The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2029 of the Chapter 2029 of the Prince of Tennis

This proves that the Chinese team's door will not be ordinary goods!

In addition, the Dutch team's coach Rayhart is anxious. The Dutch team offense is no problem, but the two attacks are inspiring, and the team that the team just wants is undoubtedly a huge blow.

On the field, Wang Dalei was smart, did not shill in hand, but a big feet open the football to the midfield.

Wang Dalemen enhances the technology straight line, this foot method, or not too much difference before.

This football is not good, the direction of the ball is directly flying to the border, and it is necessary to fly out of the boundary.

However, at this time, the midfield position has a red figure, and the whole person rapidly fell in the air, then it was actually hard-studied balls to give the ball.

That's right! It's a night!

The soil and bounce power can be used as well as the control of physical attitude in the air!

Snapped! On the field, the football was given the midfielder of Shao Jiayi!

Shao Jiayi stopped the ball, and didn't wait for him to do action. The Dutch team's Bog and Van Defat were immediately surrounded, that is, the package was forced to grab!

The Chinese team, the Chinese team is the most fear that once being forced by the other players, the Chinese team players will be easy to panic, and then they are losing the ball, being counterattated by the opponent.

But this Chinese team is not the Asian England. Shao Jia is not Wu Junren, Shao Jiayi's foot technology is first-class worldwide.

His right foot quickly dialed football, left football back to the football!

! The football wiped the grass and rushed to the foot of the night, and at this time, Shao Jia was around two Dutch stars and continued to run forward.

Snapped! At this time, the night grows do not stop the ball, but the movement of the football forward.

The football immediately crossed the Dutch star, flew back to Shao Jia.

The front and rear two cooperation, the night long wind and Shao Jiayi cooperate with quite tacit understanding, the rhythm is also the top of the world!

"Beautiful cooperation! When can the Chinese team can play such a pleasing eye, this is like the cooperation of Barcelona's gold combination!" He Yizhen couldn't help.

At this time, the Japanese team was laughing at the collapse of the squat, "" Changfeng now has a very good teammate! "

"Broken the ball! Can't let them attack!" The Dutch coach screams.

Sneeider rushed to Shao Jiayi, ready to put down this open performance.

However, there is no waiting for Sneees, Shao Jiayi has passed the football horizontally to the neutral!

In the neutral position, the night is suddenly flashed, and the Chinese team's cooperation is water.

What Asia England, this should be Asia Brazil!

Chapter 2136, killing football? (Second more)

"Continuous transmission ball cooperates, the Chinese team tears the Dutch team!" He Wei is quite excited, as a Chinese seeing such a national foot, how can it be excited. Ζ

However, at this time, Brian rushed over to night, and he was full of anger, he was obviously to save his dignity of his Netherlands.

"Dutch team half, the night long wind player and the Brian player have to talk again! Who will win this time?" He Wei glared over his eyes.

At this time, the eyes of the world will come together on the two people, and the top of the battle, the peak is always blushing.

"If you want to block me too?" The night's eyes were full of contempt.

"Bastan! Don't look at me!" Bryan shaking, stepped up a small break, he stood up all the best.

"Stupid!" Night-catching, Bryan actually wanted to prevent himself, I feel a little coming.

First of all, the Dutch team defensive strong is strong in overall, secondly, no one in this world can single-defense night.

Snapped! At the moment of Bryan's speed near the night, the night's long wind suddenly made a dial.

Brian responded very quickly, small and shredded, immediately moved to right.

However, at this time, the night is suddenly turned, and even the fast action, the right foot followed the football, and the whole person brushed from the left side of Bryan!

"What!" Bryan thought that the night length will turn to the ball, just want to stretch the ball, put the night-lived people to put the ball, but even a hair is not touched, it has been taken by night. Back behind it.

When it turned back, Brian could only see the zero jersey back to reconnect the ball, the speed is not reduced!

Shenlong pends! Night wind uses Wang Zhongming's famous action!

"Captain!" Wang Zhongming saw clearly in the frontcourt, and he felt a huge gap, he and the captain showed the dragon to sway, the action was exactly the same.

But the night grows is very effective, and it is more perfect!

This is like the same , the inside of the internal force, and the baldness of Shaolin Temple.

"Overhable! It's too easy! The king of the Netherlands is not the opponent of victory!" He Wei passionate, "the action of the God of War, a trick, fast as a blast, and it is like a defense of him. Brian has no existence! "

"Yes, this is true!" Non-digital TV distant nodded.

Night wind is really like a transparent person, and Brane is as simple as simple as drinking water.

"Worse!" The Dutch defender, a few people look at Bryan, and they panicked.

At this time, Brian, who was thrown away from the night, lost his soul, completely forgot to reappear.

Brian leads the Hutroenda Ajax to complete the top three consecutive championships, two won the league MVP and shooter king, and there is news that many giants should compete for this very talented young player next season.

But in front of the World Football, Brian is like a race of a low-level league, and the heart is proud of Brian never has been hit.

He even forgot his own professional player, but also represents the national mission. He is wearing an orange coat and should not attach to personal qualifications, but should dedicate everything for the team's victory.

"Brian!" The Dutch of the Netherlands is some disappointed with Brian. "After all, it is still young!"

"I want to block you!" The Netherlands's defensive core rushed out from the big ban, and he attacked the time. He knew that if he would give the night long style, he will shoot directly.

With the state of the night's supermouth, the Dutch team will be very dangerous.

Rj Jiekald is definitely football, his ability is absolutely not in Xiao Junguang, although it is just behind the line position, the style is not gorgeous, but he is definitely a player who wants to have all coaches.

He judged is too accurate, just like knowing that the night grows will not pass, it will shoot directly.

! Rjjkold slipped directly from the night long wind, in the frontier of the big restricted area, so, even if you put the night grow, the most is a free kick, but not a sphere.

bass! However, at this time, the high-speed wind with the ball suddenly turned into the body.

General players are impossible to decelerate like night winds, which is too high for the body's load and requirements, and the entire football may only have no call for speed.

"What do he want to do!" Rjjkald never handed over the night, when faced with the night, he could not calm down, always a bad sense.

! At this time, the night long wind suddenly stepping on football, immediately jumping into the air, easily flashing the shovel of Rjjkold.

! And the football high-speed in the night, flew to the air, just before the night length.

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