The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2055 of the Super Nign System of Tennis Prince

"Sorry, Guang Ge!" Sun Jihai seems to be frustrated.

"Okay! A Xiao, you said less. In the sea, the game just started, what is your droker is like what is like. Remember to get the jersey wearing you on your body!" The night grew runger came to shoot the shoulders of Sun Jihai .

"Yes, the captain!" Sun Jihai responded loudly.

Night-hard wind knows that all Chinese players are still adapted. The first two games are too easy. Sun Jihai's relaxation is not mentally, but the reaction of the body's consciousness needs to be adapted.

After all, China is not a football strong country, Sun Jihai and others stand firm in the top League, nor does it mean that they are already top players in the top league.

In the overall strength, England is absolutely above the Chinese team.

On the court, Wang Dalei fought football, but it was excited, the first two games, the other party did not have a chance to play.

Today, I face the Three Lion Legion, Wang Dalei felt that he had arrived at the self-worth.

! Wang Dalei shrewd the ball with his hand and threw the football to Xiao Junguang.

Xiao Junguang directly passed the football to the middle-round wind of the midfield, and the night-hearted wind was brought together in the midfield and Shao Jia, and it was easily over the middle of the midfield.

However, when the night is ready to speed up the ball accelerated, the two tall players are blocked in front of the night.

Gerard and Lampad, Shuangde, England!

Gerald's night is not stranger. In the Champions League game, the Red Army led by Barcelon, and Gerard kicked a battlefield.

Lampad is also a top mid-site player, which is currently effective in Chelsea.

He and Gerard actually have a lot of common, strong, can defense, there is a foot and arbitrary ball, the big concept.

However, England did not use good Shuangde in the previous game, so there is a double morality, the position of the two is indeed overlap.

However, this World Cup, Ericson is like a opening, specializing in Shuangde, a lot of tactics and kicks, so that Shuangdie complements, rather than mutual constraints.

Shuangde's outbreak is also the greatest guarantee of the World Cup England.

At this time, the double virtual block in front of the night wind, showing a good tacit understanding.

"It's a bit mean!" The night is on the left foot, sweeping an eye, some nervous English Shuangde, suddenly shines in his eyes.

!! Night live wind began to shake around the shoulders, while the legs at the legs around the football, super bicycle!

Night-length wind movement has a large frequency and amazing, Shuangde, and after connecting.

bass! At this time, the night long wind suddenly left the football.

! The football is rotated, just flew from the top of the Lampard's head, after his body, a short figure put football with the left foot!

Is Wang Zhongming!

Wang Zhongming retrays the ball!

At the same time, Hao Haidong and Sun Jihai, the two people on the side of the Chinese team, rushed to the bottom line of England half, pulled a large space.

At this point, Wang Zhongming has a lot of choices.

He can return to the night, can also give the left and right sides, or break through itself, or send football to the flying in the foundation.

As a striker, Wang Zhongming as an offensive hub, this is a new tactics in the Chinese team, this set, the Chinese team has been in the closed training, and it is very familiar.

However, when Wang Zhongming wants to go out, Moorer decisively attack in England.

Moore is the Legend of England, although the age is already big, but he experience is very old, and it is known for the competition in the football.

Different from the traditional mid-defense, he kicked the ball, relying on the brain, relying on the competition and comprehension.

Moore realized that Wang Zhongming would choose to be born to the side, so he started in advance, and he slipped directly.

! Moore's right foot shoveped Wang Zhongming's football, at the same time, he also took Wang Zhongming down.

"Well?" Moore somewhat looked at Wang Zhongming, who was in the ground, just shovelned the football, why this little child fell, so exaggerated.

"Scorpio! Wang Zhongming was shoveped by Moore! It looks very serious!" The diving movement of the Emperor Wang Zhongming made a foul is even deceived.

On the court, the referee quickly made a whistle, gave the Chinese team a former free kick, but also made a warning of Moo.

"This stinky boy!" Wang Zhongming, who gave it cold, did not follow the theory of referee, and revealed.

"Zhongming, you are nothing?" Lian Wang Zhongming's good brother flying was deceived by Wang Zhongming's realistic movement, and inquired.

"This kid is good!" When the night grew well, he went on Wang Zhongming's fake action. He pressed Wang Zhongming's head, "your kid pays attention to this, and it is the case, you will see it. damn!"

The night's mouth said so, I still admire Wang Zhongming's actor.

This diving movement is difficult to coefficient, and the night is not as good.

"Yes, the captain." Wang Zhongming nodded.

On the field, the Chinese team received a free kick of more than 40 meters from the front field. This location is a bit far away, and it is not suitable for direct shooting.

"Well, only the night long player stands after a person standing in the football, it seems that this goal is taken by him." He Wei looks at the court.

This free kick is close to 50 meters. England's players still don't dare to neglect, and the three tall players have a high wall in front of the night.

Since the stunning performance in the European continent, everyone knows the horror of the power of the best.

He not only has a football, but also the top of the world.

At this time, several of the Chinese team rushed into England's big banquet, and the players in England compete for favorable positions.

Among them, Xiao Junguang and flying are undoubtedly the most important objects that are most important to England players.

Two team players have a small action in the big ban, I want to grab the first fall in front of the night.

Chapter 2166, gradually enters better (fourth more)

In this case, however, England Gate is very nervous, and he stares at night. "Miscellaneous - Zhi - insect"

Haman is one of the top gates of the Premier League, but when faced with Mr. World Football, even if the other party is 50 meters from his own, Hisman can feel a near substantial pressure.

He said that this is what it feels, but when he faces other players, he has never feeling this back-to-back, especially when the night's cold is glanced.

In fact, the night's long wind is just a place to observe the position of the other party, everything is just a psychological role of Shiman.

! The referee blows the whistle, and the night long wind retired a few steps, making a pace of the thrush.

"It's coming, he wants to shoot directly!" Heiman is even more nervous, and the whole person is stiff.

bass! At this time, the night's wind suddenly started, after two steps, the whole person launched the body, and the right foot suddenly lifted.

"Left!" Shiman has a bird like a shock, immediately moves to the left.

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