The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2062 of the Chapter 2062 of the Prince of Tennis

The self-confidence that lights against the momentum and the continuous victory cannot come to the end.

- a whistle, Xiao Junguang brought football to the night grow.

This time, the night-lived wind did not choose to call back or back to the ball, but suddenly broke through the half of England.

"Everyone is careful, this little child is going to start!" Gerard's failure of the Champions League before, he knew that when the situation was unfavorable, the night-lived wind relied on personal capabilities to solve the problem.

On the field, Middle Field defensive immediately contracted like a circle.

Night winds simply ignite the defensive defensive in front of them, regardless of the defense of the opponent, no involvement, continues to step forward, and still acceleration.

"I want to have to go!" Gerard and Lampad Shuangde hit the night, Skols was protected behind them.

This triple learned the previous lesson, did not rely on the night, too late, but constantly retreat, sealed the night, the ball and the perspective.

"You can't come up, then I have passed well!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, a cat waist, the foot is gently, and the whole person takes the initiative to drill into the 3rd midfielder of England.

2173 chapter, Mike Owen (third)

bass! The night-long windward rushed into the encirclement, which was obviously unexpected. ≌ ≌ ≯ ≯ ≯ ≌ ≌

Gerard and Lampad have a big step in the night, with a speed outside, or directly rush directly with the body of the sky, so Shuangde has a moment of hesitation, it is necessary to reach the foot or retreat .

It is this hesitation, the night is suddenly the back, and when the left foot is followed by the left foot, the football is turned backwards, and the body is turning 360 degrees.

! The magical football wanders from Skols, and the loud life behind Shuangde in the back of the side, step through Skols, once again.

The wind turns around!

The night-long's unique super difficult experience, all of his movements are all, and the movements of thousands of hammers will be suffocated.

"Unbelievable! He had three big stars in a moment!" English explained screaming.

"Good! Go! God!" The fans in China were excited.

At this moment, Chinese fans in front of countless TV quietly clenched the fists, and the eyes were dead to lock the flying red sound in the picture.

"Blocking him!" England gathered Hiiman loudly.

Both England two major side guards Neville and Ashley rushed up, they didn't go back, because the night growth speed is too fast, it has been taken to the frontier of the big restricted area.

At this location, the efficiency of the night-catching air attack is the highest, and the long-term capacity is very powerful.

In the face of two major English-suite star side guards, the night long does not decelerate the meaning of deceleration, it seems to be a single line of England, directly into the disabled zone.

"The margin boy!" Neville directly fove the night-wind. He would rather I would like to see the dazzling skills before he staged the night.

Ashley Cole is protected behind Neville, preventing night-length winds from being divided from the air sphere.

However, the night-catching wind faces Neville, I didn't do anything that changed, he continued to strive.

boom! Suddenly, Neville's right foot shovel on the football in front of the night length, and the foot of the night is just dialing forward at this time.

"Roll!" The night is cold and cold, and the right foot suddenly succeed.

"What!" Neville gathered the whole body gas, which was bounced directly by a strong force uploaded by football.

"Don't think about me!" Cole immediately completed, prepared to open the border football.

However, Cole is still slow, and the night's long wind suddenly left the football back to one, Ashley Cole suddenly risked to the ground.

At this time, the night's long wind suddenly dials the right.

"Bastard!" When Cole was desperate, it was time to intercept the night.

bass! The night-catching wind is pulled back in the right foot, and the left foot is sent to the left.

! This time, Cole was stupid. When the night grewer brushed from his side, the Kori's body lost balance was swayed in the Big Zone of England.

"Scorpio! Cole is swayed! The action frequency of God of War is too fast, just like being played!" He said in his eyes, "he has been in the five people in England!"

"There is no way!" At this time, the player's high English guard mole has only the angle of shooting of the long wind.

Moore knows that he is likely to stop the night, so he let Ferdinand retreat to help Heiman defensive England's goal.

However, at this time, there is no direct shooting of the night long wind near the point of the point.

Moore is very smart, his defensive position is kept very well, and there is not too much space in the night.

bass! Night wind chose to continue the ball to the right, and suddenly opened the mole with speed!

"He wants a small angle to shoot! Fall up!" Moore looked back.

Heiman and Ferrinand in front of England do have been prepared, and the two turned around the night, and seal all angles.

"To zero angle!" He Wei said the sound.

bass! The night length is really out of feet, but it is not a football that is strong, but uses the right foot bow to put the football.

Cross ball in front of the door!

The football is rotating, just over the top of the mole and the head of Haman and Ferdinand.

"Ohno is a pass!" English explained his hands.

The other side of England door is a tall figure, which is flying by everyone.

Flying flying to the night of the night, the squad, directly fishing, the top of the empty door.

"This goal is!" All Chinese fans are essat.

! However, a huge collision allows Chinese fans to fall from the cloud to the bottom!

The flying head is actually on the left door of the England goal, then pops up the bottom line.

"I cao! Empty!" Countless Chinese fans can't hate the front of the TV.

"The head is actually playing on the door post, the scorpion, the Chinese team is too busy today!" He Wei can't help but annoyed.

"Good!" All players in England were surprised by all players, and the personal ability of night-long wind was really surpassing this era. The power is too big, and it is easy to agreed England's defense.

"I am evil!" The empty flying flying is half-in the ground, and the spirit is still in the head.

Flying character is responsible, it is different from Wang Zhongming's single-knife, there is no impact, and it is more likely to make such a ball, which is enough to repent life, and it is very likely to affect his future football career.

It is known that this game is concerned about all national fans in the country, and hundreds of millions of people may look at the Chinese team.

On such a stage, all the credits and faults will be unlimited.

The inner is not strong enough, may destroy your life because of a mistake.

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