities are more.

Barcelona half a field, the night is relaxed to copy the long ball of Granada players.

Barcelona counterattack.

At this time, Granada's players are still in Barcelona, ​​while the door will stand in front, at the bottom of the bigby zone.

The night long-term wind of the football looked at the position of Barcelona and Granada players, followed by suddenly in the top of the midfield, and the right foot lightning is like!

Circular moon bending knife!

! The football in the night-long wind is immediately rotated, and a super-spin arc is drawn in the air, which is turned to Granada's goal.

"The midfield is shot directly!" He Wei called.

Granada's door will be shocked in the big ban, waiting for him to come back, whistling football has grown from his head.

"It's evil!" Granada will react, and it is necessary to jump to save.

However, after all, it is not the three thousand miles of Bayern, and the door of Granada will be too anxious. One mixed garlic in the feet, directly falling.

The round moon curd knife in the night long wind is accurately screwed into the dead end of the Granada ball. This ball is very difficult in the future.

Granada's door has a great mistake!

20! In the second half, I opened less than five minutes, Barcelona has already grown into two goals.

At this moment, the entire Nou Camp is caught in the carnival, the red blue ocean is boiling!

2120 chapter, history double king (second more)

"The midfield directly enters the ball! It's too exciting!" He Wei was amazed. - -

At this time, there are countless nights to watch the ball. In the first half, it is a faint Chinese fan is a spiritual, this wonderful half goal is indeed very refreshing.

"I won it!" Barcelon, Barcelona, ​​Barcelona, ​​showed a smile that was not aware of noticeable.

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