The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2074 of the Chapter 2074 of the Prince of Tennis

"The guy of Changfeng is excited?" Xiao Junguo is unclear. "

"It's great! Great! I haven't had this kind of oppression, five stars, Brazil! Very good!" The night is actually laughing.

"Is the captain is inelent?" Wang Zhongming, this stinky kid, look at the night, and the back is cold.

"A Xiao! Don't defense, we can't prevent them, everyone gives me off!" The night's wind shouted the Chinese team.

"If you can't afford it, as long as we go to go more than they, the victory is our !!" "When the night is luxurious, after roaring, the whole person quickly calm down.

"What is the guy shouting?" I can't understand the Mandarian, I looked at the night long.

"Probably gives up, the world's football is alive, he is more in our Brazil!" The old fritter card is self-confident.

"Don't go wrong! The game has not ended." He is different from others, and the Le War is serious. He knows that night long wind, and Li War knows that many times the night's long wind will suddenly have skyrockery, have to prevent it.

Big scorpion, night, and Xiao Junshuang station after football.

The offers of Jutasbown are planned to change people, but the last half has entered the second stage, Juns prepares to rest in the middle of the field.

On the field, when Xiao Junguo made the football to the night long wind, the referee did not directly blow the whistle of the end of the first half, he did not give the Chinese team's last attack opportunity.

Just when the Brazilian player heard the whistle, it was ready to return to the player channel.

The night's long wind suddenly launched the body directly in the midfield, followed by the strong ball of the left foot.

A loud noise, a venous wind passed from the Brazilian head of the meteor, and when they watched it.

The football whirlwind is invested in the left corner of the Brazilian team, and the Brazilian team does not respond.

"The direct shooting of the midfield!" He Wei jumped up, and I thought that the referee had blown a whistle, and sat down again. "It is a pity, this ball is not awkward!"

"Walk!" After the goal, the night's cold glanced over the Brazilian people, and he greeted the Chinese team to return to the player channel.

"This guy!" The Brazilian people were very uncomfortable.

"Cesal, why don't you do the ball out, too lazy! Let the kid have a limelight!" When returning to the player channel, Carton is still chattering.

The Brazilian door will be a speechless expression, just now, he wants to go out, but it hasn't waited for him, and the football has already invested the goal. He didn't respond at all.

"Old Ka Fu, you have a few words. The second half must be vigilant, the night is not so good to deal with it!" Topeni's chatter on Kafford is somewhat dissatisfied.

Including the uptuttan, Tami, and the night long wind, who are handed over, and the Night Great Work is a teammate. The Brazilian players know that the night is a signal.

Throughout the midfield, this represents the night's hard work to be fully affected in the second half!

Going back to the locker room, the Chinese team is still very low, after all, the score is 0 to 3, and the opponent is still a five-star Brazil, and it is difficult to knew the difficulty of pulling the game.

2187 chapter, crazy idea (first more)

"Guys, I know that you are very painful, very anxious, but we can't be anxious. Si Xi is so low, it is necessary to comfort, and vibrate the morale.

"Coach, in the second half, we have to go!" The night's long-standing eyes stared at Yuns.

"Night! I know, the second half of Yang will go to the field, the flying restriction is relatively dead, I want him to take a break." Juns turned back.

"No! Axiang can't go to the game, Amperor and Jin Yu must be on the game, Axiao location is in advance, the midfielder only leaves two people enough." The night grew is amazing, the Chinese team is stunned.

"What! Night, you have to play the tactics to play five forward? This is too risky, we have never drifted such a tactical routine!" Juns was surprised by the night of the night.

The average person will face the five-star Brazil will have a big guardian, even if the Chinese team is in half of the three-ball, it is not to use the five striker extreme tactics.

"Changfeng, you ..." Xiao Junguang was also surprised by the mad idea of ​​the night-lived wind.

"Everyone is rest assured! I haven't been crazy. In the second half, we are unable to defeat this Brazil." The night-catching eyes swept through the Chinese team.

He must win, wealth in the richness, the lineup of five-star Brazil, the Chinese team is not possible to win.

Instead, it is a chaotic winning, crazy about the most good thing for the night.

"Captain, is we dragged down!" The Chinese team heard that the night's wind was more low.

Brazil and the Chinese team whole half, the night's long wind is really too lonely, the other players of the Chinese team are all exhausted, and they will not participate in the attack.

"What do you cry? We haven't lost it yet!" When the night is growing, the corner of the mouth is still out of the arc.

"Dalei, Xihai, A Feng, there is also Zhiyi" night long looks to the Chinese team's defense, "Can you hold half of the Brazilian attack? Half you can!"

"No problem! I can!" Wang Dalei looked at the night-catching eyes, the chest is boiling, can't help but respond.

"I can also!" The other three people responded loudly.

Night-lived wind wants this crazy five striker, and it is necessary to have absolute confidence in the brighteree after the Chinese team.

They are capable, facing the sorghum Dutch, in the face of strong England, in the face of the South American eagle Argentina, the Chinese team has been extremely excellent.

What they lack is to prove their opportunities!

The taxi is a confidant, and the night cost is given a big trust. The Chinese team defense is naturally, even if it is afraid of burning his last, it is necessary to stop blocking the Brazilian bombing.

"Good! I believe in you!" Night long wind turned to Xiao Junguang, "A Xiao, you are sitting in the middle of the town with me, must cut off the link between the Brazilian team and the front front line, can no longer let them kick out The team in the first half works. "

"But the long wind, the mid-range of the other party is ..." Xiao Junguo has understood the idea of ​​night long wind, but he has no absolute confidence in the three people who can block Brazil.

Once the two can't stop the penetration of the three people in the middle field, the Chinese team will definitely be sieved.

"Xiao Junguang! What are you afraid!" The night's eyes have become sharp. "You don't have time hesitating, or prove that we are the best midfield in the world, or you will take off your jersey, You choose it yourself! "

"We are the best midfielders in the world!" Xiao Junguang suddenly stood up and said that Xiao Junguang was also a bloody man.

In the first half, Xiao Junguang is not good, because of the fear of the five-star Brazilian lineup, there is no energy from all its energy.

"Haidong, Axiang, Zhongming, Jin Yu, A Chen!" Night live wind turned down to see five front lines of the Chinese team, and the eyes were more hot.

"I just said that I gave me Brazil's goal!"

"Yes! Captain!" Every time, five blood rogue just stood up.

Eleven in the second half of the Chinese team stood up, surrounded by a circle, everyone gathered together with the right hand, just like holding a torch.

"These bodies are crazy, they are crazy!" The coach Juns saw a glimpse, but he did not stop all this, he also knew that he can't stop it.

"Chinese team!" The night's wind suddenly drunk.

"Win!" Chinese players in all dressing rooms stand up, all of them.

"Defeat them! We are the strongest!" The night's wind stimulated the eardrum in the dressing room.

"Oh!" The Chinese team responded.

At this moment, all Chinese players cover their own chest signs, at this moment, the blood in their hearts is burning, boiling.

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