The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 209

"All-round zoom method, the wood hand Yong Siri really does not have a dead end?" Dry Hao Guard.

"The handcuffs are pressed unilateral, it is really rare!" The expression of no two changes.

"This dog is also a small technique. If it is me, I will make his racket can't hold!" The night is far from the wind. "Of course, the minister of the hand should choose more skillful way!"

"Yes, you look at the eyes of your hand!" Dashi suddenly said, "There is no movement, just like the eyes of the prey!"

In the field.

! Wooden hand Yongshiro suddenly found that he had no way to win, and his handcuffs seem to keep up with his rhythm.

"What is going on?" Wooden hand is shocked, "clearly wins!"

"If you have always played the means, you suddenly become useless, you should start anxiety, so there will be a mistake!" Dilongaki coach faint.

Snapped! Handcuffs back to the ball, go online!

Wooden hand Yong Silang actually was treated in the town of the handcuffs, and the scared racket was scraped on the ground. The tennis mixed with the sandstone.

Snapped! Sand hit on the glasses of handcuffs, interfere with his return!

Wooden hand win, score 2-0!

"Hey? This ball is not a ball that can't be hit!" No penny.

"The opposite guy, while going to the ball, it raised the sand to disturb the handcuffs!" .

"What! The guy actually used so dirty means!" Tao City angered.

"This guy is in the death of death, irritating the handcuffs, maybe it is terrible than anger, I am terrible!" Like the night smile.

"It's really regrettable, your handcuffs Guoguang, you should listen to the advice of others next time!" Wooden hand is proud, "I will win the means!"

The handcuffs are cold and watching the wooden hand, not talking, and the body began to raise the colorful glory!

Is a unobstructed! 343

"This is not there, it is not very strong!" Wooden hand raised his hand is actually a big explosion!

! Tennis with flames like artillery or shells are generally hit!

Handcuffs have come to the hitting point in an instant, and there is no ours.

"Useless, the racket will be flying!" Wooden hand confident.

Boom ~ He didn't think of it, his handcuffs hit the universe bombing, but shocking the racket in his hand, the ball was taken out, at least seven or eight meters!


"I actually blege the universe ..."

"Hit it back! Or use the universe of the big explosion!" Bed in Zhongzhong!

"It turns out that it seems to be my estimated mistake!" Wooden hand raised his big glasses snake ball!

! Big glasses snake balls are twice!


"Hey, it is really powerful!" Mada is in the heart, "But I know that there is no real world to stimulate the body's potential, its side effects

181 chapter, fight the ice emperor

The national contest starter venue.

"First of all, congratulate everyone to advance the national competition eight!" Said Longaki said.

"Haha, just rush into the finals!" Taicheng waved the trip to the trip.

bass! A figure suddenly appeared in Taicheng, scared him.

It is a data male to dry, "Tao Chengjun, you seem to be too early!"

"Oh, welcome to come back, Agk!" Not smiling.

"Dry, report the chart of his school!" Handcuffs.

The dry governance is nod, opened the notebook in his hand, "Mountain blowing in the thousands of stone, despite the winning of the game and the mountains, San Iculos, but the second game is defeated! After Jijun, The strength of the mountain blowing is still decline! "

Dry Treat this, the night's eyes are bright, and I remember the super-Tanjijin version of the sandbag.

"Last year, Yunsheng School Lihai is attached, Osaka's four-day Temple and Aichi and Nagoya, etc., the previous evaluation of a high team, now we have won the game very smoothly, and do not move ..."

"Strange, you see there!" Taicheng interrupted the report of dry .

The eyes of the Qing Dynasty gathered to the direction of Taicheng fingers, and a group of people came from that, and it was not a peak.

"That is orange? Put the hair into gold, it is really big!" Taicheng was surprised.

"Well, this hairstyle is very suitable for the big son!" Night long laughs.

"Don't move the peak with 4-1 Win last year's runner-up, the vines, advanced to the eight!" Dry treatment continued.

"Very strong, don't move!" pill.

"As for the competition in the Ice Di Academy and the Lion Le ..."

"Win school is the opponent we end!" Hall inserted

"So, which is won, Agk!" Chrysanthemum quickly asked.

Dry glasses flashed a blue light, "Who do you think?"

"Ice Di Academy!" Everyone represented.

"Answer!" Dry Herogenic Organization on Notebook, "Ice Emperor is overwhelming with a 5-0 absolute fraction!"

"Especially the second battle is a lion music and game known as Kyushu, very relaxed!"

"It seems that it is no longer in the Kwandong contest and the ice emperor we have more, and their progress seems to be big!" No two calls.

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.


Qingxue Tennis Coach Office.

"What is the handcuffs, you say that you have to make a single place!" Dashi couldn't believe his ears.

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