The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2052 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

"What!" Three Korean defenders looked up.

In their top, the night-long wind welcomes football that is in the air, it is directly a golden hook!

"Good perfect aerial gesture!" He Wei looked at the close-up of the current shot, the night is completely opened in the air, and the lights hung in the air and the scene are mixed, just like a beautiful and violent oil painting.

God-level fell down the golden hook!

Night live winds have every part of their body, even each muscular control has arrived on the extreme.

boom! When the night long, the right foot is heavy, on football, the whole fan shouted, football explosion generally flew to the Korean team door, and the air rises around the football fluctuated, even more than more than ten meters away.

! It is also a loud noise. The Korean door will Li Yun in the original place, and the football runs through the upper right corner of the Korean team's goal. Finally, it is embedded in the cement wall.

! Moreover, the football is still rotating, and after several seconds, it slowly stops.

The white smoke rises, and the round football is in the moment!


2162 chapter, the most tragedy of history (fourth more)

The Night War World Cup seventh goal, this goal enters the most powerful personal ability. "Miscellaneous - Zhi - insect"

"The genius goal! Can no one can stop him in European professional football, is there no one can block the footsteps of God of War?" He Wei began to blow the night.

At this moment, the Kobe flying wing has been completely turned into the home court of the Chinese team. The flying wings on the left and right becomes the two flaming wings of the launch. If there is a helicopter overlooking the lens, the scene is like a flaming of a wings. Falcon.

In the first half, the game has only 15 minutes, and the score of 3 to 0 seems to have completely killed the suspense.

On the field, the night-round wind that stabilizedly defeated landed, habitually erected the round collar.

He looked around, like the king inspected his kingdom.

Night-catching winds in the eyes of Koreans are not just fear, but also deep despair.

Release goals before the goal, then enter unlatable goals in the position of the publishing preview, what is more desperate than this more than this?

"Captain, the move is too handsome!"

"Haha, the stick is really unbearable!" The Chinese team rushed to the cold and the night.

This article should be passionate from the World Cup knockout, now it seems more like a college student to guide the pupils of primary school students.

"Damn!" Korean coach Li Yonghao's face has been completely twisted together, he seriously fell the tactical board on the ground.

As the coach of the host, it actually lost so bad, Li Yonghao seems to have seen the tragic scene of his rest.

The Chinese team three-ball leader, and the Korean player did not have a fighting spirit at all.

Middle Field Ren Rentian is still running, trying to make some threats to the Chinese team.

Night live wind has to be admitted that Cherentian is still very blood, but the Korean team only has him alone, and the two people are not found in the north.

The three-ball leading the Chinese team did not slow down the rhythm of the game, and it still attacked.

The Chinese team is like an exercise race, and the continuous drills are all kinds of offensive routines.

Breakthrough in the sidewalk, the long history, the mid-road penetration, continuous short pass, the large residential area is constantly refurbage ... Chinese team a few people in the Korean team.

At the end of the last half, the Chinese team was bombarded.

Among them, the night long wind completed the World Cup again, the other two balls were the dragon guns of Xiao Junguang, respectively, and Sun Jihai's head.

The Chinese team's side guard China's sun goes into the game!

7 to 0! The Chinese team broke the record of half a bit.

The World Cup World Cup was the most worse than 0 to 9 to Hungary, and today this game seems to break this record.

In the second half, Li Yonghao struggled and played the last two cards.

Yang Chen, which is the Chinese team, is flying, and the Chinese team front line first played a two-fast combination.

The result is very good!

The first half of the defensive and exhausted Koreans have too much physical strength, and the movement is slow, Yang Chen and Wang Zhongming have repeatedly successful.

In addition to Wang Zhongming, the opportunity to waste a single-knife, other opportunities have been held by both.

In the second half, the two brushed two goals each.

In addition, the night long wind has also harvested two goals, one free kick directly, one is the front rejection.


Night-hard wind completed the world's Cup history, the second five sonard's goal show, raised his world cup to ten, and he was double.

This is the 16th knockout of the Chinese team, and the number of times the night-catching goal is already the history of the 13 goals of the single World Cup.

And the World Cup history header Wang German player Klo's goal record is also 16 goals.

That is to say, the night length is full of opportunities to break the two World Cup scrap records in a World Cup.


In the end, when the master referee Corina blows the end of the game, the digital fixed in the scoreboard is in the blood-resistant 13 to 0.

The biggest tragedy in the history of the World Cup is born!

The arrogant Koreans have experienced a nightmare that is unwilling to recall.

On the venue, when he heard the whistle of the referee, all Korean players fell to the ground, they were tired, and they were more than the body, and they will be accompanied by them forever.

"GOGOALEALE!" The whole Chinese fans smoked the World Cup classic theme song, the cup of life, which is destined to be a carnival night.

With the help of the Korean team, after the game, Chinese players almost hide the world cup, a full name, and the back is all hanging red flag.

Of course, this is just temporary, Brazil and Germany's knockout have not started. In addition to night long, Wang Zhongming and flying and others should not stay in the forefront.

But it is enough to make Chinese fans in the foreigners.

China's shooter also has a moment of hepidation, which is indeed worth all Chinese fans.

"Without the help of the referee, these waste is estimated that the World Cup finals can't be caught." After the game, the night is very disdainful, and the Korean player lying on the ground is very disdain.

A more than 90 minutes of competition, the night-length wind actually felt that he didn't sweat, the running distance is not as good as the half of the semi-foundation in Nigeria.

This can only explain that this game is too easy. It does not require a night-catching back and forth, stirring the opponent's defense or a single ride, playing a classic long distance attack.

"Old, Tomorrow's team is attached!" Night long-term wind returned to the player channel.

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