The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2308 of the Chapter 2308 of the Prince of Tennis

It is not strange to night-long wind, and he is instantly in the air. The only difference is that the ball is not in his hands, but on his head.

"Eat me, go to the huckle!" The night long-term wind is a button, and the whole body bent into a arverse bow in an instant, and the powerful waist strength is completely.

Solita, night long wind, full of strength, on the right hand, right hand slightly into a half punch, heavy red in the falling volleyball.

Next moment, the right side of the shadow and mountains rang the explosive loud noise.

call! The shadow is not moving in a step, he can't move one step!

The speed is too fast. He only captures a black shadow, it is too late to move.

The volleyball is heavy from him, and the wind that brought it is actually a training service that is blowing into the shadow.

"Wow!" The day, it is going to look out, and you have to look out.

"Day! I am doing a dream?" The three people in the wild were surprised.

They don't know the strength of the night, but they know that Yingshan is also a star-class player in the country's volleyball, even if it can't get the ball, it should not be completely movable.

"Too strong, is this kid are alien?" Tian Zhonglong's death stared at night with a stable land.

"The earth, we got the treasure!" Say is excited.

"Ah ... but did he just have a little strange?" There were countless times in the middle of Ze Village.

"Don't say so much, this kind of ball, I don't dare to pick it up! This is the ball, it is a bomb!" Tottaka real clothes, he went to see the volleyball professional competition, among which occupational volleyball The player's serve did not have the power of this serve.

"Oh ... this is what I won?" There is no happy expression after the night is far away. He just clearly slammed the ball in the position of the shadow and mountains, and wanted to slam the volleyball in front of the shadow.

But the serve, the night, the first time, the first time, the first time, the first time, did not grasp the weight and elasticity of the volleyball, and the half-screen fist did not take the ball to fly, but did not take the desired position.

The error exceeded one meter, which is unacceptable to the very high wind that is extremely high in physical control.

"Well ... I first made it in this way, it's not bad, the ball is not falling in the sky, you need to practice the amount of exercise!" The night is helpless shrugging.

"Let's come!" At this time, the shadow and mountain opposite the ball network rushed to the night.

"Ah! The king is angry!" The day was shocked.

"Don't call me the name!" The shadow mountain turned around the day.

"Hey, you are enough!" Although Zencun is very happy to have such a talent, the teacher is still next to it, let him see this unhamined scene.

"Let's come again!" The intensive concentration of the shadow and mountains, put the volleyball to the night, and the whole gods, as if the whole person burned.

"Captain, the second-grade ministers don't listen, this is a problem!" The teacher is very despised to see a village.

bass! At this time, the night lengthy winds will be thrown again.

This time, the movement of the night is significantly smooth than before, and it is more high.

Although there is no warm-up, the night is not dare to completely, but even if it only has a 50%, the bounce power of the night is not covered.

Full-effort you can touch the front edge of the rebound, which is simply a BUG in the volleyball.

"This time, I use your palm!" The night's wind launched the body, and the right arm turned to the exhibition, then the right hand five fingers launched, and the lightning is like.

A larger sound than before, the volleyball was positive in front of the night, which is a shot of the hot pot on the basketball court.

"What is this action? It's too messy!" Ze Village eyes didn't look straight.

Then, it's a sound, unexpected things happened ...

Chapter 005, dominate the country? (Ask for a self-defined)

Volleyball shot from the night is like shells. It is generally played directly in the middle of the stadium. It instantly pulled the whole net, and finally, the power was great to pull the two ropes of the net. broken. ω ● ● Ω

"What is the power?" Heaven, the strong power of the Tanzhonglong, the eyes, the eyes of the eyes.

"If this goal is on the person, it will die!" Warm male Naji Xiaozhan revealed the frightening look.

"Ah, I didn't have the net. It seems that volleyball is not so simple!" After landing, the night's wind shook his head, just taking the ball for the direction of control, and ignored the height.

No volleyball basis is completely on a brute force in jumping, the success rate is not high.

! However, things have not been ended here, and the volleyball is pulled by the net of the center of the stadium, it is actually pop-up.

And I just beaten on the head of the teaching director who is chatting on the field, but also smiles but the wigs on the head of the head are played by the volleyball, just fell on the head of Zetian.

Everyone in the gymnasium is a glimpse, and the face of Ze Village is completely black.

"Oh ... is a fake?" The bright bald head of the Yingshan Feidion was fully attracted.

"Earth, your head!" Naoto Koi pointed to the wigs on the Zencun Head and touched a smile.

"Hey ... Hey!" The field of the next side is already hurt.

"Hahaha ... Who is this guy!" At this time, the night-catching wind is not concerned about teaching director, laughing.

"Night long wind ... you give me a mouth!" Ze Village finally couldn't help but roar.

"Yes, my predecessors!" Night wind is not easy to hold back, because it is so much smile.

"Ze Village Jun, trouble, you can come out, can you?" Teaching Director turned out of the gym.

"Yes! Teacher" Ze Village hurriedly followed it.

"You have two kids, they are dead!" Tian Zhong was stunned by this burst, and the surprise was completely throwing up.

After half an hour, when the night's wind, this is not advisable, the captain Ze Village finally came back.

"You all come here!" Ze Village convened everyone.

"Today, the director said that it will not pursue it, and you don't need to apologize. But you have to see anything, have you listened to it?" Ze Village is lifted to everyone.

"I blame you this guy's temporary technology is too bad!" The shadow and mountains were very dissatisfied to see the night long wind.

The cold is shrugged, "It's not your first ball, I will send one more!"

"What do you say!" The shadow mountain was poked to the pain, and recalled the second serve of the long wind, although the action was very normally, the power was not covered.

"... I said that you have no finished, more less listening to me!" Ze Village's face has been completely gloomy, "What is it for you to come in Wuye, I don't know, but you must think Win it! "

"That is of course!" The shadow took the lead.

"Accurately, I can win my team." The night long-lasting flying is flying.

"The boy, every word is full of fire!" Tianzhonglong's hate can not take the night's wind pain.

"And me! I joined to defeat this guy!" The day that is ignored by everyone, pointing to the shadow and jumping.

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