The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2016


The 74th ball of the league, the night-long wind completed another hats drama, and continued to refresh the record of the single season of the game you maintained.

After the goal, the night long wind expanded his arms and staged the celebration of the free flying in the home of Noukam.

In just a year, European professional football career, night long-lasting road is to achieve the peak, complete the no ancient people, and it is difficult to have a variety of records.

The professional football will open a new chapter, in the future professional football, and the players such as night-long wind will end out.

The occupational football in the football teenage world has entered a stage of rapid development.

After returning to the topic, after the long-term wind completed the hat drama, Barcelona coach Fahal replaced the night with young players.

The night cost is high, and the 100,000 Barcelona fans will be taken to the Family of Noukam.

At a time, the full applause of Nou Camp was thundered, and the Barcelona fans gave the most high respect to the night.

! After twenty minutes, when the main referee blew the end of the game, Granada's field was sitting on the ground, and his face was revealed to understand the look.

At this point, the score on the branch is 8 to 0, and it is a massacre.

After the night is underfild, the two people will enter the ball, and finally, the end of the end of the end of Dried Sha Lis, lock the score to 8 to 0.

The long Lara season ended in advance, and Barcelona won two Western Champion this season in advance in advance.

Plus the champion of the European Champion Cup, Barcelonged Barcelonged European Golden Golden Golden Gate!

"We shouted in the court

We are the fans of Barcelona

We rushed from all directions

Indiscriminate age and skin color

The banner is fluttering high!

Blue Zi is its color

Let us shout its name

Barcelona Barcelona!

Players are united with fans

We are invincible

We have repeatedly enter the ball

No one is your opponent

The powerful Barcelona is not a victory!

We are the king of invincible champions in Europe! "The whole game Barcelona fans and players did not leave after the game, and they opened Barcelona.

Barcelona starts to put smoking, the sound of the ribbon is floating, and the fans on the stage will be talked high as the blue-violet towel, and the scene is very grand.

The entire Barcelona city is immersed in joy.

"The long season is finally over, thanks to the spending of the audience in front of the TV set, this season, Barcelon, the leadership of the night long player! A yellow-skinned Chinese player standing in the world The top peak of a sport, I feel very proud of this! "He Wei began to sum up after a deep affection.

"I believe this is just a beginning. All the superstars in this summer will gather to Asia, the World Cup stage. I believe that the Chinese team that rushed out of Asia can make the world's shocking achievements under the leadership of the Chinese War. Let us wait Let's take a ting of Ting, which is very proud, as if he is also a member of Barcelona.

In the cheers of the audience, Barcelona returned to the replacement, and the champion T of the two crown of the double crown.

Just after the night length is replaced, the assistant coach brings some unexpected messages.

The second Royal Madrid, the second Royal Madrid, is defeated by the second royal family, gave La Laquat Numencia.

That is to say, even Barcelona lost this game today, they will win two rounds in advance, which is a very unexpected thing in Barcelona.

If the Real Madrid is a small score, it can be said to be an accident, but they are defeated by a big division of 1 to 5, which is very confused.

Two rounds in this season, Barcelona were all overcome, but these two national Dibabardo played not easy.

The strength of the Galaxy Warship is not suspicious, and the night is not believed to play unomards.

"Nusman is suddenly stronger? Whoever gets the ball?" Night long-lasting, he couldn't help to ask the assistant coach.

"It is said to be a new Jin Join Niu Mancia's player Mija, and he covered all five goals in Nutamas. These goals were sports war, no a little!" The assistant coach saw the information on the hand. Reply.

"Michael? This TM, where is it coming out?" The night is very frowning, "" Can you wear the ten guys in Karacus in five caves, should it be a unknown generation? "

"Forget! Who is he is, this season is over!" Night costs did not think too much, so quickly after the name of Mija, and all Barcelona players went to the center of the coup. .

Barcelona has just taken the Champions League in the case of the Champions League.

The Chairman of the Xica Organizing Committee gave the Liba Award directly to the night-long wind, and the night grew high raised the Liba Award.

Barcelona double crown king!

The entire Barcelona fans will boil again, all the players, coaches and staff in Barcelona, ​​show a happy smile on each Barcenger's face.

It is also a grand carnival, it is a sleepless night!

After winning the Western Champion in front of Barcelona, ​​the last two rounds of Laracar games became clear.

Barcelona mainly took a break, and struggled for a year, it would be a card, Fassier all sent a substitute and second army player.

As a result, Barcelona finally is still a big victory, a 3-0, a 5-0!

In this season, the Barcelona Club has been completely over, in all the games of the Champions League and the La Liga, Barcelona is unbeaten, with the invisible golden record, the double crown, which is a new record.

La La is the last end of the five major leagues, and several major leagues have ended early.

Juventus won the archigue championship, the Dejia Champion is Bayern, the Championship, Paris, Paris, Saint-Germain, these are the last few rounds are lost.

The only suspense is the ultra-ultrasound, and the last round of the final round of the Premier League will decide the champion.

The red magic Man is closed in the last round, complete self-salvation, and in the last moment, Manchester City.

The last round of Manchester City was flattering, and the premium championship lost.

At this point, the first year of the night-length wind came to the top European professional football, the first year of the double crown was perfect.

Chapter 2122, get the package soft (fourth more)

The five major leagues have just ended, and the results of major awards in Europe this season also announced. + Miscellaneous ∽ ∽ +

Night wind became the biggest winner this season. He won the Western Golden Boot Prize with 74 league, and 36 assists were also the largest Si Liga, won the assistance.

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