The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2218 of the Chapter 2218 of the Prince of Tennis

"Unfortunately, Xian Dao! I still want to fight again in the additional competition!" Mutant muttered, in fact, he even hoped that Lingnan High School won.

Because in that, I will play a match, and Hainan can get the opportunity of revenge Xiangbei high school.

The qualifiers of Shenchuan County are finally ended!

Xiangbei High School Third War is full, Hainan has two wins and negative, these two teams will advance into the national contest!

Night wind, I can't wait to see the real masters in the national competition. The fairy and animal husbandry are obviously not the world's strongest, and there is a significant gap with night long wind.

In fact, the night's long wind did not play a real strength, because ...

The opponent is too weak!

114 chapter, Qikawa Feng's request

"Hey ... it is evil!" Lingnan high school replacement morning, Xiang Tian Yan, tears, "Why is it over here! Â

On the field, the players in Lingnan High School were also unpredictable. The summer of the high school basketball in Lingnan is over. For the third-grade ministers, the basketball career in the entire high school is over.

"Completed!" The tapered fish lived in pure, sweat and tears intertwined together, drip on the floor.

"104 pairs 8.9! Winning in the high school in Xiangbei!" The referee announced the way.

"Thank you for advice!" The two team players respect each other in the midline of the court.

"Fish!" Achilla called the fish.

"When the national contest, you can don't lose, red!" The two major center of the Kanagawa Prefecture is together.

After the game, Basketball Reporter Xiang Tian Yaisinded the coach of Lingnan High School.

"Tiangang coach, this game, you have the opportunity to turn over, but in the end, it is still a reason." Xi Tian Yiche asked.

"All players in Lingnan High School are very good, the reason for failure is that this coach has not been able to make a way to defend the other players!" Tian Gangmao took the responsibility of the failure to her body.

After the game, it is the award ceremony of the Shenchuan County Qualifier.

Night wind is directly with the stomachache, did not participate in the award ceremony, there is no meaning in the night, it is not as good as returning to the Basketball Hall back to Xiangbei.

Wooden and color is also a good way to get the night.

Despite this, the Equipment Committee also presented the most price of the MVP of this æ € € player to the night.

The next day, the basketball hall of Xiangbei High School.

Snapped! Snapped! The basketball hall is still the same as the usual, practicing the sound of the basketball sounds.

Night wind is still the first to come to the Basketball Hall of Xiangbei, and Xiangbei has not changed because of the first and what changes in the Shenchuan County qualifiers.

Moreover, it is necessary to prepare for the national contest, colorful and night-hard, and two people have studied a new training program.

The new training plan called Hikbei is known as hell.

Among the training exercises, one person has to work hard than the night, that is, Li Shufeng.

During this time, Xiangbei has been at the heart of the night, and the allocation of the ball is in the night.

Night live wind is an organizational attack or a personal singles, that is to say that basketball is in the loud wind.

And this greatly limits the power of Zhuan Feng should be stronger, and Zhuan Feng is called the ghost. Although its offensive ability is not as good as night, it is very powerful.

However, the offensive ability of Jagawa Maple is still to hold the ball attack, and it is different from Mitsui Shou.

Three wells is on the field, and its combat power will geometric pitcher players, and Yanchu is a player who wants to hold the ball.

Basketballs are in the hands of the night, Zhuan Feng can't get the ball, and the power will be greatly weakened, and the defensive defensive in Zhuan Feng also said that it has become awkward.

Night wind does not have a playing method for him to change the attack, and the night grows to make a player like the Role of the Sun Team Once Malian.

The speed is fast, the reaction is fast, the defense is good, and the ball is cast, and it has become another routine attack weapon in the Basketball of Xiangbei.

However, Yanchu Feng seems to be unwilling to change his play, from the day of being defeated by the night, Zhuan Feng has been catching up with night long wind, and becomes the new core of Xiangbei.

Well, the heart is always the power of the flow.

"Hard work!" After the end of the day, most of Xiangbei took a shower home.

When the night grows, I will choose to be practiced. At this time, Yanchuan Maple hugged the basketball to the front of the night.

"Seniors ..." Li Shoufeng called the night's wind.

"Oh?" Night long wind turned his head and looked at Li Shoufeng, "Yuchuan, what is it?"

"I want to play a one-on-one with you again!" Yuchuan Maple silent.

"It turns out!" Night long-lasting horns slightly tight, "I want to fight with me, but there is no color head."


"It's bet!"

"What is gambling?"

"Or five malls are winning, if you win, Xiangbei will fight according to your play, around you, but if you lose ..." Night long-term wind turns.


"You have to play according to my method, how? Do you dare to come?" Night long laugh.

"Hey?" Sakuragi, who is practicing shooting, is also a Night Gongcheng, who is trained in the basketball hall, is also noticed that the night length and Duan Shufeng standing on the court.

"To match?" Muyi hunted.

··· ▉ ▉

"Is there a long wind?" Sanxi smiled and smiled, and it was really good! "

"Come on!" Yanchuan Maple nodded, and the golden light was flashing.

African Husima's residence.

"I will come back!" Redmook opened his own door.

"Brother, you come back. Today is more early today!" Aiji Qingzi hurriedly went to Xuan Chong to meet Red Wood.

"Well! Why do you have a panic!" Achie replied, "My feet is not complete, so the amount of exercise is not too big!"

"Hey? Is there a guest?" Achilla noted the shoes under the porch floor.

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