The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2221 of the Chapter 2221 of Wangzhao System

The three returned to the basketball hall, and the Sakuragi was sitting on the floor, and a big strike.

"Sakuragi, your boy challenges the long wind, isn't it to find it?" Sanjing sat in the Sakura Wheel, "I haven't seen his grade player, he and our grade are completely different!"

"Don't say it! Small three!" Sakuragi turned into cartoon style, "Let me quietly, be a quiet beauty!"

"Don't be happy! Sakuragi! There are still many opponents waiting for us! As long as you continue to work hard in the national competition, we will defeat one of the opponents, and will eventually beyond the long wind!" Encourage.

"Maybe ..." Muxiang is actually not trust in the heart, Sakuragi can go beyond the night, but it is more than the chance of Sakura Mae.

Because he has a enchanting body as he and the night's wind!

Chapter 117, National Competition

Time is like flowing, a sway go to the summer vacation.

From Xiangbei, the entry of the national contest in the national contest to the current summer vacation, Xiangbei High School Basketball Department has conducted a closed training.

Everyone's progress is not small, especially in the reserve of the physical fitness.

Zhigang Feng guided its training by the previous gambling, and has achieved a lot of results, and there is a lot of effectiveness, and Sichuan Feng is now basically a good cooperation with the night.

From a player who attacked the ball, it became a player who came to attack, so that there was no weakening of the stream of Sichuan Feng attack, but the ability to quickly attack instant offensive instantaneous offensive.

On the other hand, the night-catching wind also arranges a set of training for attacks, especially in short-range shooting, and the Sakuragi is very big.

In this closed training time, Sakuragi completed a short-range shooting basket with up to 30,000 balls and 10,000 mid-range shoots, which can be said to be the greatest progress.

The remaining Miyagi, Reduchi also have a small progress, and the center of Redwood is better in the basket, and the Miyagi will finally take the initiative to pass the ball. San Xi Shou Progress is mainly reflected in physical fitness.

In short, the high-intensity closed training, the war of the high school basketball team of Xiangbei has risen to a new stage.

At this time, the people of Xiangbei have come to this place of this Japanese High School Great Competition - Hiroshima!

There are three major events in Japan's national high school basketball world. First, the League Interhigh is the first summer, that is, IH.

In addition, the national body of the autumn is the masters before the county.

Finally, the winter cup is a team selected by the Summer League again to gather together a competition.

The most powerful amount of this, is usually the high school basketball master, the knocking tile event in the well-known university sports department is the summer league.

The largest, the most communion, the most brutal competition, the highest-free summer league intertigh!

After the vowes of the vow, the colorful son got the group list of this summer league.

Due to the first place in Shenchuan County, Huna High School has been completely different, and Hainan is alternative to the location of Xiangbei.

"What! Hainan's second round of opponents is the mountain industry ¨` ▉? "Achilla is very surprised from the color of the color.

"The King Industry? Is it strong?" Sakuragi did not understand.

"Sakuragi, this king industry can be the most famous university in the country. If Hainan is a teacher, the king industry is unbearable!" Muxue pushed the glasses on the rigid.

"Is it so powerful? Isn't that middle-aged Uncle, they have to be eliminated in advance?" Sakuragi is a happy expression.

Snapped! The night of the night is shot, "What is your kid, what do we want to dominate the country, sooner or later will be held with the mountain industry!"

"Yeah! The king industry is the first school in the country. It is the myth of the Japanese high school basketball world!" Miyagi is attached to the side, "Hainan is miserable!"

"Right, I heard that they have rarely encounter opponents in the college basketball team, there are many first in the team!" Sanjing said with a basketball magazine.

"It's okay! However, after the end of this national contest, the new Dynasty will be born, that is, our Xiangbei High School!" Night grows.

"You are Xiangbei! Say this big words here, ok?" After the oath ceremony, a basketball team walked from Xiangbei, one of them combed the horsetail from behind him behind the neck.

"Say, you don't seem to be in the Wai Mountain industry, and it is not a matter of your first round of opponents!" Horse tail men's cold channel, "Do you say that you think that we are in Feng Yu high school?"

"Oh! Our first round of opponents is Feng Yu high school!" Sanjing pointed to the schedule.

"Who? Feng Yu high school? Have you heard of it!" When the night is not concerned, it is obviously a player in Fengyu High School.

"What!" The horse is anger, "" Dare to look down on us! "

The horsetan male hit the neck of the wooden, and the wood showed a painful expression. "Just like the guy also wants to play with the mountain industry, but also wants to dominate the country, it is really a smile!"

"Defense!" Caught the Horse Wrist in Night Wheel.

"Pain ... pain!" The face of the horse rose red at once, in a moment, he even thought that his hand was broken.

"Changfeng, stop!" Achille loudly.

"Roll!" The night long wind rushed to the hand of the horse.

"You!" The players in Fengyu High School saw that the horsetail male suffered.

"How? Want to fight?" The night's cold glanced over the jade high school, and then took off his shirt and only wore a vest.

"Shu ..." Feng Yu high school people smashed a cold, and the night of the night, every place in each place is muscles, and it is the streamlined muscles, which seem to contain explosive power.

"My God ... how this person practicing this body and muscles!" One of the players in Fengyu High School couldn't help.

Just a few steps, I almost a pi share of the horse-tailed man in the earth is also very shocking. When the night is generous, it will make him so painful, it is like the steel pliers to death. A living.

"This little bit is great!" The horse is awkward.

"Hey ... You remember! On the basketball court, I will let you look!" The Masai man was quickly left with a Fengyu High School, and another 'I didn't care about you.

In fact, it is afraid that night long wind is really real and their own dry frames, this strength, this body, they are not necessarily the opponent of the night long wind in the people of Feng Yu high school (Qian Zhao).

So I have just hit the tail!

"It's really! How come there is such a person in the national contest!" Color is complained, "Changfeng, you are fine!"

"What can I have?" The night is laughing, "It's some small , don't care, the color of the color is not!"

"Of course! Don't see who I am?" The color of the color took out a stack of thick information, including the video, "The information on the Mountain Industry Competition last year is here!"

"Very good! We now study this so-called national first!" Night long-winding.

"Good!" Zhongbei everyone did not know that the night cost is the center.

"Hehe, ..." The Anxi coach on the side issued a iconic laughter. Now the life of the coach will come over, he is happy.

118 chapter, first round opponent

The first day of the National Competition, the national colleges and universities.

Everyone in Xiangbei came to the gymnasium, today is the first round of the Xiangbei, and his opponent is the Fengyu High School I have encountered!

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