The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2199, Chapter 2199, Chapter 2199

bass! After the Sakuragi ball, he turned directly, and the players in all Lingnan High School were already behind the Sakuragi.

"Ah! Prouch, Sakuragi!" The Sakura Mission on the stage shouted.

bass! It's unexpectedly that Sakuragi actually jumped directly in the basket, and his hands raised the basketball to make a shooting posture.

It is important to know that Sakuragi has never got out of the basket in the basket, and everyone is a bit surprised.

"Haha, let them shock, Sakuragi!" The mouth of the night's mouth slightly forth.

Snapped! Basketball is on the rebound, and finally, it bounces into the basket.


"What!" "Lingnan High School Subtites Shangda Gangmao was shocked and full of round.

"The shower basket under the basket is also a big shock in Hainan, which is watching outside the scene." He didn't know how to shoot at all! "

"Good ball! Sakuragi!" The replacement of Xiangbei boiled.

Snapped! Night live wind also ran over and a hit 31 palm of Sakuragi.

"How, the little wind. I am not bad if this goal is also vying!" Sakuragi is a lot of laugh.

"Malaysia tiger!" Like the night.

"Haha, this is not good to stare at the consequences of this genius!" Sakuragi turned to provoke Xian Dao.

"Sakuragi is so rapidly growing up? To know that when he is training, he is not doing well!" Side fish also expressed quite surprise.

"This is the result of hard work!" The night long-faced horns appeared in a smile.

Recently, Sakuragi is trained after training, and progress is also quite large after training.

" ... The score of Xiangbei is currently baked by my Sakuragi!" Sakuragi turned into cartoon style, looking at the score of the division than the division.

"I remember the game before Xiangbei and Hainan, the guy of Sakuragi is just to understand the dunk! Isn't he learned a basket of shooting in a few days ... it is ok!" Fish lived without stopping Squat.

"Hey ... You seem to be very anxious, the monkey king!" Sakuragi erect the ear and heard the whispering of the fish.

"Hey ..." fish turned around.

"I advise you still to judge the strength of this genius with your common sense!" Sakuragi pointed to his own channel, "You cheer, prevent me!"

"Haha!" After that, Sakuragi went to turn back to prevent it.

"It's evil ... this is a big boy!" Fish is accommodated by Sakuragi.

Attack and defensive conversion, the attack of the high school in Lingnan.

Red Mood is still in the inside of Xiangbei, and Xiangbei quickly plays a defensive standing. Waiting for the attack of Lingnan High School.

"Defense!" Achilica yelled.

"Oh!" Everyone in the northern place was unison.

"Defense! Defense! Defense!" At this time, the resort group on Xiangbei at this time began to shout.

Since the victory of Hainan, Xiangbei, Xiangbei High School has set up a support group in the basketball, and the number of people crazy in these days, so far, it is already a big community with hundreds of core members.

Therefore, the lineup of Xiangbei's response group is quite huge, the clothing is neat, the slogan is unified, and it is not inferior to the reunion of the high school in Lingnan.

Even in the shouts, it is necessary to faintly suppress the aid group in Lingnan High School.


Lingnan High School passed several times to pass the basketball to the mouth of the inner line of Xiangbei.

It is also the midst of the middle of the two gods!

bass! Fish turned directly after catching the ball, forcibly shooting in front of red.

Snapped! While squeezing the defensive defense of Red, the posture of its shooting was also severely disturbed by Redwood, and finally it was a basket.

boom! Fish and hurriedly jumped up, when I wanted to give basketball into the basket, a fire red figure jumped behind him and grabbed the basketball.

It is a cherry-style flower road!

The height of the Sakuragi has more than the fish, how can the fish in the continuous jump of the fish may be the opponent of a sakura.

"Sakuragi!" Sakuragi has not landed, and there is two people rushed up.

"Wow! The players of Xiangbei have begun to counterattack, so fast!" The audience on the stage was exclaimed.

"Get the ball, the small wind!" Sakuragi grabbed the right hand of the basketball, and immediately threw the basketball.

boom! Although the Sakuragi shot is a big longer, this is the same as the previous one ... bad!

! Basketball is really too big, so that the night-long and Duan Sichuan Maple no one should take basketball.

Night wind was originally prepared, but he did not think that Sakuragi was somewhat excitement, this passing the power is beyond his imagination.

! The basketball directly went to the village on the reporter seat behind the Bagna high school half-court basket.

The village is directly hit by basketball, and there is a chair behind it.

"~ ▉ ! Lingnan High School player!" The referee whistle.

"Wow! Good fierce!" The audience on the stage also looked stunned, a pass through the whole audience, and there is so power.

"You are not hurt!" Xiangu is soaring.

"Ah ~ ▉ Yes, why do you use basketball to hit me!" Sports in the village wrote, and a big bag was awkward.

"Sakuragon, what ghost you do! This kind of ball is just that Jordan can't get it!" The night did not help the Tucao.

"What is Jordan? Can you eat?" Sakuragi is very awkward.

950! Hey ~ The player of the embarrassment fell a place, "This guy didn't know!"

After watching the Sakura Mission, a few people smiled, "Haha, it is still a flower!"

"Yeah! I put into the shoot basket when I opened the basket, let me think that I am dreaming!"

"The words come back, so far, the flowers are the most stealthy players on the field!"

"Well ... I always have an ominous premonition!"

"It makes sense!"

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