The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2044, Chapter 2044, Chapter 2044, Chapter 2044

At this moment, the night's wind suddenly opened the body in the middle line, and the left foot suddenly mentioned.

"What!" Dians and other Argentina players immediately opened their eyes, they didn't know what nights were doing.

"Scorpio! The Chinese War I made a shot action in the middle line. Isn't he shot in the middle of China?" He Wei stood up and stretched his neck.

"Bastard! Dare to look at us, look at me to block him!" At this time, the Argentine midfielder talked tall to the night long, I want to use his huge body to block the angle of shooting angle.

A bombard, the night length is dark, but he still doesn't have any hesitated left foot on the football, football immediately exploded.

When it was a lot, when it was plus, he used his body to block the shooting of the night's wind, but the shell-like football was in addition to the abdomen, directly put the plus to fly.

puff! Plus a sweet mouth, feeling that you are hit by a truck, and the whole belly has lost perception, which is that it is a painful pain.

Snapped! And that football rebounded back, and came to the night long bomb.

"What!" The player in the middle field Argentina is stupid.

Night wind did not hesitate to raise his left foot afterwards. He didn't even look at it. The whole person completely launched the body, and the left foot raised nearly one hundred and eighty-degree flat angles. The posture was very exaggerated.

"Not good, he still wants to shoot!" Dias was very shocked.

"Mid-range shooting, what is your joke!" The front door of Argentina has fry Rommelo's lungs. He immediately opened his hands, sinking, preparing to play the ball.

"Try again!" With the big voice of He Wei, the lower left leg left the whip.

Super reactionary snorkeling!

The long-lasting feet rebounded back from the football high speed, complete effort.

bass! In the first moment, the entire Yokohama International Arena was stained with golden light, and the fans on the stage were brightened and closed.

"Ah! What is it!" Everyone was shocked.

At this time, Xiao Junguang after the night length of the body was widened, and he saw a huge golden faucet with half a stadium, the faucet spent halfway with a difficult speed, flying over the Argentine team. Goal door.

"Is this anti-speed racely?" Xiao Junzheng muttered himself, he has never seen such dragons.

2153 chapter, you can't! (Third more)

In front of Argentina, the door will only feel the golden light in front of him. He can hear the whistling of football, but even the shadow can't see, it is a golden. - ∩ -

It's awkward, Romero heard the dramatic torn sound behind him, and it will look back.

Just at this moment, the golden light is exhausted on the court, and the original boiling Yokohama Arena is silent.

And the football in the night, but the billboard behind the Argentine goal, and the upper right corner of the Argentina's goal garde net has a big hole. Football is completely dry, weak. Take it there.

The close-up of the scene gives a dry film. On his billboard, it is a half-circle hole, and the crack of cracks is almost all over the billboard.

"Ball ... is it?" He Wei can't believe everything you see.

From the referee blowing the whistle started in the game, to shoot the ball in the night, and the time used to take the time is absolutely no more than five seconds.

Opening the middle line shooting goals, don't say that it is in the history of the World Cup. In the whole history of football, it is very rare.

"This is impossible!" Argentina gathered Luomei's eyes unbelievable look at the outside of the field.

The side of the side is also hesitant. He didn't see the line of football flights, but after seeing the big hole in the goal, he nodded to the main referee.

"Hek! Goal is effective!" The master referee hooked his hands and blows whistle.

10! Night-hard wind completed the fifth goal of the World Cup, and created a God of War!

"Going is valid! Goal is effective! Unbelievable, can you believe? Shooting from the Chinese War God and its cattle, how is the South American eagle? Just carefully roaring.

This ball is also enough for any player to blow a life, but it is not the most variant in the football career in the night.

But this is the stage of the World Cup. Under the World Fans, the night-long wind has completed such a phenomenon-level entraining ball, which brings more than just shocking, more is more dreams.

"The God of War is invincible! Invincible War!" The whole Chinese fans were infinitely boiling after sunny.

Yokohama Stadium is like a boiled boiling water explosion, it has become a white ocean in an infinite tumbling.

At this moment, Dias is sluggish to watch the score on the scoreboard into 1-0, after the goal, the night long-distance eyes can cry, as if it is said, kid, you can't !

"I can evil!" Argentina was becoming Dians, who was successful, and did she have been insulting.

And this is no longer the first time, the last time in the World Youth Invitation Tournament, Dians is also in the eye, so he will be ignorant, and before the game begins.

However, the game just opened, reality gave Dias a ruthless hit.

At this moment, everyone looked at the Chinese team, and the angry flame rose from Dias, gradually spread.

"Argentine! Argentina! Argentina!" The Argentine fans at the scene did not stop shouting. They always believe that their team can laugh at the end.

"OK! The official gives the goal time is the fourth second!" He Wei looked at the data displayed on the screen.

The goal of four seconds at night, not only breaking the fastest scouring record of the World Cup, but also breaking the work of the world's official competition.

Adding mysterious colors for this goal is that the on-site goal speed can not measure the ball speed of the night, and the number displayed is garbled.

No one knows that the night-catching stone is broken, and the ball is allowed to leave the world's fans can only be an endless imagination.

Just when the scene and the world's eyes gathered on the night length of the goal, there was still a person who was completely forgotten, which was plummeted by the night's first foot.

When the referee came to plus more, seeing plus not stand up yet, and holding the abdomen, when a face is painful, he knew that the plus has been standing.

! ! The referee whistled, while the staff outside the scene lifted the stretcher.

"Add more, are you nothing?" At this time, the Argentine players who lost their souls remembered their teammates, all around them.

And more words can't be said, just feel that your internal organs are like shifted, and the continuous pain is like the rain.

"Slide!" Argentina coach immediately made a removal adjustment.

In the case of just opening the situation, if 10 people in Argentina should fight, I don't know what will happen, so the argentine coach decisively use this opportunity to change people.

With this Argentine angel, Dimalia is coming out, this teenager is not good, and has been regarded as a secret weapon by Argentine coach, preparing for critical moments.

But the sudden situation in the scene made him have to make a passive change.

"The player of the Argentina is so vigorous!"

"The courage is also big enough, to the shooting of the god!" Many Chinese fans who were looking at the ball discussed up. Just now, the ball didn't look at it, let alone experience.

"The damn Chinese!" Plus the end of the Argentina players more angry at night.

"Give me the ball, I want to find a dignity for plus!" Dians just burned ingredients.

The circle of the stadium was delayed for five minutes.

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