The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2041 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Xin Tan took a wonderful pending golden hook to complete the hat trick of his world's cup!

Another hat trick!

Histen Tain is in the World Cup shooter list and Dians second!

At this time, the game was half a field, and the Tang Tan completely had a chance to break the record of the first show of the night-catching World Cup.

However, at this time, half of Brazil's coach Robert made a replacement, he exchanged the life of the hinger, and sent a young teenager Adriallo.

Robert's replacement is the tactics, don't want too much to expose the status and strength of Jinger.

Moreover, the five-star Brazilian substitute lineup is also the most luxurious substitute lineup in the world. Although Adriall is a teenager, he is the best shooter in the Argentine League, the head is still on Dians.

When the lens on the spot swept over Brazil, when I gave Brazil, the fans in the world could not help but sigh.

Brazil's replacement to other teams is definitely the main player, and even the core of the team's team, but in the Brazilian array, they can only be a bench and have a little opportunity to appear.

"MD, the Brazil is really extravagant!" The Chinese team was watching the ball in the conference room, Wang Zhongming opened his words.

"The Football game can only change three people in a game. If it is a basketball unlimited, with the Brazilian lineup, they can rhythm with ultra-high intensity, and continue to drag their opponents." Xiao Junguang I added it on the side.

"Indeed! Brazil's bench is definitely the world's first. But you don't have to care too much, we don't necessarily come to Brazil." Night live wind did not put Brazil's superstars to replace it.

The only thing that makes the night grows is that Lyrhol is being on the close-up.

Lee Wal expression is relaxed, there is no anxiety on your face, it looks good.

"I don't know if Li War has recovered?" After winning the double crown, the night's wind returned to China, and she naturally did not know the recovery of Li War.

After the beginning of the second half, the Brazilian offensive was not reduced, and after the nerit took the next field, Tamney took the firepower of attack.

Tamney started his personal show, free kick directly, strong point of head, even after heeling.

The entire second half, Trumini is alone in three goals, which has become the fourth player who completed the hat trick in this World Cup.

Moreover, Trumini also sent a assists in the first half, and was named the best players in this game.

60! Turkey has lost this powerful competition with no effort.

Strong Brazil seems to tell the world with two hats to tell the world, and the five-star Brazil is the strongest world.

"Xin Tang, Tamini, these two people are so strong! Why Brazil can also bother these piles of super genius!" Wu Junren looked at the celebration of Brazil.

"Because they have the culture of football, there are countless bows of the World Cup stage, there is a high body shadow that can be forwarded, this is our Chinese football has been lacking." The golden light in the eyes of the night, and the words turned.

"As long as we can get out of the road, Chinese football will have its own culture and heritage, and you ..." The night's wind sweeps a Chinese team, "will be remembered in history!"

"Captain!" The Chinese team was stimulated by a rocky language of the night's wind.

"Changfeng, this kid does not engage in pilot a pity." Xiao Junguo couldn't help but spit in the heart.

More than the young guy of the Chinese team, Xiao Junguang, who has seen the big face, naturally knows the difficulty of this feat.

Even if the Chinese team raises the Netherlands, it is a few unclear teams and powerful opponents in front of them.

"Right, the German team has started!" Xiao Junguo took the head and threw the idea of ​​the brain, and he was more concerned about the German team.

First, because he kicked the ball in Deck A, I learned Germany. Second, Xiao Junguang believes that German football is not weak than Brazil.

The German Battle Car also won the four World Cup champion, which can be said to be the second strong country on the World Cup Honors.

"Oh, right! Two games seem simultaneously!" Wang Zhongming turned to the German team and the Saudi team with remote control.

The picture of the TV is turned, and the game is just over, and then I look at the score, the poor Saudi team was abused by the German team.

8-0! A game of the biggest difference in this World Cup was born.

The German emperor Schneider head kicked, one person alone four goals, and completed the first show in the same day, the state of the gods.

In addition, the four balls were taken from Ram, Klose, Barak and zil. These four people are strikers, midfielders and guards, and the goals are quite average, everyone has.

The German team strength is much stronger than the opponent. This game is naturally crushed. It is not taken seriously, or otherwise it is more exaggerated.

2150 chapter, gold generation (fourth)

"The German team is strong enough!" Wang Zhongming also squatted. ■ Magazine ■

"Changfeng, the state of the German team should be good, I heard that Schneider has developed a new shooting skill." Xiao Junguo didn't worry about the turn of the night.

"Well, but don't have to worry too much. As long as our group can take the first, the strength of the German team is definitely a team name, then we will only touch them on the final." The chin analysis path.

"Yes! Before this, we should still pay more attention to the performance of the Japanese team, they may be able to meet us on top 8!" The coach Yuns attached.

"Japan ..." Night wind listened to Juns mentioned Japan, and there is a shadow of Pkarang and others.

Speaking of familiarity, night-long winds are too familiar to Japan's golden generation, can be said to grow together with them to now.

Compared with Germany and Brazil, the night is really want to see the current situation in the Japanese team.

On the fourth day of the World Cup, the first show of the Japanese team group was in the Sapporo Tianzhu Stadium.

This game, the night's wind specially let the agent have a high price of Ji Hong's high price, flew to the scene to see the ball.

With the financial resources of the night, they only gave the VIP tickets of two boxes. He and the coach Juns came to the scene.

The reason why two tickets is really because the tickets are too small, and even the yellow cattle is not.

The first show of the host Japanese team can imagine how many Japanese people think of watching the battle, and this Japanese national football is also sent to a golden generation.

Sapporo Sky Stadium.

The entire stadium can accommodate more than 40,000 viewers. It is the sixth largest stadium in Japan, the name of the stadium is domineering, and it is also quite beautiful.

In addition to the important football match, Tianzhu Stadium also hosted an important baseball match, in Japan, a very famous oversized stadium.

When the night, the long-term wind, I felt hotly cut to the ultimate atmosphere.

Today, the Japanese fans in the audience are absolutely more than 40,000 people. They all wear the blue jersey of the Japanese team, holding the same color's pocket, neat one.

The biggest feeling when the night grows in South Geki is the Japanese football culture and the cheerleading aid culture.

Even if the primary school students are also very standard, the cheerleaders' responses are neat, very order, and they are not dead, very hot.

"Blood Soul! Japan will win!"

"The genius in the genius, the big air wings fly!"

"Tiger Day to Xiaolang! Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

"Stadium prince! Smile killer!"

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