The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2296 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Soon, the night long windshield arrived outside the Red Brigade, at this time, the animal husbandry is mentioned near the free throw line.

The two cooperated with a quite tacit understanding, and the Miyagi was once behind him, and then, the animal husbandry was chosen.

Snapped! The ball of the night, and the birth of the animal husbandry came to the red team, but this time the defense of Sakuragi is very in place, he blocks his hands before the past.

"Middle-aged uncle, there is a thing in my head!" Sakuragi deliberately provocative animal husbandry. Zero zero zero

"Stinky boy, don't think I don't dare to eat you!" Muyi one back puts the basketball guard in his arms, and the back is to arrive in the Sakuragi.

boom! boom! Another choice of the back of the birthplace, the swaying action of the defender in the Red Brigade.

Sakuragi has been in the usual exercise. This attack and defense drill has been too many, so Sakuragi did not choose to die.

If the Sakuragi is close to the past, it is easy to turn around by the animal.

Sakuragi chooses that the night grows, it is the rhythm, and puts the animal and yourself.

Anji's attack is like playing a cotton, completely can't do it.

Snapped! At this time, the animal husbandry has been protruded to the basket, and she has to attack the basket. It is an outward.

bass! Another boy jumped on the basket of the Red Brighter, and at this time, the Sakuragi, which has been retreating, is also jumped at the same time.

The two people are fast, but they are not as good as the bumper and bounce heights, and the Sakuragi, which is highly raised by both hands.

"Head boy, can you use this to prevent me?" Mastiler flashed a golden light at a glance, then in the air, it was ready to use it.

bass! At the same time, the birthday and the Sakurakou opened a small distance, and finally found the angle of shooting, and then the basketball was high.

Muyi, this ball is very high, so that it is not easy to be blocked.

But the animal husbandry is still a small bounce and arm exhibition, even if this is the case, the Sakuragi still reached enough to basketball.

Snapped! Basketball is touched by the middle finger of Sakuragi, changed the track directly in the air, and even the basket did not touch it, and finally grabbed by Red Mood.


Red team counterattack.

After the rest of the rebound, the rebound is directly thrown into the mountains outside the three-point line, and the Miyagi began to rush with the ball.

At this time, the five people of the White team were in the half of the Red Brigade, while the Miyagi came to the center of the center.

!! Constantly, the speed of Miyagi is so amazing. He will vent the night's long wind in the whole game.

"So fast!" Xiangbei replenishment is exclaimed in Miya City, showing the speed of the previously owned.

Snapped! When I was a penalty line of the white team, it was a three-step basket, and I have already flew to the basket, ready to put basketball into the basket.

A white figure suddenly shrouded over the mountains of Miya, which is a night.

"Nani! The long-standing senior is not in the three-point line of the Red Brigade?" The first grade of the Xiangbei high school basketball in the field was surprised to rise, they did not pay attention to the night and long wind. The time is chasing Miyagi, and it is ready to jump from the back to Miyagi to a big hot pot.

boom! Miyagi just holding a basketball with his right hand, and the night is a flying flying directly on the basketball.

Snapped! The basketball is directly fanned on the rebound and then bounce back.

"Beautiful cap!" The wooden tone outside the field did not fall.

bass! A fire red figure flew up from the night length of the body, and the moving figure was grabbed by the basketball of the bullets before grabbing the basketball, and then directly built into the basket.

It is a cherry-style flower road!

8.9 to 94!

Very timely, even some tips for night long-lasting, the night costume does not think that the speed of Sakuragi should be more, and Ji Sakura is covered in the necklace of the Red Team, theory is better than himself. Faster location, starting too late.

But this speed is not much.

"Haha! The small wind, you are also shocked by the super slam dunk of this genius!" After the Sakuragi landed, it was proud of laughter ...?

"It's a good, flower!" Liang Tian and Sakura Tuts a palm, then counter-fight against.

This time, the inner line of the Red Brigade is very active, which makes up for the situation that they are unfavorable, and the situation on the field is quietly changing.

Get the neighborhood, get the world, this old say is not unreasonable.

On the field, the white attack.

Continuous offensive is blocked, so that the night's wind is treated, and there is no such casual, and the red team in front of the night is not the king industry.

They are a stronger opponent than the mountain industry, and the talents don't say much, but also have tenacious will and strong good heart, and there are no two words in everyone's dictionary.

I have a deep-long-term night-long's night, so I've treated this game very seriously, and I took out my own 100% attitude.

The inner offense is blocked, and now the white team can't open the situation. At this time, when the wind is at this time, I chose the personal attack. After breaking through the inside, I passed a two-point ball directly on the Mik City.

Snapped! I haven't shooting for too long, and the night long-lasting style is a bit cold. When I didn't interfere with myself in Miyagi, the night growth is lost.

This situation is not a small, the night grow is a human, he is not God, although he seems to be like a god that is playing the ball, the night is not possible.

On the court, no one can be hundreds of thousands, basketball, Michael Jordan, no 4.7.

Snapped! Achille grabs this key defensive rebound, then it is to stop fast attack.

This time the white team's retreat is very fast. When Miyagi received a half-time, the White team was already a prestige of defensive.

There is no way to turn it into a position of the red team, and the basketball is passed from the Miya City to the inner ring.

After the bustle of Afi, I showed a very flexible footsteps in the inner line, and after rocking, a small hook in a small hook.

91 to 94! The difference between the two teams has returned to the three points of the two points.

Three points, five points! The largest difference in the two teams in this game is the two numbers. The neighborline of the Red Brighters is very active, pulling them back to the same starting line with the white team.

196 chapter, crazy score

At the end of the three sections, there is still a half-time time, the difference between the two teams is reduced to three points.

"Ox!" Fish is very annoyed, shooting basketball, "Don't I really be as red as a bow!"

The fish is indeed open, and the defensive ability has also improved a lot.

However, the Red Mood is no longer the year and fish, and the flower shape is a red wood in the first center of Shenchuan County. Now Redwood is a real-world first center.

Skillful internal pedestrian movements and combined feelings and strong willpower These factors overlap them to a person, fish, defense, no longer, no way.

In addition, the Red Brigade has a Sakuragon, and the growth of Sakuragu is now a national player, and Sakuragi is an X factor, you will never know what he will do next.

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