The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2066 of the Chapter 2066 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, the main referee has been frequently seen. The World Cup, the World Cup, which is ignorant, has come to an end, and the two teams will likely enter the cruel overtime, even the last thing that is more cruel.

The fourth judgment official of the officer also played a number of numbers of 3 minutes, and it was too small for three minutes to make up, and even an offense was not enough.

- However, when the referee blows a whistle, the little shell standing in the midfield suddenly lifted.

Passing the ball, it is Betcher arc!

"This ball is directly to the Chinese team!" He Wei is surprised.

The football across half a field in the air, directly in the Chinese team.

"Go out of the top!" Xiao Jun shouted.

Li Yufeng, the Chinese team's big ban, jumped high, and it is necessary to take the football.

But let Li Weifeng have never thought of that the football air suddenly changed, and Li Yufeng is not sufficient, and it is actually roaring.

Snapped! The chasing juvenile, who flashes after Li Weifeng, the left foot of Mkewen, and instantly unloaded the football.

It is another super world to stop the ball!

This kind of passage from running through half is very big. Generally, it is impossible to stop such perfect, football is like being absorbed on foot of Owen.

A player has such a group of batches to blow a life, and today Owen has made two times in a game.

And this time, Owen stopped the football, there is no direct shooting, but put the football forward, the body is pouring, instantly starts.

"Scorpio! It is the single-knife ball of Owen." He Wei can't believe his eyes, why do you have such a chance of killing in the last moment, England.

"You still want to come the second time, less than the sky!" Just in Owen to pick football to challenge the football in the lower right corner, the Chinese Gate Wang Dalei suddenly appeared in front of Owen, and fell to the ground directly to die. Owen. Football in front of it.

Dangdang, Owen flew directly, crossing Wang Dalei's body, and fell into the Chinese team's goal.

The football is still in the hands of Wang Dalei!

"Da Rei! It is a big thunder! This ball is too beautiful, too critical!" He Wei was excited to say non-changing, and the big implementation of life is too fast.

"Division! Referee! He is penalized!" Count count countless england fans shouted, they couldn't believe such a chance of lifting this slipped.

The main referee did not pay attention to English, but looked up at the table, then put the whistle into his mouth, he prepared to blow the whistle of the game.

"Captain!" At this time, Wang Dalei jumped up, holding football, and opened football to the front field.

At this time, Wang Dalei, which is highly concentrated, and the foot will also play, football is very accurate to fall before the front field has started, and the left foot of the night is relaxed, and the right foot continues to Dial.

"Well?" The master referee has passed half a game, and the spoon in the mouth is put down, and begging to run in front.

It can be said that the Chinese team for line spelling a final offensive opportunity.

At this moment, all China's players are surging in England, and England's players are also back to prevent.

"Fast! Blocking him, foul!" The English coach Eriksen must be crazy, he even didn't even rush to sigh the chance of the defeat of the Owen missed, and he made his team members directly In this way, the referee can directly blow the end of the game.

However, the night is not giving them this opportunity. He has accelerates his legs. The thighs are exposed on the thigh, and the blood in the blood vessel is also crazy.

Wind is electric, the speed of the Thunder!

The midfielders in England will not follow the speed of the night, but they are more far away from the night.

bass! Weathered in the night to a red light into the Castle Board of England.

"Fast! Block him! Shit!" England door is full of fear, his spirit is already in the edge of the collapse.

In the Big Buildings in England, Moore and others have flocked to night-long, Ferdinand splitly slipped, and I will also put the night long style in the big ban.

The last moment of the game, the referee will generally not make a punishment, so Ferdinand is not reasonable.

However, at night, there is no matter how much, he is still a big step, after two steps, he flashed Ferdinand slider, at this time, the angle of shooting is almost zero, not to mention there is a high big Shiman blocks in front of it.

! At this time, the night length did not hesitate to expand the right foot.

"He wants to shoot!" Shiman's full body, the blood is crazy, and the blood is crazy.

bass! However, all the English guards did not expect that the night grew is actually false, suddenly changing the legs, put the football backwards, passing to England to the vicinity of the penalty point.

"What!" Shiman and others were completely stupid. At this moment, they recall that the goals that had just flying the empty door were simply the same pass route.

Sure enough, when Shiman is still looking back, the Chinese team's eight players flying like Dapeng Wings to the air.

This time, Gerard, who was chased from the middle game, also jumped at the same time, exhausted with the whole power, even the lilation.

! However, at this time, the fierce flying flying roaring, looking at all the movements of Gerard, will fly to the football in front of him, directly topped the top to England empty.

! With the huge sound of a football hitting the ball, flying in the 95th minute of the game, killing England with a header!

"Enter! Enter! Enter! Flying! Going is flying, he completed self-salvation, he didn't kill strong England!" He Wei's first crazy, followed by Chinese fans in an instant explosion.

43! The bloody number on the scoreboard announced the sudden death of England.

"Ah! Ah !!" After the goal, I was hit by Gerard to the ground, and directly climbed it, and slammed the madness. When I ran to the corner, I also took off my jersey, crazy Waving.

"Is Axiang?" Wang Zhongming except for ecstasy, there is a shock.

The calm flying flying actually there is such a wild, humiliating, caught in the empty, unlucky, all the emotions released in an instant!

Chapter 2178, World Cup is four (fourth more)

- On the field, the referee did not give the English opportunity. The time on the scoreboard was over 97 minutes. He directly blew the end of the entire game. Miscellaneous $ $

In the final time, the Chinese team took the headball in England at the end of the time, and the top four of the World Cup was killed.

The World Cup is four, the Chinese team has already refreshed the best results of the Asian team World Cup, and they are only two steps left to create Danish fairy tale.

"we won!"

"Four strong! We entered the top four!" When the main referee blew the end of the game, China's substitute everyone couldn't help but rushed into the stadium.

Everyone rushed to the flying ball, the poor flying has not responded to the crowd of Hanhan.

The Chinese fans in the Renchuan Wenhe Stadium are still boiling, and there is nothing more than the Jedi to make the fans.

The World Cup is four, this is something that Chinese fans don't want to think about a year ago.

"Yangtze River, Great Wall!

Huangshan, Yellow River!

Heavy thousand pounds in my heart

Whenever, no matter where

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