The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2237 of the Chapter 2237 of the Prince of Tennis

"Well! This ball will definitely go to go!" The people of Xiangbei replaces the seats are excited.

At this time, the figure of Zebei Rongshi is actually brushing from Yanchuan Maple, catching up with the ball to fly in the front.

"What?" "Yanchuan Maple eyes are very surprised.

"Oh? It's been chasing it?" The night's mouth is slightly tight, "If Zebei Rongshi is idiot, this game is too bored!"

! Just when Zebei Rong Zhi [out] right hand, when you want to copy the ball from behind, you will change your basketball to your left hand.

"Wonderful dodge!"

At this time, the nightmare of the night is already in the free thistle of the mountain industry, and then the night's wind is directly throwing basketball.

"What? This posture is shot?" The audience of the stands is stunned.

"No, that is not shooting!" Qi Tianhao second voice just fell.

! The basketball thrown out of the night-lived wind, which made Zebei Rong Zhi, what is the meaning of this ball.

At this time, from the body of Zebei Rongshi, a red figure rushed!

It is Li Sichuan Feng!

Duan Sichu maple is in the air, grab the air basketball, and a single-handed ball.

Dang! Basketball is in the basketball in the basketball!

20 to 12! Xiangbei is expanding the leading advantage!

"The ball is passing the air relay, this cooperation is also too tacit! Unbelievable!" The second high [tide] of the Quanlian Hao in the explanation room.

"This is still the king of the king of the king, they seem to be played by super black horses!" Qiang Tianhao two analyzes.

"Yeah, from one opening to now, the king industry is suppressed by the high school of Xiangbei, and now the gap is still expanding!" The sunset is added to the needle.

"Zebei ... What are you doing!" Hiurita Ya Hao and Shenjin have become very dissatisfied with Zebei Rongzhi, "S.!"

"This ..." Zebei Rongzhi did not think that the night length will come to this hand. He thought that he thought that the night's own attack, it was expected to attack the night's wind, but he did not expect the night growth. Select this way to pass!

······ Flowers ······

beep! The whistle of the technical platform sounded, and the Shanwang Industry and the High School of Xiangbei were also requested to change people.

Xiangbei replaced Liquaka Feng, replaced with Mu, the Shan Wang Industry, the side of Zebei Rongzhi, replaced with Matsumoto.

Both teams are shifted in the same location. It is obvious that the Anxi coach wants to let Yanchuan Maple get enough rest.

Nowadays, the physical strength of Sichuan Feng is already a great progress, but there is no problem than the no problem in two consecutive two games than the night.

Therefore, the Anxi coach puts the rigorous maple in advance, which is to let him take a break, reserve physical strength to the final battle.

"It's coming!" Night long wind and wood, "pay attention to the sixth!"

...? ..? ..

"I know!" Wooden nodded.

"Haha, the dead fox is in the end! Don't come back!" Sakuragi is self-reliant.

"Can be evil ... Just now, there is still no bless!" Yanchuan Feng sat on the tension, but before the tangle, the night long-lived will receive the basketball.

"Swissing!" The king industry is actually two consecutive replacement. They have changed the wild, and they replaced a giant player River Tianmei male!

"Well?" Zhongbei people looked at the newly played Rivers and Juji men were shocked.

"It's a huge!" I haven't seen the fans of the Miji Men in Hakada on the stage.

"How high this guy is?" Sanjing sued his eyes.

"You didn't watch the list of games? This guy called Hedian Mei Ji male, heights are two meters, weighing one hundred and thirty kilograms!" Night long-winding.

"This guy is really like a big baby!" Night lives looked at Huda Ji Ji men who remembered a famous NBA player Glenn Divis, and the two were simply like, and the appearance was almost the feeling.

"Sorry, my brother ..." One morning, Hiyutian Ji Ji male said to Hutian Yaci.

"You haven't done anything, there is nothing wrong!" Heada's colleague.

"What ... What this guy is ... I?" Sakuragi refers to himself, a face is suspicious.

"Give you, Sakuragi!"

"You can do it!"

"The genius Sakuragi is the strongest!" There are several people in the Hunan Field run ...

Chapter 135, Hakata Mei Jun

"Is it a double center tactic?" The night length sweeps a lot of Hiudian Mei Jun, which is more than the cherry, "It seems that he didn't see him on the video, and I don't know how the strength!"

"That is the younger brother of Hiya?"

"It's so exaggerated!"

"Whether it is high or weight, it is better than the brother!" The audience on the stage also is very interested in Hakada Mei Jul.

"Hey, fairy! Flower road and he stood together into a small!" Sakurami Legion is very surprised.

"This is a good show!" Gao Hao is a laughter of a smash.

"It's coming! The king of the king finally turned around. They sent the highest players of the team, the highest player River Tianmei man!" The Quan Tianhao second solution in the chamber said, "Wow! His height is 210 cm!"

"It should be the first height of the" Sixth Seven "league in this national contest! It seems that the secret weapon of the king of the king of the king, as for the effect, we still want to wait!"

On the field, the offense of the Kings Industry, deep into the basketball.

At this time, defensive deep intozzo is a night-long, and the night cost is not given to the perseversion of deep intoulin.

Deep, each other, can not dare, the previous game has proven that the speed of the night's wind is a enchanting, and it will be copied by the other party.

"Hey! May Jihang! What to do, there is no walking !!" Yakada Ya Hao is still smashing near the free throw line.

"Sorry ... brother!" Hai Tianmei man seems to be very afraid of his brother, do his best to move his body, come to the inner line of Xiangbei high school, and will stop the Sakuramy's death.

"Can evading ... I can't see anything!" Sakuragi's sight was blocked by Heada Jimei male.

"Fool out, idiots!" Red Wood, just shouting the Sakuragi.

! At this time, the Hakata Mi Ji male raised his left hand, reached out, and at the same time, the Sakuragi had hit the routing.

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