The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2243 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Wow ... The replacement player in Xiangbei seems to be very excited!" Guaixian Hao two disassembled. Where did he know how the Sakuragi can go to the people who know the Sakuragi in such a far away.

"No ... It's okay!" The Sunda Congress in Tsingta on Taiwan was stupid.

"Sakuragi this is ..." Mastilen is also surprised.

"He has improved again!" Gigute is very surprised.

"Good!" Sakuragi raised the right hand.

"Seeing there is no meatball, this is the stunt of this genius!" Sakuragi is more likely.

"This person is so powerful ... and the speed is still very fast!" Heada Jimei men stunned.

"Don't mind, the US!"

"Give him a goal!" When he saw a support group in the Kings Industry, he was starting to support.

Attacker and defensive conversion, the inner line of Xiangbei.

Sakuramuses blocked the rivers and Jujubi men, not let him further.

And deep into the guard basketball, and did not pass the basketball to the Niji Men of the Nikian.

Because Hakada Meisi is in that position, it is impossible to go into the ball. Like Sakuragi, the Hakata Mei Ji male will only take a shot.

Hakata Mei Ji is also the same as Sakuragi, a noble basketball.

"I am evil ... I must squeeze in!" Heada Ji Ji male lost rationality in the coming of the King Industry, and the right hand was slammed, and the Sakura fly directly on the ground.

"Dangerous!" Zhongbei was shocked.

"Hey!" Sakuragou fell in an instant.

beep! The referee is instant whistle, "the mountain industry 10th player hits the people, Xiangbei High School players!"

"Ah! It is a US joy!" The fans of the king industry on the stage were some disappointed.

"To ... Sorry!" Heada Ji Ji male reached out of the Sakuragi who was knocked down by himself.

"Hey ... meatball people, you don't have to apologize, because we are in the game!" Sakuramao smiled.

Xiangbei still maintains eight points of leading advantages, the situation on the field and the first quarter have changed, and the game has been processed in the second section, and there is still nine minutes from the end of the half-game.

"Is it no longer ..." Tang Botang Wulang has also seen that the Yudi Mi Men has reached the limit, and Xiangbei has seen the details of the Miji Men of Hakata.

"Good! Defense!" Hiya Ya Hao turned and turned to prevent, did not have too much a ball.

The offensive of Xiangbei, the night-lived wind passed the basketball to the inner line of Sakuragi ...?

Now Sakuragi has become a point in the field of Xiangbei's best in the field.

"Goodbye ... Meatball people!" After the Sakuragi brought the ball, the body was sinking and then slaughtered from the right side of the River Emerald.

"Ah!" Heada Ji Ji male is surprised, but if you want to turn around, it is stumped on the floor, and the floor collision sounds a sudden sound.

Sakuragi is directly killed in the basket of the King King industry, directly getting up, a layup who looks not so standard.

! Basketball is accurately incorrect into the basket, and the action of Sakuragi is also a good thing. It is not like a novice.


"Wow! It is the layup of the Sakuragi Flower Road, Xiangbei goes again! Very! Super Black Ma Xiangbei High School leads the king of the king's king industry! It's unbelievable!" The Qian Tianhao in the explanation room excited.


"Great, Sakuragi!" The replacement of Xiangbei High School was boiling.

"Sakuragi! Sakuragi! Sakuragi!" The first time I first sounded the Sakuragi, which made Sakuragi more excited.

"Wow haha ​​... I didn't ... this is the strength of this genius!" Sakuragi laughed.

The Shan Wang Industrial This Halloho is only adjusted, and the Heada Meisi male is directly replaced, replaced a new big forward.

The next nine minutes, the night cost is also replaced by the Anxi coach 5.5, and the game entered the knot.

The king industry is worthy of the king, soon it is adjusted, and after the night of the night, the offense of the King King industry is much better, and the defense is not so tight.

However, the hit rate of the two teams is not too high. After all, it is the final, and the defensive strength is not the previous game.

Until the referee blew the end of the end of the game, Xiangbei finally took six points to the middle of the midfield in the leader of the score of 42 to 36.

After the night is in the wind, Sakura is also quite active, and the rebound does not have to say, even the shooting basket has entered a few, and it has become a true core ACE player in Xiangbei.

However, all this is just a beginning of the entire final, and the real depends and exciting still have a second half of the Hunan High School and the Kings Industry ...

141 chapter, the second half

"Xiangbei! Xiangbei! Xiangbei!" Take a hidden day in the high school of Xiangbei on the table, the fans are quite crazy.

"Mountain king! Mountain king! Mountain king!" Mountain industry fans did not show weakness, although the last half of the competition leads, but after the night is in the wind, the mountain industry is slightly pressed against Xiangbei, and chasing the score Minute.

"Wow! The first half of the wonderful fierce finals is over, let's take a look at the two teams of data!" The computer display in front of the Quanjun Hao in the explanation room showed all the players in the first half of the two teams. data.

The data of the King Industry This is averaged in average, and the high school of Xiangbei is different, and there are three data particularly bright.

First, the score of Sanjing Shou, the first half, Sanjing Shou, three shots, six voters plus three free throws, a total of 21 points, occupying all the scores of all Xiangbei High School.

You know that this is the final of the summer basketball league, and the strength of the defensive strength is very high. Three wells can win more than two or more points is the most 31 Hakada, the most 31 Hakada.

In addition, the Budget's rebound is, in fact, the score of Sakuragi is also relatively bright, and I won eight points, this is the highest score in the first half in the basketball career in Sakura.

More surprisingly the rebound, fifteen!

That is to say, it is the first half of the Sakuragi to grab the fifteen rebounds. There are nearly half of them being the frontcourt rebound. It can be seen that Sakuragi is so big about the impact of the King's industrial basket.

The last bright data is the assists of night long winds, and the night-catching winds have a twelfth assists, which means that at least twenty-four points and night wind are related, not including the night growers. Score.

This is also the data that the night grows is only on the 11th minute.

"The night length of Xiangbei is basically the one-section twelfth assisted. This should be the highest record of the final!" When Tian Hao saw the night's data, it widened his eyes.

"Yes! And if the Xiangbei coach did not change the night-long wind, I estimate that his number of assists can be 20!" Schoshan, Sugami, has made a lot of research on the night grows.

The ability to live in the wind is quite comprehensive, and the two most prominent two in these capabilities are the dunk and pass.

Of course, these are the result of building hardships under the lifting of the lifting of the lifetime.

"Ah! The player of the Kings Industry has returned to the court!" Xiang North replaced Shang An Tian not ended that the rest time did not end. The players of the Shanwang industrial returned to the stadium.

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