The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2064, Chapter 2064, Chapter 2064

"Everyone listened, I only had a word - running, giving me a mad dog!" The night grew in half of the teammates.

"Yes! Captain!" The crisis moment, all Chinese players have come together.

If you don't have to say too much, because everyone is a partner in peace, every guy with Chinese robes is picking up at night.

The body is not good, the power is not good, the speed is not good, these are excuses.

Never look at anyone's willpower, when every player on the court is forgotten that he will fight for victory, they will explore the energy that you can't imagine.

At this moment, every Chinese player burned.

This hard eight war will be destined to become a turning point in the Chinese team's World Cup.

Middle farm, night long wind and Xiao Junshuang station after football.

- With the whistle of the referee, the night-length wind brought the football to Xiao Junguang.

Xiao Junguang immediately took the ball, and the speed was faster than before, Xiao Jungua knew that he needs to stand up at this time, and it can't always depend on the night.

On the field, Gerard and Lampad look at Xiao Junguang, did not care too much.

Two goals have fewer relaxation, which is less relaxed, which is unavoidable.

Victory is in front of you, unless no one is delicious.

Snapped! At this time, Xiao Junguang gave Shuangde's lesson. He rushed to Gerald, pulling the football, then squatting the ball, sending football to the air.

Is a rainbow!

2175 chapter, gorgeous footsteps (first more)

! The football is rotated, from the top of the Shuangde head, at the same time, China Dragon God Shang Jun is crossing between the two!

"Beautiful people! Xiao Junguo players play two big super superstars, in such a crisis, they still dare to do such actions, absolutely big heart!" He Wei spirit. ≦ ≦ = = insects

"China! Advance! Dragon God! Go forward!" Incheon Wenhe Stadium, the Chinese fan is shouting, they don't believe such a bloody team will stop here.

"Blocking him, fast!", England coach Ericson stood up again, he found no one in the World Cup court, especially when your opponent has two to change the situation at any time When the star is super.

On the field, England side guards Neville immediately pushed forward, at the same time, several guards in the Big Bank of England also rushed out, preparing to let the Chinese team two stronts into offside traps.

bass! Xiao Junguo looked at Neville, still accelerated, but he began to move to the left high speed to the court, as much as possible to open the space on the field.

"Axiang! Zhongming!" At this moment, the night-lived air started from the midfield did not know when to open Shuangde, and it has been rushed to the frontier of England.

Wang Zhongming and Fei Xiang saw the night long-distance rushing, the heart got God, immediately moved to the left and right roads, pulled out the space of the offensive.

However, the few big guards in England completely ignored Wang Zhongming and Fei Xiang, all rushed to the night, they didn't want to give any space for the night.

"Passing the ball! The dragon god passed!" At this time, with the congratulations.

Xiao Junguang is standing against Neville, looking up, I looked at England's banquet, immediately put it in front of football.

! Xiao Junguang's pass is flashing and strong, whistling, followed by speed in the frontier of the Big Broadcoming area in England.

Snapped! Under the eye on the audience, football falls behind the night long.

Xiao Junguang has a bad fine. After all, he is not a night-hearted, and the right foot of the right foot, Xiao Junguang is steadily, and it is difficult to completely accurately control.

But this has no relationship!

! When the football landed in the back of the night, the night-catching wind is back, at this time, the Nneville, England, and the renewed Moore and Ferdandande three have formed a clip of the night.

As long as the night is long, they will immediately surround it, even if it is penalty, it is necessary to put the night length winding in England.

However, the night-catching wind did not stop the ball at all, and he turned against the mole, and his left foot picked the football behind him.

"What!" Moore suddenly disappeared in front of him, and the back of the rowless jersey disappeared in front of him!

! At the same time, the night, and the football passed the molar, one was from the right side of Moore, one is from the top of the molar.

Ice prostitute!

Night live wind is like dancing on the ice rink, and football is a dance partner of his decades.

"Scorpio! He picked the mole! Single knife!" He Wei roared.

At this time, the front door of the England door took the nervous choice of Haman, he opened his hands, sinking, ready to block a single-knife ball.

! However, the night-long wind still does not stop the ball, he doesn't look at the football falling in the air, and the left foot is in the left, the whole person is bent back to the moon.

! Then, it is a foot, emptying, and the left foot is heavy on football, and the football instantly has a bright meteor, and it will run through the gimmads behind Jimei.

Shiman did not make any response in the same place, as if it was fixed in an instant.

twenty three! Night long wind plum opened, using the 12th entry of the World Cup to pull back the Chinese team, re-recovering the suspense of the Eight Wars.

"My God! Too wonderful movements and footsteps! Sorry, England, China War now opens no solution!" He Wei roared.

In the Renchuan Wenhe Stadium, the Chinese fans who have been quiet have burst out, and their eyes are re-ignited.

After the goal, the night length of the wind is very calm. He quickly ran into the England goal, holding a football, running in the middle.

"There is still two balls! There are two balls!" Night wind is not satisfied, he wants to end the battle in ninety minutes!

On the court, after night, the Chinese team turned over.

Many times, the stadium is strong, but it is not so obvious, the key moment, I am a sigh of relief, I am more bold.

"Changfeng, shot beautiful!" When the night grew away, Xiao Junguang and night long winds suddenly hit.

! The night long routine turns back to the midline, and put the football on the grass.

"Let's play!" The night grew and looked at Mike Owen and said in English.

"This guy!" Owen can feel a powerful momentum that is coming or talking about a charity.

In the second half, China and England kicked 2 to 3.

The off-site English coach Eriksen has changed his face. He really wants to directly replace the three defensive players' birthplace.

But Ericson is clear that England is not Italy, and their defense is not the top of the world, and their attack is the top.

Offense is the best defense!

"Offense! Attacks full line!" Ericson waved to let their disciples continue to attack.

As long as you can go into the ball, the victory only belongs to the great day!

The circle of the stadium, and Owen filed football to Rooney.

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