The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2267 of the Chapter 2267 of Wangzhao System

! Night wind dance directly in the three seconds of the King King industry, the body glides in the air.

"The king's basket is still not going to get a wild!" Zebei Rong Zhi actually shunted in front of Yan Shoufeng, jumped, and the maple will be directly destroyed in a must-beatented dunk!

Snapped! The basketball was flicted by Zebei Rongshi.

"What?" Yuchuan Fengyi, and Zebei Rongzhi is directly landed, the basketball is controlled, and then directly counterattack.

Snapped! The speed of Zebei Rongshi is like lightning, and the speed of the previously different grades, the speed is fast, and now the speed of Zebei Rongshi is almost different from night.

"Is this the true strength of the first person in the country?" The night is very shocked, "Why did you take this speed now?"

"Zebei grows up!" The strength of Tangbiao, the field of Shouran, for the strength of Zebei Rongshi, but before Zengji, Yeung Zhi, did not want to make this speed and concentration, but he couldn't make it at all.

Didn't reach the most perfect best, now Zebei Rongshi has reached the wonderful state under the stimulation of the night length.

Once the player enters this state, each of his actions will be approached to instinct, fast, accurate, and no matter what is wasting.

This night's long hammer is different, and the state of Zebei Rongshi is an absolute talent.

bass! Zebei Rongshi directly took the ball with the speed of Sanjing Shou, Sanjing Shou did not have a lot of effort to stop Zebei Rongzhi.

Then, the Red Wood near Xiangbei's penalty line was taken by Zebei Rongshi, and the movement of Zebei Rongzhi has no night's feelings, but full of smart, the whole person is like It is a wizard that is jumped on the court.

"There is also this day again, don't be too mad!" At this time, only the remaining Sakuragi is high in the air, raised his hands.

The Rongshi, Zebei, did not fear, catering the Sakuragi is a high roundabout.

Basketball brushed between the hands of the Sakuragi, and finally the flying basket.

The radians are very high, and it is great to expect the Sakuragi.

When the sakura turned, only the visually basketball fell into the basket.


"This guy!" Sakuragi put on the green gluten, in addition to the night, he did not feel this kind of speed, even if there was no speed of Yanchu Feng.

"Good!" The fans of the Kings industry on the stage boiled, this is the goal they want.

"The trump is a trump! The MVP of the King Industry also has a good time! The game is getting better and better!" The front of the neighborhood in the hall is rushed up and down.

The rhythm of the competition has not been weakened at this time, but it is getting faster.

Strong lungs, such as Qi Tianhao, the roaring emperor, is also a little dying, take advantage of the gap of the fans, and the two constantly exhaled.

"Mountain king! Work hard! Mountain king! Come on!"

"Super average! Rely on you! Defading Xiangbei!" The scale of the reunion group of the Shan Wang Industry is still a lot more than the residue of Xiangbei.

"Available guys, don't be proud! I must get into my head!" Sakuraffled is very dissatisfied to see the back of the Northern Rongshi turned back to the anti-fight.

"Hehe ... Interested!" The night grew is laughing, "Now is the real game starting ..."

On the field, the attack of Xiangbei.

Basketball in the loud wind, the night-long wind does not pay attention to the inner line of Sakuragi. Now the ball is not a very good time. Heada Yaci has been prepared for Sakuragi.

"Just that kind of ball, I don't still say it!" The night is long face, and the golden light flashed. At this time, it is Zebei Rongzhi.

Zebei Rongzhi directly attached to the night's wind, he now has absolute confidence in his speed, confident that you don't lose to the night.

This is true, Zebei Rongshi is actually keeping the speed of the night.

"It's so powerful!" I can't hide the scene outside the eyes of the field. "I have never seen someone can keep the first step speed of the long wind!"

Night wind did not choose to force breakthrough, but turned over to the basketball behind him, then the back of the 850 king industry in one step step by step.

One of the many tips in the night - back of the back.

This kind of back is not able to do it, it needs to be difficult to practice repeatedly, a stunt that is rarely used at night.

Only when the night is really serious and recognizes the opponent, the night long wind will use this trick.

"Behind the body?" The Sangkang's Wutang is locked in the night, "He wants to fight?"

One step in the night will move the basketball to the three seconds of the mountain industry halfway. At this time, the Hutian Yami gave up the Sakuragi and also wanted to prevent the night.

This is very adventive, because the ball of night is too good, he can pass through the ball at any time, so that the Sakuragi in the basketball.

But the night is not chosen, but continue to the top of the king industry.

At this time, the night-catching movements are very rhythm, stop, very charm.

!! Zebei Rongzhi closed the night's long wind, but he was hit by a chest hurt, although the speed kept, but the strength of the Zebei Rongshi and the night length still have a small gap.

"I will help you!" The old body of Hiuritian Ya Hao appeared behind the night, and two people left one right in the middle ...

166 chapter, ace

"Paint! The Kings Industry adopts the tactics of the Night Great House of Xiangbei!" Qian Tianhao's second-prone is improved, and the audience at the scene will also pay attention to these three people.

Night winds all did not pay attention to the fans of the two of Heads and Zebei Rongshi. Once he got this position, a person and two people defensive to night long winds have nothing to distinguish.

bass! The night long wind is running back to the left, and the speed is quickly scared. The players on the Dai Dynasty can even see the night long-winding shoes and floor Mo erased Mars.

"Oxual!" Hiya Yachang found that he did not completely swearing the strength of the night, and the strength of Zebei, who was not strong, did not have to say it.

At this time, Zebei Rongshi made a bold move. He suddenly drilled to the night of the night, he suddenly passed the basketball of the night cost.

At this time, at this time, just grabbed this chance of this, one turned in the middle of the basket, this time is completely turned.

The whole person is like a gyro, and it is directly transferred to the three seconds of the Kings Industry. One instant will be blocked behind the Yaji and Zebei Rongzhi.

"What! His past!" The Qiang Tianhao in the explanation room has two eyes. He didn't see how the night is getting rid of from the fans of the two people.

"Get rid of it!" Xiangbei is also shocked, and then stopped from, "Go, Changfeng!"

"The rhythm of the night is very good. This pace of this back is simply turned into the back of the textbook!" The animal pomitic on the stage lit.

Anni often used the back, but after watching the movement of the night, the animal husbandry had to recognize that he and the night-catching gap have been in a small gap.

"I want to have to go!" Hutian Ya Hao is a backborn, and its movements are much faster than Redua. He turned around and blocked in front of the night.

scold! There is a light in the night long, there is no hesitation, it is already jumped in the three seconds of the Kings Industry.

If you say where the basketball court has no one hundred% goal, it is the three seconds!

Among the three seconds, no matter who is facing, no matter how many people in front of them, he has absolute confidence.

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