The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2282 of the Chapter 2282 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

After the three wells, it is to escape the night long wind and fairy road. After a relaxed book, it is two points to the hand!

7 to 6!

"Duan Sichu Ma is passing again?" The field and the outside people are all glimpse.

181 chapter, score alternating

Snapped! On the field, Zhuan Feng and Sanjing Shou have a palm.

"Luanchuan this guy is really a lot!" The night is laughing.

A powerful attack is terrible, but if a strong attack hand, he will pass the ball, this can't just describe it just the terrible.

Why is the university team in the country, no one can prevent the night growing, because the night grows more than just the first step of the inner unparalleled, and he has unparalleled passed.

Zhuan Feng was originally a guy who brought the ball, the ball did not live, but he was affected by the lounge.

Duan Shoufeng is the ability to pass the ball. It didn't pass the ball because he always thought that he can put the basketball into the basket.

But now it's different, there is a passage of the ball in Quanshuan Maple.

"It's evil! It was out of the dead fox!" Sakuragi complained on it.

On the field, the offense of the white team is still an attack.

!! Fuji is really rapidly taking the city.

This time, Fuji did not choose to pass, but a breakthrough.

For a long time, Fuji is really carrying the burden of leading the team of Xiangyang. He is both a player and a coach, and it is only for the continuous leading Xiangyang.

At this time, Fuji is already a burden, this game is really a victory, no responsibility, there is nothing responsibility, he only need to fully completely show your strength, it is enough. .

bass! Vine is suddenly accelerated to make Miyagi surprises.

However, when the vine really lost the palace city half, the speed of Miyagi played a role. The speed of Miyagi made him catch up with Vine, and it was once again in front of the Vine Supreme Division.

At this time, Fuji is really passed!

He hit the basketball into the three seconds of the Red Brigade, and the fish had passed the ball in the basket.

"This is called the pass ¨` [▉ "fish finally felt the charm of the pass, when Lingnan, Lingnan did not have a good point guard to fish.

And the Northern Nobei is a nightly style specializing in the ball. In this respect, Redwood is a big advantage.

Now this advantage is reversed, and the fish lives after the ball. It is straightforward to face red.

"Come on! Fish!" The red hand hit his hands in front of the fish.

bass! Fish stretched back in front of the basketball, then directly forced to swipe directly, and the basketball took the next shot, and then adjusted the rhythm to his most familiar step.

Then it is directly forced, at this time, a white figure outside the three-point line rushed into the inner line of the Red Brigade.



Fish and welcoming the red wooden hands to put the basketball behind him. He wanted to put this ball directly into the basket in front of red.

"Gorilla cap!" At this time, a red figure under the basket jumped high on the side of the fish.

"Yes you!" Fish is very shocked. Orchid

The red-haired redhead full of Sakuragi is unlimited!

! The basketball of the fish is holding the kneadly kills by the Sakuragi, and the two meet in the air.

Then there was a balance in the air, and the basketball turned into the basket of the Red Team halfway in the two people.

Snapped! Basketball is playing out of the basket, then it is high.

! At this time, the basket of the Red Brighter, Sakura, Red, and the fish are also jumped at the same time.

And this is the strength of Sakuragi, but Sakuraffick does not grab the air basketball.

Because there is a giant to fall from the sky, put the basketball in the hands on the three-person head.

Another night is growing!

"Can be evil! Is a small wind!" Sakuragi turned his head and saw the lime wind in the eyes of the golden light.

"Haha! You are far away!" The night is mad and laughing. It is in the air, it is obvious than three people, but the high-risk lagging ability, even let him pull the body again. .

"The long wind jump too high!" The wooden funeral pair of pads outside, he found that he would be more nervous than watching the finals.

"The boy!" At this time, Sanxi Shou suddenly jumped into the war group. He jumped from the night long, and he wanted to interfere with the night.

At this time, at this time, the basketball is exhibited by the basketball, just hiding the sneak attack of Sanjing Shou.

At this time, the body of the night's body is completely opened in the air, and the whole body is like a flying giant bow.

Dang! This giant bow turned a reflex in an instant!

At the same time, the basketball will bother the basketball into the basket, and the few people in the basket have been squeezed out of the three seconds!

8 to 7!

"Saucy!" The chest of Red Wood was hit by night, and the three wells were directly knocked down on the floor.

Only the Sakuragi appears to be alone, but you can't stop in your mouth, "If you are lucky!"

"Small three, are you nothing?" The night-long wind pulled the three wells from the floor.

"Nothing! You can't die!" Sanxi Shou took a painful PI shares, "Your kid is really welcome!"

"Haha, I advise you not to appear behind me, otherwise, I will die very miserable!" After the night is finished, turn it directly to the anti-fight.

"Changfeng, this boy!" Aiji and Sanjing Shou were angry enough. When I was a teammate, they just felt that night is a little mad, and now they feel that night is simply crazy.

"Red, you only know now!" The pastry smiled and laughed, a face of a blissful expression.

The rattan outside the three-point line is really eye-catching, "If he is in our Xiangyang, what will it be?"

On the field, the attack of Xiangbei.

This time, Sakuragi relied on the pastus in the inside, waving to the Palace, "this side! Liang Tian, ​​I am defense here!"

Mingsheng (Wang Zhao) a hurried to the Sakuragi, "Kid! I am defending you!"

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