The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2085 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Chapter 2199, World Cup Final Day (first more)

Korean World Cup final day. Π π ÷ π

The World Cup held in Asia has passed a month of time in the cheers of the fans. After the World Cup's season, the World Cup is only the final finals.

Since the Chinese team defeated the five-star Brazil, China's domestic football heat has reached an unprecedented vertex.

In the semi-final in the World Cup, CCTV live ratings have far more than the Spring Festival Gala in China's ratings.

It can be seen that when the World Cup finals start broadcasting, CCTV stadium ratings will create a new record.

Football is like a wind, sweeping the entire Shenzhou mainland, and the number of people registered with the players every day in China will rise.

China is such a country. When there is a Chinese who can lead the tide in a sport, the Chinese Sports Bureau will use a large amount of energy to develop this movement.

In a short period of time, the Chinese will make tremendous progress in this sport, which is the advantage of Chinese people.

In the past years, China is not necessarily valued by the world's first big ball football. The Football Association has invested a lot of money and energy to develop football every year.

But it is very effective, even still returning!

However, this World Cup is different, China is not optimistic, all the way black horse, and finally actually kill the finals.

Before the Warring World Cup, all spinach companies did not include the Chinese team into the popularity of the championship, and even the odds of the Chinese team from the group of death were up to 1 pay 20.

Now before the World Cup finals, China defeated the five-star Brazil, and their won the title has been adjusted by all spinach companies to 1 pay 12 to 15, and the 1 pay 2, 1 compensation is higher than Spain.

In other words, the global media is more optimistic about the World Cup's strong Chinese team to create a miracle to win the World Cup champion.

If the Chinese team has a historic to win, China is likely to use the power of the country to develop football, followed by a fundamental change in the style of world football.

Maybe in the near future, the football pattern is no longer two strong hegemony in South America, but the European South America Asia has been upright.

Of course, this premise is that the Chinese team will overcome Spain in the final.

Spain's Han Day World Cup tour, far without super black horse China team is so dazzling and thrilling.

Spain has a smooth killing group competition. In the knockout, it will be smooth and smooth, and it is easy to kill the finals.

In many media, Spain can kill the finals is good, and there is no too strong opponent.

To the current location, Spain does not even lose the ball, it is enough to prove this.

But a little bit of knowledgeable football people know that this Spanish national team is absolutely not dealt, especially if they are not bloody, you can see the Spanish team's deep 'internal power'.

The World Cup kicks the finals, both teams have experienced six games to come to the World Cup final stage, whether it is China or Spain who won the Golden Cup will not be unexpected.

Nan Ge Fengyi Stadium, the Korean World Cup final held a stadium.

This South Gefing Stadium is a modern stadium for the Japanese Football Association for commemorating the birthplace of Japanese gold generation.

The entire stadium can accommodate a high 80,000 fans. It is the largest football field in Japan. The entire course has been built very modern atmosphere, and the ceiling roof can even automatically turn off and open, and the facilities inside the course are also very luxurious.

The World Cup final battle will actually hold the night grows in Nange City.

Of course, the atmosphere of the night's current wind is no longer a stadium or the game weather. When the night is sitting on the bus to the South Ge Fengyi Stadium, he began to close his eyes, start unlimited focus. degree.

Within the bus of the Chinese team, other players are not as active as before, including Xiao Junguang, and there are fewer nervousness.

The stage of the World Cup finals, before they may dream, they will not think that they can appear here.

At 7:00 in Japan, there is an hour from the World Cup final time.

However, Southern Greenery is surrounded by fans in China and Spain, and there are still many nights of the Japanese fans in the scene.

These guys are real urnous powder, starting from the night-long student era, and has always arrived until night long winds become a world football.

However, these fans have no fans who have not bought tickets, and they only have a large screen that gathered on the venue.

The fans who really have final tickets have been in the afternoon, and even someone entered the inside of the South Gefang Course in the morning.

"Ah! I'm going to see them!" When the bus of the Chinese team drove into the road of the South Gefang court, the Chinese fans here boiled.

"China team! Win! Chinese team! Win!" The cheers of the mountain calls rumored.

"Wow! So many people!" Wang Zhongming looked at the people who were densely marinated by the window, and the palms were sweating.

Wang Zhongming has played a lot of professional competitions, but he still saw such a burst of this time.

"I hope not to step on the event!" Xiao Junguang also turned away from the window.

The fans on the spot are really mad, the fans behind the row continue to surging, just to see the bus of the Chinese team.

Fortunately, the Japanese Football Association has been dealt with in these aspects, and they dispatched the national security level police force to maintain the order of the scene.

When the country team bus drove to the entrance of the South Gefang Stadium, when the Chinese team arrived from the bus fish, there was a short small reporter actually killing the heavy, and hosted to the Chinese team.

Snapped! This poor small newspaper reporter just rushed out of the crowd of two meters and was fell to the ground.

"Don't move me! Hao hurt!" The reporter was not honest, looked up at the night grew that I just walked under the bus.

"Mr. Long Feng! Do you look forward to this final?" The reporter shouted.

However, the night's wind does not pay attention to this guy, and walk into the special channel of the South Geardian Stadium.

"Good strong focus!" The reporters on the spot were stunned. They actually felt a gas-like gas field. In the moment, the air around the night, the air survive as if they were still still flowing.

2200, Spain (second more)

At 7:30 in Japan, South Geardian Stadium. ㄨ ㄨ ≦ ≦ ㄨ ㄨ

When the World Cup two final team took the ball and passed from the player channel, the enthusiasm of more than 80,000 fans on the site was ignited.

"China! The strongest! China! Wins!"

"The God of War does not solve! No disloyalty !!"

Today, I came to the scene or the Chinese fans, the Spanish fans were also screaming in crazy, but obvious momentum was pressed by Chinese fans.

Others don't say, it is to watch a row of more than ten big drums in the forefront of Taiwan. He is hobbed by more than a dozen balun.

"CCTV, CCTV! I explain He Wei ... Today ... I will live in the Southern Gefila's game for everyone to live the World Cup finals ..." The gold medal explained that He Wei actually raised rarely. He Wei is facing such a game that is already loaded into the football history, and it is possible to change the game of the world football style.

"Cough ..." He Wei coughed twice, soon entered the state, "Now everyone can see the two teams of the team from the screen!"

"Today, the Chinese team wearing a purple champion custom version of jersey, which is the Chinese team to put on purple shirts in the first time, and the opposite Spanish national team is wearing traditional main team red shirt."

Purple, emperor!

The Chinese team dare to wear purple shirts today. It means very obvious. Laozi is to win, and Laozi is to crown as a king.

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