The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2094 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

I just opened it in the second half, Micharpole seems to open all the firepower, he directly took the ball to Wu Junren, and then stopped the ball to start the ball.

At this time, the night's long wind suddenly blocked in front of Miller.

Michael left the ball, forcibly stopped, he felt nearly substantially oppressed feelings.

"Strong!" The Mi Gaul's mouth suddenly turned out a smile.

The night-long wind is full of god, and every action in Michael is under the eye on the superior dynamic vision of the night.

"The two teams have a front conversation! Who will win this time?" He Wei has grown his eyes.

At this time, Michar was suddenly shaking the body left and right. In front of the night, Michar was suddenly differentiated by seven octaves.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

"This guy is actually this!" Stephen Night Knight Stephenley, who was watching the game in front of the TV, was surprised.

Michael's movement is more exaggerated than the Bai Night Knight, and all of the residuals is very true, and the movements of each remaining shadow are different.

"This trick is useless to me!" Looking at Michael coldly, the body shape suddenly started to move around.

"This Nima is also ok?" Chinese fans in front of the scene were stunned.

Countless night-long winds, in front of Mija, a residual person in front of Mija, is all blocked, in the instant.

"This defense is too exaggerated!" Just in the two people behind the Lantios stood in the same place, this is not the battle he can participate in.

"I thought about me, not so easy." Night is cold and coldly looked at Michael in front of him. He also had to admit that Michael's ability is very strong. He tried to break the ball in a moment. There is no success.

"What do you want to do now?" The night's cold eyes glared at Michael, and the silver light of Mijapus flakes. His blonde suddenly drifted.

! Just in front of the night, Mija was suddenly poot!

Very sudden pass!

Night live wind did not think that Michael would choose to pass on a one-to-one contest, and the football wiped the right shoulder of the night, flew up, and flew to the Chinese team.

"A Xiao!" The night's long shouts.

Michael's pass is high, the speed is still very fast, and suddenly begins to fall into the big ban on the Chinese team.

Chinese Dragon God Shang Junguo heard the shouts of the night, and striked back to prevent the football to block the boundary.

At this moment, at this moment, a lightning red figure rushed into the big ban on the Chinese team, and the right foot was perfectly stopped in the high altitude.


The world-class baton showed the quality of the ring Wang Lier as a super striker.

Ray seems to tell all the fans around the world, the World Cup final is never just the battle between the two people and the two people of Michael.

"Rail! It is Ray!" The Spanish Sky is commented, "he stopped football!"

Chinese team Castlean Zhifeng rushed to prepare and Xiao Junguo Hehe Rally to fill the football in front of the fencing.

However, in the moment of bumping from the ground, Rally puts the football with the right foot.

! The football is rotated, and the top of Xiao Junguang and Li Yufeng.

Dangdang, awarded to the right side of the two people, unequal balls, directly, the left foot is a heavy robber.

Rayer jumps up, enough to see how big it is!

boom! The football instantly wore Wang Dalei's ten guidelines, and the top of the Chinese team was grown.

32! In the second half, Spain has been awarded again!

"It is Ray! Ray! Ray! Oh !! I can't believe my eyes, Raier Mei opened two degrees! The ring king is king!" The Spanish Skyline explained thoroughly.

"We are leading! We are leading!" Barcelona, ​​Madrid countless Spanish cities boiled, the entire wind wings becomes a boiled red ocean in an instant.

After Mei Kai Di Rail goals, the arms were started on the court, and once again in the world of fans, the ring Wang Lier did the celebration of the ring of the ring.

This time, this is undoubtedly the most passionate of Ray, but he not only dedicated this goal to his beloved wife, but also gave all Spanish fans.

"Yang! Van! You are all awesome!" The leader of the offers, Jenas, can't sit, he greeted Yang Chen and Fan Zhiyi to go to the off-site warmth.

Once the Chinese team can't pull a score in a short time, Juns is ready to play the card in his hand to reverse the situation.

The circle of the stadium, night long and Xiao Junshuang station after football.

"Long wind, what should I do?" When the team encountered a problem, Xiao Junguo first asked the night long.

"Don't panic, give me the ball! Today, I will let you see my real strength!" Night long-faced corners of the arc.

This is the last game of the night, the last game of this world, and the night is decided to have no reservation!

2210 chapter, runaway status (fourth more)

Xiao Junshui and others listened, some happened. Α α √ α

"Real strength? Don't you face Bayern before the wind, face the five-star Brazil?" Xiao Junguang brought the football to the night long.

Snapped! Night-length wind left does not stop, but send football forward.

"Well, his mistakes?" Guadio laked on the football in front of himself, there was a moment of dullness.

However, this moment of dullness, let Guadiola have a ball with a ball that is placed.

"What!" Guardio was not seen at night, because the night is too fast, so that his eyes reflect it.

"Return to the defense line, fast!" Langdio was very anxious, the Spanish guard line was broken by a person.

However, their backward speed is far without the speed of the night.

Night wind is like a wild cheetah, while the players returned by Spain slowly like a snail in front of him.

In the eyes of the night, everything goes slow, except himself.

No, there is still one!

Is Michael!

Michael seems to be Spain is also the only one in the world that can follow up with the long rhythm of night.

When the night length is used through a Z word through the defensive defense of Landy and Ramos, Mija passed in front of the night.

At this time, there are electric light in the eyes of the two, and a purple red, both people have entered the realm of the football player from the end.

!!! In just one instant, the night-lived wind made three coherent actions.

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