The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2271, Chapter 2271, Chapter 2271 of the Prince of Tennis

Snapped! Basketball that was challenged by Zebei Rongshi finally hit a rebound, then bounced into the basket.

84 to 8.9!

The audience at the scene stunned, and the players on the court also stunned.

"what's going on?"

"How is this ball into?" The audience on the stage turned up, under the barrier of the night length, many viewers did not see the action of Qingze North Rongzhi.

"Flashing in the air, the three major masters of the three masters of Xiangbei! This ball is too beautiful, the fidelity of the two teams is very strong! This is just a battle!" Guaoda Hao 2ndly roaring.

"Rong Zhi ... is a great opponent, you have to grasp this opportunity!" The specialty of Zebei Zhezhi looked at his son, he knew that his son waited for a so powerful opponent for too long.

Since the death of Mid Zebei Rongshi defeated his dad, his basketball career became bored, just because his strength is too strong.

I far beyond the opponents he can encounter, which makes Zebei Rongzhi feel very bored.

He also likes the wind, like challenging life, likes powerful opponents.

Night wind is the strongest opponent encountered by Zebei, which is strong to make Zebei Rongzhi suffocate.

Under this powerful compression, Zebei Rongshi is already completely released, with his own potential and subconscious, playing.

The night's wind is completely inspired by the potential of Zebei Rongshi. One of the Lei Zebei Rongzhi Ä knows what is the potential will be?


Night long wind holding ball, still in front of him is Zebei Rongshi.

"Ah! Long wind!" Wapu shouted.

"You are enough, but your lucky skill is still very far, you know?" Night is suddenly cold.

"What are you talking about?" Zebei Rong Zhiyi.

At this time, the night is suddenly started, and the basketball jumps back and forth between the night cost.

Snapped! Night long wind suddenly dials the basketball, and the whole body is also fast forward.

"I want to go!" Zebei Rong Zhi came back to the god and started moving back with the ghost of the night.

No matter what a fake action, Zebei Rongzhi is concerned about the footsteps of the night, because the footsteps will not be lie, while the body moves in the hands and the first half, even the eyes are in the hands of the mystery. Lifferenware.

Snapped! When the night's long-lasting, Zebei Rongshi is not moving, no choice! Continued breakthrough, but suddenly donated the body, then put the basketball back to one.

Snapped! Basketball instantly reached the night of the night, disappearing among the sight of Zebei Rongshi.

"What about the ball?" Zebei Rongshi continued to maintain the defensive distance of the night long, and he was more close than the night before, he was on the back of the night.

Snapped! The night-hearting wind did not plan to use the backbound basket, but change the basketball to the left hand.

The basketball appeared again 1.6 in the line of sight of Zebei, and the next second basketball disappeared!

"Basketball ... disappeared?" Zebei Rong Zhiyi.

"You are too concerned about my footsteps!" The night-long has already discovered the defensive strategy of Zebei Rongshi. He just just the back of the back, let the basketball disappeared in the sight of Zebei Rongshi.

"What!" Just in the heart of Zebei Rongzhi.

Night long wind suddenly all dials from their own, the basketball is magically through the night long wind and Zebei Rong Zhi, and the night long is the moment from Zebei Rongzhi. Brush.

Snapped! When the basketball is charged again, the night long is already a person's ball, and Zengzhi, Zebei, is completely blocked by the night.

God's ghosts, no words, nothing to say!

In the blink of an eye, the night is getting rid of Zebei Rongzhi!

170 chapter, challenge me? I am stronger!

"What?" When Zebei Rongshi turned his head, the night's wind left only a long-lasting jersey back.

"Can be evil! What is the opponent of Zebei, which is near to high school students, is not the opponent of the night-lived, and the king industry is somewhat moving.

As a regular king, they never thought that they would fail, they will fall in front of other teams, but at this moment they saw the practical gap.

Night wind does not use speed and strength to force Rongzhi, Zengzhi, but use unparalleled dribbling skills, which is not a talent or body gap.

This is the gap on the feeling of basketball and the amount of training, and sometimes it seems to be just a little bit, but in fact it is a huge gap with a gap.

"Block him, Zebei! Don't give up!" The coach of the ownership of the farmhouse, the Shuanglan, who saw the Zebei Rong Zhi shouted.

"Can be evil!" Zebei Rong Zhi returned to God, started speed, fighting, and chasing the night-length wind that has been killed into the inside of the king industry.

"Zebei Rongzhi is also very fast, the speed of the two people is too amazing!" Qiang Tianhao 31st shouted.

! At this time, the night-catching wind turned into a big step in the free throw line in the Hakan Industrial Half, and then directly greeted the Hakada Yacondi, who was holding his hands.

Shu, Zebei Rongshi actually chased the night-long, and stretched out from the night length of the body [] The right hand wants to take a basketball in the night cost.

beep! The whistle of the referee sounded that Zebei Rongshi hit the night's hands, but it could not take basketball. Because the power of the night is too big.

"This ..." Zebei Rongshi stunned, the body of the night fly in the air, constantly gliding. ,

"This time you have been in the past!" Heada Ya Hao is also jumping at the same time. The hands are launched, and the wind is in the wind, he will stop the night growth.

However, when the body of Hakata, the body of Hutian is going to contact the night, the night is actually forced to turn around in the air.

At this time, the camera of the basketball hall gave the night long-winding, the night's body is like a gyro, and the Hakada is the axis, and a rotation is in the air back the Hutian Ya Hi.

"What is the lagging ability?" The audience exclaimed.

Dang! At this time, the body at this time is already the negative angle under the basket, but he still lifted the basketball in an instant, and the hands were in the basket!

"Unbelieve! What is this ball?" Qiang Tianhao's excited stood in the room, "After being foul, after the air split, three hundred and sixty degrees, the opponent, forced rod under the basket, then Is it buckled in the hands? "

"O.m.g! I am dreaming?" Qiang Tianhao seconds did not know how to explain.

The player of the mountain industry in the field is also said to the ball.

"Dudu! Two goals are effective!" The two hands that were raised, "the king industry player handed by foul, plus one, one time!"

"Wow! Or two plus one! ▉▉▉ ▉▉▉ and the audience of Xiangbei fans are once again ignited again.

When the game arrived in this key, when the competition, everyone consumed, and the night's wind actually can stage the sky, the sky, the sky!

This is the player of the Kings industry, the audience of the scene, and the audience did not expect.

Typical night long-style dunk, high difficulty, long time, and is unique, others will not do, do not dare to do, don't do it.

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