The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2285 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

At this time, the Sanjing Life of Defensive Shen Zonglang is blocked by a ball that is published by herm.

Although it is not the most good position, Shen Zong Yiro is still shooting, there is no hesitation.

Hand, go out, final hollow network, everything is so smooth!

13 to 14! The game has just been in the past four minutes, the hit rate of the two teams is surprisingly high, and the rhythm of the game is also soaken.

The substitutes of Xiangbei in the field are stupid, and this competition is still fast than the previous national high school summer finals.

Shen Zong Yiling's three-pointers, it is a series!

He has been a very perfect feeling in the scene. The six different angles outside the three-point line are receiving the ball of the ghost.

Then the ball will shoot, which makes the Sanjing Shou can't stop it, because Shen Zong Yiro's shoot is too fast!

Going back, Sanxi Shou is also unhabined, there is no passage of night long wind, Sanjing Shouzhao is forcibly shooting in front of Shen Zongmiro.

At the same time, two people have three rounds, and the scores of the two teams are also crazy.

beep! When the referee blows the end of the first competition, the Red Brigade and the white score reached an exaggeration of 45 to 42!

White leads three points!

Sanjing Shou and Shen Zong Yiling are a lot of seven three-pointers, and the hit rate is also more than 90%, and the Xiangbei replacement outside the field is completely stayed.

184 chapter, rotating dunk

The first quarter of the two sides played very fast, the assists in the two organizations of the night, the two organizations of Miya, are all brushing.

Of course, this high-end game, the consumption of physical fitness is still quite large, especially for the control of the control of the rhythm.

The rest time in the first section is very short, and it is two minutes, and the red and white team will debut again.

The array of the two teams does not have any difference between the first festival, and the battle begins again, the red team's ball.

Miyagi passed the servant of Sanjing Shou, quickly advanced basketball to the white half.

This time the Red Brigade has made an offensive, the players on the field, especially the physical strength of Sanjing Shou, because the first section is basically the offense of Sanjing Shou.

Therefore, the second section started, the Red Brigade changed the strategy of attack and started to attack the insider.

Miyagi passed the basketball directly to the inner ring of Red Wood.

After the bustic ball, open the fish in the back of the back, and then it is forcibly turned.

"Red Wood! You have been in the past!" The fish hit his hands, he has been exploding many times by Red Wood, but the fish has never given up, he is still unfarent.

Snapped! After the rest of the red, suddenly, suddenly a three-second area that accelerated from the fish left -217-side hard to the white half.

bass! The fish hurriedly slipped to block the left side, not letting the red wooden forward half.

At this time, Red Wood suddenly became a fish with a fish, and then the moment of halfway is a center of the center.

After turning, the reddish flashes a shooting angle, there is no hesitation, and the red hook will give it a basketball.

Snapped! Basketball is playing directly in the upper part of the rebound, then bounce into the basket.

Very simply turned to the hook hand playing goal!

44 to 45! The Red Brigade pulled two points, and the division of the two teams became a point again.

"Good ball, captain!" Miyagi and Red æ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"Ox!" The fish took a basketball.

"Well ... now there is a distance from the fish and red cockroach!" Thinking in the night.

The center of the red cockroach is now urging, and there is a lot of tricks about the center's footsteps in a daily exercise of the long-winding.

This makes the decimal to advance, in the final of the national contest, the reason why the red becomes is able to fight with the Kings of the National First Struggle, because he is better than the other party.

In fact, in terms of the quality of the center, the height, weight and strength of the fish are better than the red mood, but it is only a lack of reasonable training, and there is a lot of fish, it is not high.

Night wind is not intended to be in the inside, the white team is set, and the animal or fish does not take advantage of the inside, which is also expected in the night.

Going back to the white attack.

Basketball is pushed by the night, and the ball, the night, the night, starting to open the situation in the second quarter, ready to open the situation, thus improving the momentum on the white field.

This kind of thing is that the night is often done in the Xiangbei team, so the red team is also very understanding of the habit of the night growing.

The five people's attention on the field is almost concentrated in the night long body, especially in the mountain.

The whole person hates must not be directly hanging on the night, but he dares on the night and long, too close, the probability of being started by the night's long-term start-up breakthrough is high.

Snapped! Snapped! Night live wind in front of Miyagi, under the low body, he is looking for and adjusts his rhythm.

Miyagi also sank his center of gravity to the limit, his attention is also a high concentration.

Continuous jitter of the shoulders, suddenly accelerated between the front of the mountains of Miya.

Miyagi is extremely fast, and the body is quickly retreat, while moving to his left side.

At this time, the night length wind took the right hand in the back of the back to the left hand, and the body changed from nearly ninety degrees, and the right side of Miyagi was broken.

"Ox!" Miya City made the strength of the milk, and forcibly twisted the body, then pounce the basketball in the loud life.

This continuous large angle of perspective is a huge test for a player's ankle, and there is a balance and flexibility.

For these aspects, the quality of Miyagi is still good, he keeps up with the night.

But when the basketball of the night's left hand is returned, a drum is moved behind to the right hand, and the body suddenly stopped in the high-speed breakthrough, slightly afterwards.

The ankle of Miyagi also couldn't bear such a dramatic change, and the poor palace was directly swayed on the floor, and the ankle was still painful.

It is also good for Miyagi to have a strong body, otherwise, this time his ankle is not seriously injured.

"Fall down!" The field is shocked by the north.

And the night growing is started in an instant, brushing from the Miya City.

! At this point, the night long wind is already a big foot of the 40th step in the red team. Then the night is straight, and the body is like a rocket.

Night long winds are feet in the air, then start with the inertia to rotate the body, while at the same time, the right hand will raise the basketball.

Red Mood ran out in the basket of the Red Brigade and jumped. He wanted to stop the night's wind, at least not allowing the night length to push basketball into the basket.

However, Red Wood is obviously the speed of the night length, when the red is jumped, the night long wind has turned around him.

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