The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2039 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

What is loneliness, only invincible is the most lonely!

On the court, after one of the Chinese team, he had a celebration in the evening, and the night-grandeur had a person, and the Spanish super new star rice.

"Don't know if he is eligible to do my opponent?" The night grew away, threw his brain, strangely strangely, and rushed to the corner of the ball, made a celebration of the bow archery.

"God of War! God! War!" In the exclusive voice of Chinese fans, the Dutch fans are crying.

Desperate Dutch people are experiencing a prisoner-like tragedy!

2147 chapter, the battle of death (first more)

"This game has no suspense!" Brazilian Guibao, who is watching the ball in the World Cup player village, looks at the score of the inner picture. @ @ @ @

"Yeah, the guy is as if it is better than before, is my illusion?" The son of the son of the son of the son of the son of the son. "

The World Cup of the five-star Brazil is the defending champion. It would never put China's fourth gear team in the goal.

Night wind and Xiao Jungua are stronger, the Chinese team only has these two super superstars, and it is difficult to meet them with Brazil.

But after the game of China and the Netherlands, Brazil's players and coaches were no longer thinking so.

With the state of the current Chinese team, they should be a major obstacle to all the World Cups.

The lens returns to the World Cup Stadium.

The momentum of the Dutch team has just gathered by the night long, and the Dutch is cast directly. The players of the Dutch team began to lose their souls.

There are still thirty minutes away from the entire game, but every player of the Dutch is full of helplessness and sadness. They all hope that the game is at a little bit, and it is too painful for them to wear an orange jersey. .

At this time, the Chinese team coach Juns was standing up and made a replacement.

Juns replaced Wang Zhongming, which has shown excellent Wang Zhongming, and replaced super substitute Yang Chen.

This is also to let Yang Chen adapt to the atmosphere of the World Cup competition, as for night long wind and Xiao Junguang, with the current score, Juns can replace them.

But in order to ensure victory, Juns did not dare to replace the two cores of the Chinese team.

There is a Chinese team with no night and Xiao Junguang, it is entirely two teams.

Night wind and Xiao Junguang are actually spent in this game. It is not much more than 10,000 meters, and the physical strength is completely no problem.

They are accustomed to the European Professional League to intensively schedule, the World Cup's schedule can be said to be quite relaxed.

On the field, Yang Chen was on the game, it was very active.

In the third half of the competition, the night-catching middle road broke through the Dutch team, and the spheres were separated from the foot of Hao Hai Dong, the latter forcibly spread, super substitute Yang Chen in the big banquet, the fish smashed the ball. '

61! The third place in the Chinese team was born in the World Cup goal!

Then, after five minutes, the Chinese team broke down in the back, Xiao Junguo directly took a big feet, found the frontal night.

Night-hard wind attracted a lot of defensive attention, then gave the football to Yang Chen, the latter assisted flying, flying with the left foot of the Van Dessa hierarchy.

71! Flying also went into the game, the two major strikers in this game were going!

A hearty victory, the more confident in the Chinese team, the players playing the game are superior.

At this moment, the whole Chinese fans began to shout.

"Long live China!"

"China! Wins!"

Countless Chinese fans in front of the TV Ting chest, is proud, and the team of his motherland has burst the king of the Netherlands.

For the Dutch fans, today is a nightmare night, there has never been such a tragedy in the History of the World Cup.

In fact, in the next few decades, the Dutch team has been raised in this 7-1 and 1 tragedy, which has become a pain in the heart of the Dutch.

! The referee finally blew the whistle of this game in the expectation of the Dutch player, and the players and coaches on the school in China were excited into the stadium.

After all, this is the first World Cup in Chinese history. Everyone is as excited like won the World Cup.

"Audience, we have won! This is an unlatable game. China War is still four yuan, and there is another assists, and two indirect assists! With night long wind players, our Chinese team is the World Cup Winning a big popular! "He Wei is excited to explain it.

At this time, he has a little red. For his football people, the World Cup is the biggest expectation for four years. The past He Wei can only be a viewer, watching the players of other football in the World Cup. Gorgeous performance .

This time, He Wei as a Chinese, is very proud, his motherland has opened a new chapter in the history of the World Cup.

Tonight is a sleepless night for both fans, countless Chinese fans embarked on the streets, cheering.

It is still the sentence, China's football is really too long!

World Cup player village, Brazilian quarter.

Brazil's current coach Robert turned off the TV and turned his own player.

"How do you see the strength of the Chinese team?"

"Very strong! It is our big opponent. In addition to the night's wind, there is also Xiao Junguang, there are many more powerful players, and it is not underestimated." Jingshen took a call.

"Well! You are right. Is there anyone else?" Robert nodded.

"Changfeng, has not played all his strength, if we are really encountered with the Chinese team, this goal is difficult to play!" Omi found suddenly.

"Oh?" Robert, followed, "Oimi check, you and night long wind is a club, this year, you should be familiar with him."

"No! To be honest, I don't know how strong he is, and even he doesn't know how he doesn't know!" Oimi checked the roots of genuine.

"Now, these are too early, anyway, it is not necessarily meeting!" Carrossa's Corocco did not think about Oimi.

"It is also, our five-star Brazil has no reason to fear any opponent!" Robert as a coach, the Brazilian defending champion confident.

This Brazil is more than just the biggest popularity of the champion, but also it is also possible to become the most powerful Brazilian national team in Brazil history.

At the same time, while the Chinese team defeated the Dutch team, the group of Argentina and Nigeria in Japan were fighting in Japan.

One of the South America Flying Eagle, one is the collision of the African eagle, two offensive teams.

Two of them were most eye-catching, Argentina's 10th players were the World Youth Invitational Tournament and the Night Various Her Andians, an offensive midfield that was known as the successor of Maradona, and another A No. 10 is Nigeria's head star.

Since the result of this game is expected, the final Dians alone in his World Cup, the second hat trick of the World Cup was completed after the night of the world.

One of the goals rushed long distance, and even six people were more exciting in the history of the World Cup.

52! In the end, Argentina also defeated their opponents.

Two games in this World Cup death shocked the world, including two genius of Night, Dians, were reported by the world.

Everyone is discussing who they are stronger!

2148 chapter, expanded Dias (second more)

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