The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2024 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Beautiful pass! Michael!" Rayer finished the celebration of the action, and ran a hug and gently patted Michael's shoulders.

"Oh, take a good shot!" Michael nodded, his expression is relaxed, not too excited.

"The speed of shooting is too fast, I can't see it at all!" The VIP gave a positive color.

"The breakball just now is also very exciting, his shot is strong, it is not good to deal with!" Xiao Junshun brow wrinkled, Mijaol can directly kick out the dragon ball to let Xiao Junguang is in the throat, very uncomfortable.

"Hey! He just didn't shoot!" The night was cold, and the eyes were locked in Mija.

"Captain, what do you say?" Wang Zhongming did not understand.

"The guy is deliberately kicked on the beam of the other party, then rebounded to Ray's feet, this can be said to be a pass!" Night wind slowly.

"What! How can this! Can this matter do?" The Chinese team was shocked.

"The guy can do it, it can be done, this is not very unfortunate. Key his movements have no sign, this is the most difficult to prevent, you don't know what he will do! Now I understand why he is one of him You can overcome the Queen Royal Horse. "Night long winds and soul.

"This stupid guy will hang better than I will hang!" The night's heart couldn't help but spit.

On the field, Spain was taken from Rail to the first grain of goal, fully occupying the initiative of the situation on the field.

Senegal's players were greatly hit. The strength is far less than Spain. The opponent also opened, which is indeed a bit cruel to Senegal to the World Cup stage.

The fifteenth minute in the first half, Spain has achieved second goal.

Spanish Gold Tong Raier Mei will open the second degree to change to 2 to 0!

Chapter 2130, the nationality of the country (fourth more)

"Today, Spain is very good, the second ball is lucky!" He Wei sighed. Ψ Magazine ψ

Just now, the Mijaler is hitting the opponent's player, and then changed the trajectory of the flight. It happened to the front of the front-in-in-in-footed foot. Quick, football should be invasive!

Senegal door will not be saved, the World Cup is unveiled in the middle of the game, and the game has a trend. For the Spanish national team, 2 to 0 is still very dreaming.

"Is the game have lost suspense?" The VIP is on the stage, Xiao Junjun is watching the Taiwan, and the fans of Spain have begun to celebrate.

"This is normal, they have been a big popularity! Spain will undoubtedly enter the eight strong, just that they are too lucky today! Two lucky balls!" Wang Zhongming's call.

"This second ball is also the guy deliberate!" At this time, the night is not talking, but his eyes have been locked in Mija.

The previous deliberate shot rebound ball, the night length, self-question, can do it.

But to be deliberately shot on the other player, then rebound to the foot of Rail in the vacancy, this controlling the ability can really be said to be invincible.

It is important to know that the player's body is not a fixed door post, and is also an irregular shape, basically impossible to control the relief and direction of the rebound.

On the field, Spain acquired two balls, the rhythm of the attack began to slow down, kicked up Spain's ball wind, and the ball was soaring straight.

Senegal's players are well physique, they continue to run the football of Spanish players, but they have not succeeded.

This Spain gathered two luxurious players in La Liga, and the magical Madrid, plus magical rice, completely super all-star lineup, is not a Senegal player to compare.

In the first half, the first half of the fourth minute, Michar has organized two opportunities, Rally completed the first hat trick of the World Cup, and another striker in Spain also went into the game.

4 to 0! Spain directly killed the suspense in the event!

The first half has not ended yet, and the Senegal players and coaches showed a desperate look, the gap is too big.

The gap between African football and the most top football in Europe is huge, and the performance of Michael is shocked by the world.

Although he does not have a goal, all goals in Spain are related to him.

It seems that Michale is like a whole game in the night, which makes the night feel uncomfortable.

Winning the ball, this way to kill the opponent's psychological line with this lucky ball, this is not possible.

"This guy really regards himself as a god, the master of the football field!" The night grew faded up to Mi Jia, then got up.

"Changfeng, what do you do? The game has not ended yet?" Xiao Junguo glanced.

"There is no suspense game, I still go back to study our opponent!" When the night's wind was finished, he turned and left.

"Changfeng ..." Xiao Junguo looked at the back of the night, he could feel the war of fire in the night, "It seems that Michael has aroused the strength of the long wind, our opponent To be unlucky! "

After the night is leaving, Spain and Senegal's game have become more.

In the first half, Michael and Rell are replaced in the second half, and Rally is at the end of the Spanish fan, the cheers of the Spanish fan.

In the view of ordinary fans, Today, Rally is alone, and the hat tricks will kill the quarter, which is the number one hero.

However, people who know a little can see, truly determine this game to go to the Waist player Michael, a mysterious, and make a variety of super new stars for its skills!

! More than forty minutes later, the main referee blew the whistle of the World Cup unveiled.

The final Spain was washed Senegal with a fraction of 7 to 0, which is a full-side game.

After the game, the winning of Spain has risen straight lines, even gradually, and the trend of changing the five-star Brazilian.

After the game of the World Cup, the game of the World Cups also launched Qi Qi, the most concerned of the host's game, is Brazil, Germany and other popular performances.

The group where the Chinese team is also received by many fans because they are in absolute death groups.

The media and fans of all roads want to know who can kill the dinner in the death team.

Seoul World Cup Stadium.

The Chinese team and the Dutch team will start in a new venue in this Korean specialized in the construction of the World Cup.

Before the game, more than one million people in China were crazy to flock to this court. Many of them did not have tickets, but they still want to witness the historical moment of Chinese football in the scene.

At this moment, China is 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Almost all fans in the country are sitting in front of the TV. Many schools and units are even directly holiday holiday to let students and workers go home.

The first game of the Chinese team is undoubtedly a big event in the country, even the grandma of the whole thing does not look at the ball, watching the full gathers to watch such a big event with young people.

"CCTV! CCTV! Amazing friends, good afternoon! I am coming to He Wei, today I am very happy to live the World Cup group competition for the World Cup group competition in the scene, I am fortunate to witness this historic In the moment, the heart is full of happiness! "He Wei, the poet of the outer poet is the new year.

"I believe that you have been able to hear the cheers in the TV. It's too much Chinese fans who came to the scene today. This is the home of the Chinese team!" He Wei has some excitement, the shot of the TV surround the entire World Cup stadium.

The scene is really a bright red, countless Chinese fans use hands to wave the red flag in the hand, and the look excited.

"China Team! Muli! Chinese Team! Come on!"

The whole Chinese fans have completely covered the Netherlands fans from afar. The Netherlands fans are also very enthusiastic, and the number of people is far less than Chinese fans.

"It is the world's first population big country, that is, there are more people!" A Dutch fan wearing orange jersey complained.

"Yeah, there is no more people who haven't worry! They first entered the World Cup for the first time!" Another Dutch fans in the side.

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