The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2088 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Continue to attack, open the Chinese team full of fire!" He Wei said.

Guardiola is a player who is obviously strong, his body is thin, defense is awareness and pre-judgment.

He predicted that the night-catching action is forced to turn around, but he has no ability to block the night.

Two people have a fight, Guadiola will be brought to the night length in the moment.

"Pay attention to blocking the ball!" Langdi rushed out, Landy is familiar with the night long style, he is easy to go, he is a dead, let the team friend block Other players in front of the Chinese team.

Spain's leading edge of the restricted area, facing the strict defense of Landyos, the night's wind suddenly started to speed up the rhythm, and immediately flashed a body.

"He wants to shoot! Quickly block him!" Landy knew that when he did this action, the general coherence is a foot puff.

"Remote Shooting!" Experienced Bru Road immediately completed, blocking on the route of the night-long wind, he would use his tall body to block the ball of the long wind.

However, in this moment, the night's wind suddenly had a small shinball, the movement was very light, and the night-long winding shot posture formed a distinct contrast.

! The football immediately flew up, just crossed the top of the Bruille of the completion.

This is a pass!

"Not good!" Landius instantly realized that he was cheated by the night.

He is familiar with the night, the strength is also a disadvantage, in fact, a double-edged sword.

Because the ability of the night-catching game is very strong, he can break your routine and habits, let the Landy's premiere be misjudgment.

"Go in! Opportunity! Wang Zhongming !!" He Wei stood up at once, Wang Zhongming flashed from Bruili, a chest, a baton, and the unloading movement was very beautiful.

"Shooting!" He Wei called, Wang Zhongming's unsuccessful players, and it is not equal to football to land. It is a high angle of the Spanish ball door.

Football whizzed, like a shell, powerful!

2203 chapter, shocked the world (first more)

! At the moment of the football to screw the ball, the Spanish genius door jumped to Karazas before the line, and the whole body opened in the air. The left hand took the football. Ζ

"Unbelievable save! Unbelievable reaction! Hey, good, Karaz! Good!" Spain explained crazy screaming.

"The world-class saving, Karahas is really powerful, it is worthy of this World Cup number one door to the most powerful competitors!" He Wei is also marvel to Karazhas.

The wind wing stadium stands, tens of thousands of Chinese fans even sigh, the night of the night is not unusually unsteady, Wang Zhongming's turn is not necessarily unpleasant, but Karacus proves its value in this ball. .

"This offense has not ended yet, the ball is still in the Chinese team!" He said his eyes.

On the field, the football of Calazhas is rushed out of the banquet, and the hard-erased flying flying head backwards to the night.

The night, at this time, the night-hearted wind is ignored by Bru Road and Ramos, and his right angel, remove the football with the chest.

As Bruili and Ramos thought that the night's wind was unloaded, when the night did not break through, the night's wind suddenly used the powerful waist force in the air, then suddenly the left foot of the foot!

At this time, the night-catching body is still in the air, it can be said that it is completely not borrowed, which is completely explosive with his muscles.

A loud noise, in Bruil Road and Ramos's horrified eyes, football whizzed, a big splines in the air, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Sudden shooting of the God of War !!" He Wei called.

The front of the Spanish door has just climbed up and immediately leaped back to another direction.

However, the Karazhas reaction is still slow, and the football has passed from his fingertips.

Dangdang! The night of the night, finally wiped Spanish left-door column, flying out the bottom line, and finally flew into the emergency channels in the Spanish goal, disappearing in the sight of the world's fans.

"Oh! It's a pity! This goal can go to go to the ball just a little bit!" He Wei said unfortunately.

"What happened to the shot?" More fans in the scene did not see what happened just now.

"Danger! The guy is too dangerous!" The football has disappeared without a trace after watching Karashas in the ground.

"Cuts are really difficult to control the foot in the air!" The night was frowned, just he could choose to remove football and then broke through.

But today's night is very good, try to smash a long shot, this foot speed and suddenness are all, but the angle is somewhat too much.

Square, Spain's ball door.

When your teammates fall, Karazhas will open football to the midfield.

At this time, the midfield position, the Chinese team's Wu Junren and Spain's Mija jumped high, and the two were gone to grab the head.

"Unbelievable!" Let the wind wing stadium watch the fans exclaimed that the Miller's amazing bounce power.

Wu Junren has just jumped, and Mijia has fly to the air, and the chest is unloaded, and then landing, and then the land is brushing. Wu Junren.

Mijahal This series of movements is complicated, but he is almost instantly, it is like a blast!

"Good and elegant action! This is the speed that Michael did not show in the previous game!" He Wei shouted.

"Damn, how can the guy can jump so high, then so fast!" Wu Junren turned his head, Mija has begun to bring the ball to the Chinese team halfway.

"I will stop him!" Shao Jia, the middle of the Chinese team, first blocks on the route that Miller move forward.

The high-speed Mija Huli mouth with a smile, it seems that Shao Jia is in the eyes at all.

! Shao Jia took the front to stand up to block Michael, he was not familiar with Mija, although the long-term long wind and coaches in the premium have emphasized the players who should be careful to Michael.

But Shao Jia did not care too much about this matter, because Michael looked like a livestock, the height is not high, the body is not strong, in addition to the value, it looks quite ordinary.

bass! At first glance, Shao Jia stretched his feet, the football in Michael suddenly flew.

"What!" Shao Jia was stunned in an instant. He did not see the movements of Nikah, just like a football flew.

! The football rotated from the full-eyed Shao Jia, with this, at the same time, Michael suddenly accelerated, brushing from Shao Jia.

"Don't look at me!" Shao Jiayi reaction is a world-class, he refused to fly, and shoveled with a foot from Mijale.

However, Michael did not look back at all. His whole person suddenly jumped, followed by stepping on football.

Stepping on the ball!

Michael made his !

"Scorpio! Michael actually stepping on the ball as a skateboard, if it is not the same, I will never believe that people can do this!" He Wei has already seen Mi Girrhoid Telling Stunts.

But this picture, no matter how many times you look, this is simply violates the principles of physics.

On the field, several Chinese players who were nearest to Michael were stupid, and they were in the same place.

The noisy look at the entire wind wings is quiet. Everyone is shocked by Michael's movements.

Michael stepped on the ball, just like riding on his thinking tram, moving forward on the court, which is definitely faster than the top of the world.

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