The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2249 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Tang Ben Wulang is also smart than the high-head power. He knows how to use this question to evoke your player to win the championship and victory.

"Yes, we are here, isn't it for championship?" Among the time, the mountain industry lifted his head.

On the basketball court, there is nothing more happy than gaining the championship and victory.

The King Industry is once the king, and the players on each of them have a champion.

The king of the king industry is again reverberation of flames.

On the basketball court, the difference between scores is not the most terrible, the most terrible is the confidence of loss!

"Good! Play!" Tang Botang Wulang did not arrange any tactics. His calling is mainly to let five people in the Kings industry calm down, instantly take a break.

As the coach of the mountain industry, Tang Botang has an absolute confidence to his players.

He believes that as long as you can bite a score in the third section, Xiangbei High School is so hard to force the whole world, and it will be a big drop in the fourth section. At that time (Wang Hao Zhao) is the mountain industry turned over. opportunity.

"Yes!" You Wang industrially stood directly, slowly moved to the stadium, and the previous expression is completely different.

The side of Xiangbei, the Anxi coach did not lay in what tactics, just let everyone take a break.

Anxi coach is full of confidence in the body of Xiangbei, no, it should be confident in his ability to control the game.

beep! Referee a whistle game continues.

! The night long is relaxed, and the penalty will be punished.

52 to 39! At the same time, the night growth is three points and will expand the two teams to thirteen!

Attacker and defensive, and arrived at the offense of the King Industry.

The whole audience is forced, and the high school in Xiangbei is still adopting the same tactics, night long winds and rigorous maple two people caught deep intoulin.

Although I have a resumption of fighting spirit, I still can't find the passing of the ball, the Shanwang industry has fallen into hard work.

147 chapter, the king on the edge of the cliff

The entire second half of the game, the Shan Wang Industry has not been over, in addition to the three points of the opening of Zebei Rongzhi, there is no excessive.

And Xiangbei High School is already very arrogant in just two or three!

On the field, Zebei Rongshi ran to the side of Shenjin, and the right hand stretched. This time, Zebei Rongzhi did not shout, but the fire of the fighting spirit of the bears in his eyes.

bass! Shenjin has a smart back to pass back, and it turns out the basketball from the side of Zhuan Feng.

In the past two minutes and a half, Yan Sichuan Feng consumes a lot of physical strength, and he doesn't have a loyal to the enchanting body, so this goal is not to keep up with the rhythm, and it has been passed out by Shenjin.

Snapped! Zebei Rongzhi's right hand, did not return to this ball, and then rushed straight.

"It's so fast!" Xiangbei took the mumpy, and the body shape of Zebei Rongshi has shocked the Sakuragi.

The whole game is like this. Once it is broken, there will be a large area of ​​emptiness.

"On the speed, my Zebei Rongzhi will not lose!" The speed of Zebei Rongshi is getting faster and faster, it is even better than the opening.

"I want to go!" Sanjing-797-life slippery is in front of Zebei Rongshi.

Snapped! Snapped! Zebei Rongshi did not hesitate, did not speed up, and quickly transferred a circle with three wells for the axis, and there were three wells in an instant.

"Good!" The king industry's replacement of everyone is in the spirit.

"Good! Zebei!"

"Rush! Zebei!" The fans of the king industry in the silent king industry on the stage began to shout.

At this time, only the inner line of Xiangbei half, the last defense line was left.

"Let me go revers the game!" Zebei Rongshi is directly killing the three seconds of Xiangbei high school, then jumping!

"Too true, kid!" Red Mood didfully, and jumped in the air.

! Zebei Rongshi was originally wanted to stage a wonderful play of a carrying rod, but did not think that the Capi's capped cap has been too fast, and the basketball in his hands is directly taken directly with a red wooden!

"Ah!" The audience on the stage is a glimpse.

"Beautiful big hat! Wonderful!" Guaixian Hao two on the cloves of the hat.

Snapped! After the basketball was flicked by the red wood, he fell in the hands of the defensive brick home.

"There is also a chance!" The King Industry has ignited hope in the eyes of everyone.

bass! A Huang Cong is directly jumping directly in the unmanned defense, and the basketball is done.

! It is a big hat, and this big hat is from the night long wind from the mountain industry.

"Wow! The continuous cover of Xiangbei! It's really expected!" The Qianhao Erji in the explanation room began to roar.

Snapped! The strength of the night is too big, and the basketball is directly in the half of the king industry.

Before you grab the basketball in your hands before you grabbed the Sichuan Feng, that is, the ball is still in the hands of the King Industry.

"Come on! Shenqi predecessors!"

"Don't worry, now the most important thing is to enter a ball!" The replacement of the King Industry is not good.

"Red Wood!" Heada Ya Hao looked at the neighborhood of Xiangbei, a red mood of Taishan, flashing a golden light in his eyes.

On the field, I brought a basketball to a single game.

The two team players have a stamped formation, which is the position of the king industry!

The inner line of Xiangbei, the huge history of Heada is desperate to have an excellent location, and then reach out to Shenzhen, "Give me the ball!"

Snapped! Shenjin has built a basketball into the inside, and is the confusion of the two major center of Hiya and Red Wood.

bass! After the huge history of Head, it is directly to turn it directly, and you want to attack directly!

"It's not so easy!" Red Mood also made full strength, using XIO (DBCJ) NG, the Top River Tian Ya Hao, will be able to push the Hutian Yachang to the rebound below!

"The good! Red Wood!" Muku was present to take a loud noise.

"I am evil! No shooting is angled!" Hutian Yachang is full of sweat.

"Drink!" Yakata Yachang has no way, simply forcing the jump directly, and the hands will raise the basketball. He wants to fight the Red Wood, and hook his hand.

! The Yaci Yachang has not fully jumped, and he was opened by Red Wood!

Snapped! The night-hearted figure suddenly appeared next to the two, and the basketball covered under Red Wood was caught in the hand, and then directly, the anti-attack.

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