The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2240 of the Chapter 2240 of the Prince of Tennis

"Well! Coach, I know!" Heada Jimei male also took the lead in basketball court.

"Shenjin, Matsumoto, seeing an opportunity to quickly attack!" Tang Ben Wulan finally.

"Yes! Coach!" The two nodded.

"Heada ... You have to help your brother!" Tang Botang Fang Lang finally took the shoulder of Yacada.

"Yes ~!" Hai Tian's Ya Hao should have a little doubt, "" I want to be a US man to bear this kind of heavy responsibility is too early ... "

On the court, the king industry players.

Shenjin has shipped the basketball to the half of the high school in Xiangbei. The Yamadi Mei Men of the Kings Industry relied on the inner line. Two people staged a meat war in Xiangbei, which was to compete for it. position.

"Oh! The inside of the two teams compete is very intense! The young is really good!" Qiang Tianhao sighed.

"That kind of fool ... is also fighting with that big buzz!" Yanchu Feng is still sitting on the scene.

Snapped! Shenjin has a good fortune to circumvent the defense of the night, and the basketball is hang into the inside.

"It is evil! This guy is clearly nothing, why is it so strong?" "" "" "" ""

Snapped! The inner line of Heada Meisi man hugs basketball, at the same time, he has come to the basket of Xiangbei high school, completely squeezing the Sakuragi.

bass! It is also turning around Hiyutian Ji Ji, although the body is huge, but turning around is quite flexible, and one turned around and squatting, it is to shoot basketball.

Sakuragi has been hit by the center of gravity, and there is no interference to the Yudi Men.

Snapped! Heada Ji Ji men is relaxed to play the goal!

16 to 20! The difference between the two teams is further reduced!

"Well!" After the Mi Ji male goals, he held a box to celebrate, and his eyes became a seam.

"very good!"

"Amei male invincible!"

"Beautiful goal!" The fans of the hometown of the Kings Industry in the Taiwan King industry were boiled, and they were on the ground, and Xiangbei was pressed. Now it is finally turned over. The situation on the field seems to be quietly reversed.

"This is right, you don't need to be afraid! May Junan, the opponent can't prevent you!" Tang Botang Wulang took the opportunity to increase confidence in Heada Meishang.

"Yes!" Heada Mei Jun male turned his head and said that he was so confident.

"Can evil, long wind ..." Sakuragi turned his head and looked at the night, "Is this a dollar? He has always used my top!"

"Then you will go back!" The night is long, "If you can't do it, let me change!"

"Can not be evil! I don't want it! I am now on the core!" Sakuragi became confident in an instant.

"This guy of this nerve ..." Night-length wind is very helpless to Sakuragi, and he also doesn't have any way.

"Hey ... I am really worried, the teacher actually raises the core of that stupid!" Achilici is worried about the body of the Sakura.

Snapped! Snapped! It is still the ball of the night, and the night is very fast. It has passed half a game. It is too close to the night.

Because the speed of the night is too fast, if the thousands of pour, it is likely to get rid of it as before.

"Changfeng, here!" Sanxi Shou reached out to the night long style.

Snapped! Night, the right hand, put the basketball with the basketball, it seems like a pass on Sanjing Shou.

"You are big!" Shenjin has suddenly accelerated speed, he thought he saw the pass route of night long wind.

"Stupid!" The night is growing, "How can I pass this obvious ball!"

Snapped! Night windshield is just a fake action of passing, and the pole of the pole of the finger wrist suddenly forces in the opposite direction.

Basketball is a place, accurately arrived in the hands of the Sakuragonical Flower Road, and in the middle of the city, it is not aware of the mother, and consumes an extra body.

"Xiangbei is the core of Sakuragi Flower Road?" Shanghai South's coach is high.

"What? Is there a gather in Xiangbei?" Qingtian believes in a surprise.

The inside of the King Industry, the Sakuragi hands hug basketball, the ball is very in place, directly to the chest of the Sakuragi, the Sakuragi only needs to take the basketball to hold the basketball, think (? It's hard to catch a ball.

"Come!" The eyes of all people in Xiangbei were concentrated on the Sakuragi, which was more nervous than their own attack.

Because no one knows how the Sakuragi will have actions!

"You look, the flower is holding the ball!" Several people in the Sakuragi Legion on the stage were quite surprised, because the first offensive point of Xiangbei actually chose Sakuragi.

This is completely all over, the previous Sakura Trees are generally the fifth of Xiangbei attack, and the last choice.

"Safe!" After the border of Sakuragi, one turned over, holding the ball, is facing his defender, the Mei Ji male, the eyes are fighting the flame, the expression is also unprecedented!

"Wow! Red Maozi wants to challenge the US juggle!"

"Does he want to report a hatred?"

"Don't be joking, he is a lot of people than the US!" I saw the fans of the King industry in the mountain.

138 chapter, folding into the top!

On the field, the inside of the King Industry.

"Female meatballs, can you think your strength can you knock me again?" Sakuragi started using basketball using the usual trick - language harassment.

"Hey! No ..." Heada Mei Ji is like some Du.

"Others think that I will use the speed and you will win, in fact, I am better than the power, I will win!" Sakuragi suddenly held basketball to hit the numen of Jiji male.

When I stand outside the three-point line, I was glanced at it. "I am wrong, the guy of Sakuragi is really idiot!"

beep! The whistle of the referee sounds uncomfortable, while the referee has a punch to cross the cross-rotation to make a walking posture.

"The ball of Xiangbei 10th, the ball of the king industry!" The referee announced the way.

"True fool!" Akiwu is on the head of the Sakura, "Anxi coach can not call you more than the power!"

"Bastard! What are you doing! You didn't hear the coach's arrangement? I just listened to you to say that you are more than the power, are you idiot?" Mitsui complained in the Sakura.

"I can't hear it ... I can't hear it ..." Sakuragi this is the halo-527-, don't want to listen to the three wells and red.

"I am going ... Sakuragi this guy, it seems to be a demonstration for him, he understands!" The night is helplessly shakes.

On the field, the attack and defensive conversion, the offense of the Kings industry.

The Shanwang Industrial This is a continuous hand, and ultimately sells basketball to the Niji Mi Men of the Inner Line.

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